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Shared Quarters

Posted on Sat May 9th, 2020 @ 1:12am by Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri

784 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Endeavor - Junior Officer's Quarters
Timeline: MD03 - Early 0700


It was early morning when Matthew stumbled out of his quarters and into the shared living room of the junior officer’s quarters on the Endeavor. He still wan't quite used to living in shared spaces all over again. It had been awhile since he was just a cadet.

Serran was already up. He looked disdainfully at him as Matt stumbled into the room in his "unmentionables".

Matt could see the complaint, "What?"

"Are you aware, Lieutenant, that other people share these same living quarters?"

"So? I live here too?", Matt irked him greatly. Serran was also a Lieutenant attached to the Endeavor while she was in dock at Starbase 23. Serran was also Vulcan. Nobody is perfect. Serran had worked hard to be an Astrometrics Officer and he was, by all accounts, rather good at it too. He was neat, quiet and logical. The perfect Vulcan. In the past week another officer had been assigned to what was once spacious quarters. Another Junior Officer, a Bajoran named Tahna Meru. She was in Operations.

Serran disdainfully continued, "You have a predilection to the obvious Mr. Plumeri. Even so, I would appreciate it if you would properly clothe your body and attend to your grooming in your own living space.", Serran said. Serran had, of course, seen all kinds of Humans before. He had never met a Fontalan until he met Matt. Plumeri was a furry kind of guy. Although Serran would never say this, he at times wondered if Matt was perhaps the ‘missing link’ between Human and Fontalan evolution.

"Why? Did you have company over last night?", Matt toyed with him.

Serran was not amused, "I do not see the relevance of the question. We collectively share our quarters with a fellow officer who happens to be female."

"Serran, trust me on this, there is nothing that you or I have got that Tahna hasn't seen before."

Serran set his PaDD down and raised his eyebrow, "Life aboard a starship requires a certain amount of sacrifice...", Serran started. Matt yawned and staggered to the replicator.

Matthew trilled his "R's" with his Fontalan accent, “rrrrRaktajino please” he announced to the replicator as he stood there bleary eyed. The machine whirred to life, and a steaming mug of hot, spicy, Klingon coffee materialized. Matt staggered to the computer terminal in his boxers and a t-shirt and plopped down in front of it. He took a sip from the mug as he typed in his authorization and retrieved his messages.

Reading one of his messages aloud he said, “Serran? Listen to this. “The government and the antiquities department in conjunction with the Federation Council and the Board of the DTI and, yours truly, Dr. Rachel McKiernan, are pleased to announce that we have negotiated a fourteen-day exploration of the major and minor ruins located on Sarthing V. You are invited to attend with select gathering of Federation Archaeologists and Researchers on this auspicious occasion…” He looked up at Serran who was patiently listening.
He crossed his furry legs and placed his feet on the coffee table. "Well...guess where I get to go next year?", he asked the Vulcan.

Without looking up Serran said, "Sarthong V. I heard. Please remove your feet from the edge of the coffee table."

Serran's voice was drowned out by the voice of Tahna from the bathroom, "MMMMAAATT!!!!!"

He swallowed a swig, "What?"

Tahna appeared, half-dressed in casual clothes and said, "Why are your clothes in a heap on the bathroom floor?"

"So I wouldn't forget to pick them up this morning and put them in the replicator." Plumeri answered.

"I want to take a shower, and I'm not stepping over your mess. Get your ass in there and clean it up. NOW! GOD! Are your feet on the coffee table...AGAIN!"

He put the coffee down, feet on the ground and stood up, "I am picking the clothes up now. Sorry."

Tahna gestured to Plumeri, "How did I end up with him and you have two beds all to yourself?" she said to Serran.

Serran answered, "I did not make the room or berthing assignments."

Matt appeared again, "All done. Bathroom is ready for you to use."

She slapped him upside the head, "Thank you!" And left the room for the bathroom muttering to herself.

He plopped back down on the couch, picked up his coffee, hairy legs and feet back on the edge of the coffee table.

Serran audibly sighed.


LTJG. Matthew Plumeri
Science Officer/Historian
USS Endeavor


LTJG. Serran
Science Officer/Astrometrics
USS Endeavor>
(PNPC Plumeri)


LTJG. Tahna Meru
USS Endeavor
(PNPC Plumeri)


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Comments (2)

By Commander Hades,MD on Tue May 12th, 2020 @ 6:34pm

LOL I predict Roommate fun!

By Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri on Tue May 12th, 2020 @ 9:15pm


I think so too! ;)