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Untimely Return

Posted on Fri May 1st, 2020 @ 6:57pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,430 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Starbase 23/USS Mercy
Timeline: MD3 1030hrs


Jewel had been called back into active service but this time as Starbase 400's Marine Executive Officer with the same rank as Lieutenant General, she will be serving under Brigadier General Kaden Ross and she knew her place. Last time she was on Starbase 400 she was Chief Diplomatic Officer, which she found just wasn't her. She was a Marine at heart, and with her divorce from David she really didn't want to be around him because of the pain he caused her. She learned that he was reassigned somewhere else so she was glad to return to Starbase 400. Though, it would have a new pain she would have to learn to deal with is the death of her sister. She knew her brother-in-law was taking it rather hard. She was going to be there for him. She had to, he was the only one she had left she considered her brother.

Jewel sighed as she arrived at Starbase 23 as they were currently there.

Mike was looking over a report about incoming ships. The new USS Laffey, a Defiant class like the previous vessel, had arrived with the new USS Saratoga, a Sovereign class ship. Arriving with them was the USS Tyr, a Ronin class ship replacing Janice's USS Durga.

Mike hear someone walking ahead of him in the corridor but he didn't look up. A moment later he was face to face with his sister-in-law and at first he didn't know what to say...

"Jewel?! I, uh... I'm sorry." Was all Mike could get out.

She stopped and looked at Mike, she looked around seeing no one was around and then walked up to him and just gave him a hug. "Me, too..." Jewel said as she tried to hold back the tears that wanted to form. She then let go of the hug and looked at him for a moment.

Mike took a deep breath. "It's good to have you back." 'Work, yes, focus on work' Mike thought. "I'm sure you've read the latest reports, but General Ross is new to the Division CO position after David" Mike paused, he knew Hurd's and Jewel's marriage ended bad, "went AWOL. He's laid up in the Mercy's ICU ward after being wounded in the attack on RDB8 last month. He's short handed and will need help."

Mike paused a minute, he knew he was rambling a little. "Ross is a good man. Lennox is still a Regiment CO, a Lieutenant Colonel now. He's been acting CO of the USS Kearsarge. After we talk with Ross I'd like you to report that to get settled on the ship."

She nodded, "It's good to be back, though wish it was under better circumstances. But we will get through this," Jewel said with hope in her voice. She listened to what he had said, "understood." Jewel replied as they walked down the corridor. She looked at him, "Mike, know that you will always be my brother no matter what. I'll always be here for you for anything." Jewel said with a soft smile. "Other then my children, your all I have left." She added as they continued to walk.

Mike tried to smile, it didn't really show, "Thank you, and yes we'll remain family. We have to win this damned war for something." He said sincerely.

Several minutes later, they had beamed over to the USS Mercy. They tapped the chime outside Ross's room.

Kaden was busy doing pull ups the sweat running down his face and bare muscled torso. He had to stay in shape for regulations if he ever could get the courage to return to command. Although thanks to his muscle growth condition that made him look like a multi time world champion bodybuilder he really didn't need it. But it helped him stayed focused on something other than going stir crazy.

As he was still doing pull ups the chime rang he wasn't feeling like stopping but if it was Kendall he was going to just stick his foot in his ass. He even had a bottle of lube next to him just for that very occasion. "Come."

The doors opened and she looked at Mike they both entered, but she would let Mike do the introductions.

"Mister Ross, how are you feeling?" Mike asked as they walked in.

Kaden did another pull up. "Getting better so I am told hopefully I can be back to full duty soon." He replied as he did another pull up. "What brings you here, Admiral?"

"I wanted to introduce you to your new Marine Division XO, Lieutenant General Dartt." Mike motioned to Jewell. "She's returning to Starbase 400. She was out Marine Division CO once, and then our Chief Diplomatic Officer before taking an extended leave."

Kaden turned his head looking over his shoulder seeing the General next to Bremer. From what it looked like she found Kaden rather nice in a perfectly fit physical specimen way he hoped. Before letting go of the bar and grabbing a towel. "I don't understand, Sir." He began. "What do you mean XO?"

She hand her hands behind her back as she nodded her hello, then heard what he had said and waited for Bremer's response.

"The Division needs a new Executive Officer and General Dartt has the necessary experience. This will also allow us to keep Colonel Lennox as one of the Regiment COs as we discussed. She'll take command of the USS Kearsarge while you're command this ship." Mike motioned to the window as the new Sovereign class USS Saratoga eased passed the USS Mercy.

Kaden grabbed a shirt and pulled it on. "But she is a superior officer, Admiral, if anything she should be in charge." He replied.

"She is senior in rank, but you will be her superior in position. You've earned your job and I'm not about to take it from you. She has also been on leave for quite some time, so she'll be playing catch up some. I believe you both can learn something from each other and the Division and SB400 will be all the better for it." Mike replied.

Kaden shook his head. "Mike, I am not going to order around a superior I rather she be in charge and I work under her." He replied.

Jewel stood their quietly as they talked, she raised an eyebrow at the young man in front of her. He was being bold, she liked that boldness but let's just hope it's not the kind of boldness that would make the Admiral mad.

Mike cocked his head to the side, "Are you sure about that Kaden?" Mike asked sincerely. He usually didn't use first names, but this was a rare occasion that needed a more personal tone. "Jewel and I have already talked about it and we're both fine with things either way, but I don't want you to feel pushed out or in an awkward situation."

"I don't know, Mike, I feel I should learn from a woman like her to be a good commander but it is your call." Kaden replied unsure what to think anymore.

Mike nodded, then looked at Jewell. "What do you think?"

She looked at General Ross then at Mike, "I am alright with leading and teaching him, on the condition he knows that things will be done my way." Jewel replied looking at Ross, "I am not the easiest person to deal with, but know that we will be ready for anything." Jewel added looking at Mike. "It's up to you Mike," Jewel added.

"I understand, Hurd, ran a tight ship too I expect nothing less." Kaden replied.

She shuttered, "one more thing please do not mention that name around me." Jewel replied as she took a deep breathe.

Kaden was confused by her request. "Uh...something I should know about?"

She looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "he was my ex-husband and things didn't end on a good note. One of the reasons why I left." Jewel replied with a sigh.

Mike straightened his uniform. "Alright, then General Dartt, you're in command of the First Marine Division. You'll keep your flag aboard the USS Kearsarge while General Ross will command the new USS Saratoga. While Ross gets his rest, I'm sure Colonel Lennox can bring you up to speed on the Division's status."

"Understood sir," Jewel replied as she looked at Ross. "If there is nothing else I'll let you to rest and will meet with Lennox." Jewel added as she then looked at Mike.

Mike nodded. "Get some rest Mister Ross."


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