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Arrival at Starbase 23

Posted on Sat May 2nd, 2020 @ 12:50pm by Captain Jack Solomon
Edited on on Sat May 2nd, 2020 @ 1:01pm

1,291 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Ark Royal, en route to Starbase 23
Timeline: MD3 1130hrs

Having completed the docking procedure at DS6, Jack had overseen the arrival of the civilian ships that had been part of the convoy.

Once the convoy arrived, consisting of the civilian ships as well as the Tirpitz, the Cutlass, the Warspite, the Dorsetshire, the Conqueror, the Crockett, the Ranger, the Kashin, the Thresher, the Constantinople, the Princeton and the Sutherland, Jack had checked in to see that they began offloading the civilians and also that the starships requiring repair or maintenance received that as soon as was possible.

Having completed his various tasks involved with DS6, Jack took some time to gather his thoughts, safe in the knowledge that the Ark Royal was due to leave imminently and make its way at maximum warp towards Starbase 23.

Walking onto the bridge, he found his new XO Lieutenant Yosemite stood ready and waiting for him to return from his ready room.

Jack nodded to her as he walked over and took the centre seat. "Are we ready to leave, number one?" he asked as he got comfortable in the chair.

"We are, Captain. DS6 Operations has cleared us for departure, we're ready to leave on your command," she explained.

Jack nodded as he pressed the shipwide comm button on the arm of his command chair. "All decks, this is the Captain, Prepare for immediate departure," he said, before looking over at both Lieutenant Raven at the Helm and Lieutenant Taloris at the Operations station.

"Ladies, if you please, take us out, one quarter impulse power until we clear the perimeter," Jack ordered.

Both Raven and Taloris started working away at their various consoles as the Ambassador class starship stated to leave its port within the docking ring and slowly make its way towards the massive hull doors. Within minutes, the Ark Royal had slowly and carefully made its way out of the doors and was out into clear space.

Once they had cleared the perimeter, Raven turned around from her position at the helm. "Captain, we've cleared DS6's perimeter, we are clear and free to navigate," she confirmed.

"Very well, set course for Starbase 23, maximum warp," Jack ordered. Once he saw that the course was laid in and Raven nodded her confirmation of this, Jack got up from his chair and stood between the Helm and Operations positions.

"Engage," he said and with that, the Ark Royal jumped to warp speed. AS soon as the stars blurred and he felt the ship reach its maximum velocity through what was a very slight and barely noticeable vibration in the deck plating. He smiled as he realised this and returned to his position in the centre of the bridge.

Looking at Rahe, he smiled a little.

"So, it would seem that we'll be re-joining the rest of 400's support fleet at Starbase 23," he began. "I know I already feel a little better about being able to rejoin the others and start to see some familiar faces."

Rhae Yosemite nodded in agreement. "It'll be good to get back amongst familiar faces and start to see what ideas the brass has about getting back into the fight and what ideas they have to getting our home back from the Typhon Pact," she offered.

"Amen to that. It's not bad living aboard a starship, that's something I haven't done in a long while and I have no issue with that, however, its also difficult knowing that an enemy has invaded and occupied your home... I understand now how the likes of Captain Sisko and his crew felt during the opening months of the Dominion War...and the urge to want to get that home back," Jack explained.

Having served in the war aboard the USS Wildcat B, he was fortunate that the Wildcat class starship had held her own against the likes of the Jem'Hadar, the Cardassians and to a latter point, the Breen and that they had not lost the ship to the enemy in battle.

He looked around the bridge, seeing so many young officers operating various stations and wondered how much action they had seen or know of and how much they would learn of during the current conflict.

"Well, let's enjoy our time whilst we have it. I'm sure once we arrive at Starbase 23, we'll soon know what's happening," Jack said. he got up from his seat and looked around.

"I'll be in my ready room, number one if I'm needed. I still have several reports to get ready before we arrive. Please let me know when we're in range," he said and then headed off to his ready room.

Once there, Jack ordered himself a drink from the replicator and sat down at his desk, happier that soon he would be with Deela once more and also amongst friends who he had missed during the order to evacuate.

Several hours later

Jack looked up from the last PADD he was reading and noting on as he heard the comm chime for his attention

"Captain, we're coming into range of Starbase 23," Rhae reported.

"Very well, number one, I'll be there momentarily," he responded. CLosing the channel and finishing his drink, Jack closed off the report and made his way to the bridge. On the viewscreen, he could see Starbase 23, which was a Regula Type 3 Starbase, much like Starbase 88 and 375. Having visited Starbase 375 a long time ago, Jack almost felt like he was going back home in a sense.

With the Wildcat based there during the war, he was well accustomed to the layout of a Regula Type 3 Starbase and knew he would find his way around easily. As the Ark Royal made her way towards the perimeter, he could see the fleet of ships in various positions around the starbase, noting that all of Starbase 400's remaining support ships, a handful of civilian vessels, and several ships of the Second Fleet were already there.

As they closed in, he saw the Essex in orbit of the station and seeing the Intrepid Class starship there in one piece already brought more joy to his heart.

Jack made his way back to the conn and took his seat. "How's the old girl doing Rhae?" he asked as she made herself comfortable in her new position on the bridge.

"Green across the board sir, all of department head reports are waiting in your Ready Room," she replied. He could see her relax a little as she noticed Starbase 23 on the viewscreen. "So, we're almost there."

"A few more minutes," Jack responded. "Taloris, hail Starbase 23, let's get docking procedures underway please."

"Aye Captain," nodded the Vulcan Operations Officer as she opened a channel.

"Starbase 23 Operations, this is the USS Ark Royal, Ready for docking manoeuvre," she requested. As the Starbase loomed into view, Jack held his breath as he took in the sight. It was good to see another Federation starbase again, but it wasn't SB400...a thought he tried to hide away for now.

"USS Ark Royal, this is Starbase 23 Operations, you're cleared for docking," replied the Operations Officer. "We're already welcoming ships from SB400, please make yourself at home during your extended stay. What's ours is yours," they replied.

Jack smiled as the welcoming mat was rolled out for them and already felt a little safer. Once docking was completed, he made sure that the various assignments were handed out and let Rhae get on with her job. Knowing that he was due to check in soon with the other ships from SB400 and with the rest of the Senior staff to also find out what was in store for him on Starbase 23.

What he also knew was that he'd be able to see Deela again...and that made him very happy.


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