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A Good Day

Posted on Sat May 9th, 2020 @ 7:35pm by Ensign Aria Davis

364 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Starbase 23
Timeline: MD3 1300 hours

“Allow me.”

Juggling a piping hot coffee cup and a box full of cakes, pastries and deserts, the sudden offer of help was unexpected but hugely appreciated. As her saviour reached by her to open the door, Aria flashed the tall dark and handsome stranger a bright smile. "Why thank you..."

She wasn't too sad (at all) when he followed after her offering to help her carry her things as he fell into step beside her and just out and out asked her to a late lunch or alternatively a "really early dinner?"

Naturally she said no and went to get some rest ahead of her shift. In another reality maybe.

But in this reality, she was soon seated in a small Italian restaurant with the box of delicious baked goods on the floor at her feet as they enjoyed the most amazing food she had eaten in a long time. In between tales of his travels, he peppered her with questions about her life, her work, her dreams. None of which she figured would be especially interesting.

Tall, Dark and Handsome was not his name, obviously. It was Edward. An artist, he had endless tales of his travels while paining or sculpting wherever the mood took him. An eternal free spirit, was how he described himself, always searching for his muse. She had to admit, it sounded a good way to live a life. And while she could not place his accent, she could listen to him talk all night.

They talked and talked until she realised the time. He refused any offer on her part to contribute towards the cost of lunch - albeit on one condition. That she go out with him to dinner the next day. So, with the box tucked safely under her arm she returned to the Pegasus far happier than when she left and by the time she delivered her gift to the doctor's lounge, she realised she probably had nothing to wear.

As she changed for her shift, she was far too busy planning a shopping trip to realise she hadn't had her usual bout of pre-shift nerves.

Today was going to be a good day.


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