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Post # Canterito

Posted on Tue May 12th, 2020 @ 12:10pm by Lieutenant Colonel Chuck McDaniel

216 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Starbase 23
Timeline: MD 03 1400


< New Providence >

The 181st hadn't just been hanging out on Starbase 23 when there were escorts to be done. For Lt Col. Chuck McDaniel any chance to fly was worth the cost. Even if it was escorting Ferengi to safe passage to New Providence.

With that delivery completed the 181st returned to port with a unusual carrier from Earth itself. Towing the package via tractor beam, it overshadowed them immensely.

=/\= One Eight One leader we are showing tow degradation off port. Recommend space normal speed until the emitter is repaired.=/\= said a voice over the comm channel.

McDaniel hated to unmoore but they would remain with the craft back to 23.

The secluded craft maintained speed and course back to 23 on its own inertia slowing down their return substantially.

USS Canterito had been very instrumental during the war with the Dominion. After a refit would once again serve Star Fleet to patrol sector 23. Aboard was a complete crew which had weathered many a storm. Until the warp drive went down and they needed a tow back to port.

=/\= One eight one maximum impulse has been restored and Starbase 23 has dispatched a tug to guide us in,"=/\=

" Copy, 181 breaking tow. You're on your own Canterito. Flight Boss out."

Canterito broke away and proceeded toward the tug vessel



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