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Family Feast

Posted on Wed May 13th, 2020 @ 6:16am by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Skye
Edited on on Sat May 16th, 2020 @ 1:09pm

3,024 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Hades residence
Timeline: MD3 2000 hours


“Please, don’t go to any trouble...”

Nestled in the hover chair, a warm blanket draped over her lap, Skye watched as the Orion woman became a whirlwind of activity. Being unable to help - or do anything - was incredibly frustrating. Having a near total stranger dress you was worse though. But even though the woman must have seen all of her scars she hadn’t commented on them. That was something at least.

The quarters they had been brought to were spacious. The woman, her step-mother, had confided that in addition to being Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Hades was the Commanding Officer of this ship. It was a little too grey for her taste but it was better than a medical bay.

She wasn’t sure Kalani had even heard her, as busy as she was. The first time she stopped bustling about was when the door chime rang out and she paused to welcome their guest. As she watched the other doctor entered carrying a large square box.

“I thought this would work as desert,” Carolyn suggested as happily let Kalani take the box from her. “Our dinner plans were cancelled but Kitty sent it over anyway. Hope you both love chocolate because we could probably feed the crew. Fortunately it looks and smells amazing...”

She laughed. "Chocolate is almost always welcome." She pointed to the plates. "Carolyn why don't you set the table, I'll get everything plated. By the way your father-in-law is a nut."

“I agree,” Carolyn nodded as she began putting down place settings. Pausing she glanced at the Orion, “why specifically this time though? Is he joining us?”

"He is." She looked at Skye and laughed. "Do you know what he asked?"

The teenager frowned, seeming uncomfortable at having the attention turned on her. “No...”

"He asked if he should wear a sweater. He wanted to look like a father but not like he was trying to be your father cause he didn't want to scare you if you were not ready to acknowledge all this. He wanted to be the cool parent." She looked at Carolyn and then laughed again. "I'm loving this effect you have on him Skye."

“Oh. He doesn’t need to - really. I don’t mind,” Skye said quickly.

“Don’t worry, he’ll do enough of that for you both,” Carolyn assured her in a low voice, grinning as she set a place for Skye. Deciding to rescue the girl she looked towards the kitchen, “I have missed your cooking. What are you making? I’m starving.”

Kalani smiled. "It's a little of everything. I have Hasparat, Plomeek soup, a meat and potatoes dish as well as a couple of dishes you listed as favorites. You are eating for two!" She looked up guiltily at Carolyn. "Um..I went shopping again."

“You didn’t...” Carolyn groaned. She sighed, “Kalani! You need to reign it in. Besides, it’s bad luck.”

She waived her hand. "Nonsense. A grandmother spoils her grand kid...even a step grand mother. And Hades will not allow anything to happen to that baby if he has to move the whole First Federation here." She walked over to a closet and pulled out a bag. "This, however, is for you Skye." She handed the girl a bag. She'd had several outfits made in a style she'd gauged that the girl would like based on her clothing. There was a hair comb, toothbrush and other items.

“For me?” Skye repeated, cautiously peering inside the bag. She saw the neatly folded clothes, lots of black too. She realised her long silence was probably rude ... “thanks.”

The sentiment rather than the words sounded alien to her. Sure she had few possessions but they were things she had gotten for herself. One way or another. “You didn’t have to.”

Kalani smiled. She placed the last of the food on the table and sat down next to Skye taking her hand. "You are welcome and I wanted to. I'm your step mom. I know you've been through a lot and I know some of what you've been through having been through it myself. You are family Skye. After dinner when your grumpy father retires," she winked, "I'll show you something special about your past."

“Okay,” was all she could think of to say in response. Unaccustomed to anyone being so ... nice without an obvious agenda. Or to someone being so close when she had no way to defend herself. Fortunately she was saved from a long, awkward silence.

The door hissed open and Hades walked in. He had on black slacks and a white shirt, a vest with a pocket watch and glasses he didn't need.

Kalani looked from Carolyn to Skye to Hades and then burst out laughing. "What are you wearing?!"

“Very you,” Carolyn teased with a grin.

Skye observed it all, a small smile playing on her lips as she watched the exchange. “No sweater?” She chimed in quietly.

His eyes widened. "Sweater? Oh! I can change."

Kalani laughed and rushed over pulling his arm. "Just sit down." She shook her head. "Now let's all eat."

“Sounds perfect,” Carolyn agreed.

There was a range of dishes from Vegetarian to meat. She had soups and salads. "Skye why don't you go first?"

Skye stared at the various plates and bowls assembled, lost for words. There was so much! Reaching forward she plated up some salad before adding something which looked enough like chicken to make her risk it. “Thanks,” she murmured.

Kalani smiled. She picked the same option. "I'm a big chicken fan myself. What would you like to drink?"

“I guess water? Yeah, water will be fine,” Skye said quietly.

She filled the girl's glass. "Carolyn eat. you have to eat."

Hades sat there. He looked over at Skye. "I like chicken," he said seemingly reduced to small syllable words.

Carolyn rolled her eyes at Kalani, scooping up some pasta and adding it to her plate. “You know eating for two is a myth,” she pointed out as she stabbed a spiral of pasta with her fork and took a bite. She frowned at Hades, giving him a nudge with the tip of her boot, whispering, “eat something before Kalani feeds you...”

“I know you are both doctors,” Skye began as before looking at Kalani, “what do you do?”

She smiled. "I'm a scientist. Archeologist to be exact and historian." She ate a bit of her salad. "How about you?"

“Nothing much. Travel. Odd jobs. I do like art though,” Skye told her, “and I really loved the Trill travelling museum. They had some beautiful paintings and statues. And Number 5... sorry... Vox, I think his name is? He had some really neat things in his collection back on 400.”

Hades looked up. "You were on Starbase400?"

Skye nodded as she ate. “Yeah. Less than a day the first time then I went with Korel to try and recover a ship he wanted to buy. I’m good with computers and he then asked me to help when he got asked to bring some of the people to 23. I figured why not. He pays really well, doesn’t especially care for questions and didn’t mind me taking off. Why?”

"You are there and I didn't know." He shook his head. "What kind of father..." He stood and walked over to the study. Kalani watched him with concern. "I'm sorry honey." She moved over to Skye. "He's going through a lot. With the death of your brother, finding out Fal was alive and now finding you he's not himself."

Skye looked completely and utterly confused by the explanation. She looked over at Hades and then back at Kalani, “this was a bad idea. I should go back to Sickbay... I don’t want to cause trouble.”

"No honey..." Hades had gone outside for a moment. "Carolyn can you go deal with the big baby. I have something I want to show Skye."

“Sure,” Carolyn nodded, following after Hades. Finding him outside in the corridor she frowned, “it’s kind of a hard to get to know her if you aren’t in the same room...”

He sighed. "I don't deserve to know her Carolyn. She deserves a better father."

“I missed the part when you made a choice about not being there for her,” Carolyn mused as she leaned back against the bulkhead. “You chases her away right? Oh, wait! Nope, it was her mother who stole her from your home. She took that away but she is right there! Hades, please, stop being so hard on yourself and just be there now. It isn’t fair to tell her who you are, that you want to know her and then you disappear.”

He sighed, "Do you always have to be so annoyingly right?"

“It’s clearly a hormonal thing,” she shrugged, holding out her hand, “come on.”

He took her hand. "I'm scared."

Carolyn offered him a reassuring smile, squeezing his hand, “I know. I bet she is too. You can do this.”

He put an arm around Carolyn and kissed the top of her head in a fatherly manner. "I'm sorry about everything I put you through."

She said nothing for a long moment. "Skye," she reminded him, giving him a nudge towards the door.

--Inside the Quarters--

Kalani had led Skye into what looked like a study filled with books.

"This is your father's study." She walked over to the desk and pulled out a large book handing it to Skye. It held pictures of Skye, Richard, and Hades. "These are images of you, your father, and your half brother. He looks at it whenever he's sad or afraid. He's looked for you so long Skye and he blames himself for so much." She studied the girl. Perhaps it wasn't her place but she would be honest with Skye.

Skye was silent as she studied the pictures. Her fingertips brushed over the faces as if she could reach back in time and really touch them. “Is he here too?” She asked, studying Harris’ face.

Kalani shook her head. "No. He died not long ago. Carolyn is his wife." She sat down next to Skye. "He was a good man. A lot like your father but he did not know that Hades was his father. Hades hid that from him." She sighed. "Skye have you heard of the First Federation?"

Skye nodded absently, still considering what Kalani had confided. Why would he hide being his father? She still had lots of questions but answered Kalani regardless. “Yeah. I know a couple of traders who deal with them but most sensible people avoid them. Why?”

"You father is on the First Federation Council. He's... the First Regent on one of the planets there." She sighed. "That's why he's so secretive and that's why he didn't tell your brother. To keep him safe. Your father is used to keeping a lot to himself. But you need to find the answers you seek. Be direct with him."

“Direct?” She repeated. “I didn’t even know he existed until today. Well obviously he existed because I exist, but ... I don’t know how to be anybody’s daughter.”

"And in a sense he's learning again too. You are doing fine." She leaned in and kissed Skye's head. Just as she did this the door parted and Hades walked in. "Hi." He said.

Kalani rolled her eyes and gave Skye's shoulder a squeeze and gave her a wink. "I'll let you two talk."

Waiting until Kalani had left, Skye offered a small smile. "Hi," she said quietly.

He just stood there. "I'm sorry I'm not good at this. I am not glad you're here." He walked over and sat on the small sofa. He noted the book in her hand. "That's a picture book." He said dumbly.

She looked down at it, quickly closing it over and holding it out to him, “Kalani gave it to me, to look at I mean. I didn’t take it,” she said quickly, with no small trace of defensiveness. When he didn’t take it she set it down on the nearby shelf which was all she could reach. A long silence seemed to stretch out and she bit down on her lip.

He stood walking over and picking up the book He went back to the sofa. "Come and sit by me. I'll take you through the photos if you like."

She hesitated for a moment before she moved to sit down beside him. Not once did she utter a word of complaint at the dull ache which seemed to travel down to her very bones. “I would.”

He smiled slightly. He noted a flinch. "Are you alright?"

“I’m okay,” she said before nodding towards the book, “the photos?”

He smiled," You lie about as well as I do about not feeling well. He handed her the book and stood bringing a small case from behind his desk. "Mild pain killer." He loaded a hypo. "May I?"

She frowned, hesitating before giving one firm nod. “Okay...”

He pressed the hypo to her neck knowing that the ache would disappear almost instantly. "Better?"

“Yes, thanks,” she nodded.

He gave a nod and opened the book. He immediately smiled. "This was taken just a few days after you were born. "This is...Richard He was your half brother." He said. He studied the image of Richard holding Skye. He was so proud. Even though he didn't know Hades was his father he was very much the big brother.

“You miss him,” Skye said simply, wondering if he realised how he almost choked out the name. Like it hurt.

"Very much." He blinked several times. "He was a better man then I ever could be." He smiled a little then. "He use to play the flute for you. You would no sleep until he played it....badly. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard but you clapped and smiled and he played. I eventually got ear plugs." He laughed a little.

“Clever plan,” she congratulated him, sounding apologetic.

He studied her a moment. "You remind me of him a lot." He turned the page. "This was at our house. Near the waterfall." The image was of Hades holding Skye with Richard standing next to them in front of what looked like a medieval castle.

“You lived in Camelot?!” She blurted out.

He laughed, "I guess it does look a little like it. "That's our home in the First Federation."

“Oh...” she said slowly. “It’s kinda big ... you must have a lot of stuff. Mine fits in two bags.”

His eyes stung. "It's your home too. Always has been." He took her hand. "Would you like to see it in person?"

She stared at him, “wha..? No. I ... that isn’t me. Big houses, lots of things. I’m ... no....”

"I... " He sighed. "I did not mean to make you upset."

“You didn’t,” she said quickly, “it’s just ... it’s a lot. I didn’t know you this morning. Okay, I didn’t know what planet I was on this morning. And I have a stepbrother, but not, and I’m in these pictures but I don’t really remember any of it and ... it’s just a lot.” The last words she uttered quietly.

"I can understand that." He paused. "I'm glad you're here. I'm glad I found...or rather you found me."

“I don’t really remember much about that part,” she admitted sheepishly, “I remember some woman shouting for security... I mean really? If I wanted her things it’d take six seconds to bypass that ancient security system she had. It was older than me!”

Hades raised an eyebrow at that comment doing his best upset dad routine. "Oh?"

Skye’s eyes widened a little as she realised what she had said, “I mean, it probably is. Not that I would. Her stuff wasn’t that good, or nice...”

She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, “I mean.. never mind... is there more pictures?”

He smiled slightly. "Indeed." He sat back down. The door hissed open and Kalani smiled coming in. She handed Skye a plate. "You have to eat. While your father talks, and he can for hours, you eat."

Hades huffed. "I do not talk for hours. That is you."

She laughed. "Aha." She winked at Skye and left.

He shook his head and opened the book. In it was a picture of Skye and Hades but this time a beautiful woman with red hair stood smiling.

“Next,” Skye said quickly, in between a mouthful of chicken.

"Yes my Sentiment's exactly." Cassia would pay. He looked at his daughter as he turned the page. "This is Adari." He pointed to a wispy woman. "She was one of the best doctors on the colony. She delivered you." He said happily. "She was also intelligent. Never liked your mother. I should have listened."

“Adari,” she repeated the unfamiliar name as if testing it out. “She’s not on the ship, no?”

"She was on the colony. She died a few weeks ago." He sighed. As of late he'd lost so many. As if not thinking about it he put his arm around Skye and kissed the top of her head. "I'm so glad you are here."

She stilled, not sure how to respond. She felt so bad for him, could see and hear his pain but she had never been fond of people being so close. “I’m sorry. I’m not a hugger,” she said quietly.

"No. No. I'm sorry. I'm not either." He stood. Why don't we go back and finish eating with Carolyn and Kalani. You are welcome to take the book with you and you are welcome," he gestured. "In here any time."

She offered a small smile, "maybe tomorrow you could show me some more of the pictures? I'm pretty tired, I'll probably forget all the names..."

He smiled. "Absolutely!"



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Comments (2)

By Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri on Thu May 14th, 2020 @ 12:34pm

Hey there,

This is good character development. For us new people, these character focused posts are very helpful and informative. Its a way for me to get to know the characters. Well done. :)

By Commander Hades,MD on Sat May 16th, 2020 @ 6:25pm
