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Family time

Posted on Sun Dec 8th, 2019 @ 6:15am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Camron Wayne

1,986 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Wayne Family Quarters
Timeline: MD03 1200 hrs

Ariana was sitting on the sofa breastfeeding Stacie, she enjoyed these moments of closeness between her and Stacie. Having heard how hard breastfeeding could be she was grateful she’d got the hang of it so soon. She smiled as she looked across at Cameron before turning her attention to the door, moments later the door chime rang. “I’m not expecting anyone, are you?”

"No I am not and your parents are still probably to occupied to spring a surprise inspection I mean visit on us. Computer who is at the door." Said Cameron flatly he started playing with the handle of his bull whip and was also ready to extend the chairs built in shield if needed. After all the things that had happened recently he was slightly on edge.

*there is a mr. James Wayne and his wife Stacie Wayne outside as well as a Mr. Collin Wayne.* Said the computer softly

"Looks like it is some of my family hon uncle James Aunt Stacie and my bastard of a brother." Said cameron the last was said very softly so that stacie would not hear. He moved over to the door and opened it.

"Welcome to my home uncles James and Aunt Stacie." Said Cameron as he gave each of them a hug " Hello Collin." He added as he turned his back on his brother and followed the other two into the living area.

As they had unexpected visitors, family visitors at that, Ariana draped a light cover over the still feeding Stacie. She didn't want to be embarrassing Cameron's family. As their guests walked across to where she was sitting she smiled warmly.

"So this is the whore that trapped you huh brother." Said Collin crasly as he leered at ariana

Cameron was already on edge and his brothers comment just sent him over the edge. In a flash he was out of his chair and had his brother by the neck and pushed against the wall. "Now Collin you will listen and you will listen good. Ariana is the mother of my daughter she is a starfleet officer and the daughter of a marine general. You damn well will show her the respect she deserves, or so help me the next time you open your mouth you will be eating your ankles." Said cameron coldly as he slowly pushed his brother up the wall till collin was thrashing about 12 inches off the floor. Cameron just released his brother and watched him fall back to the floor in a heap.

Uncle James, Aunt Stacie I am sorry you had to see such a display please allow me to introduce you to my fiance Ariana Monroe. Ariana this is one of my favorite uncles and definately my favorite aunt James and Stacie Wayne. the heap of trash over there is my brother Collin." Said Cameron politely as he deactivated the anti grav belt and settled back into his chair.

Ariana nodded politely to James and Stacie, "It's a pleasure to meet you both." She looked towards Colin. "I certainly hope you learned your lesson." With that she looked back at Cameron. "So that's where you got the name Stacie huh?" She smiled as Stacie finished feeding, sitting the tiny baby up to be winded.

"Yah hope you do not mind aunt stacie but this little one is your namesake. You and Uncle James helped me out when I was just starting out and I can never repay that kindness. So giving her your name was the least I could do." Said Cameron calmly

Stacie moved a little closer to get a look at her namesake. " She's gorgeous Cameron, both of your ladies are." She offered Ariana a smile. "Congratulations!"

"Yes Cameron you have done well for yourself considering what you were like when you first started out." Said Uncle James. "Cameron here would have you believe he was born with a wrench in his hand nothing could be farther from the truth I taught him most of what he knew about mechanics at least when he first started out," He added jokingly.

Ariana grinned. "Well he's done you proud, he's a very talented and very smart man."

"Uncle James that is enough your going to make me blush." Said Cameron lightly before turning more serious. "I know you did not cross most of the federation for a social call so what is up and how can I help." He asked.

His Aunt Stacie turned and looked at her husband. "Perhaps you should tell him James."

James looked over at Ariana rather pointed like he was not really sure about her. "Uncle, Ariana knows about the family business as it were so unless what your going to discuss is either illegal or a danger to this station or starfleet she will find out about it anyway." Said Cameron flatly knowing what his uncle was hinting at without him having to say anything.

"It is not that Cam far from it infact but that does have some baring on why we are here. We have been hit, Your father and George Jr. are both dead. Your mother and sister well they would frankly be better off dead then how those animals left them. I have mobilized the rest of the family but frankly this is a fight we might not win especially if we have to work with one hand tied because they will target our families to get to us." Said James calmly.

Cameron sat there in shock at what he had just heard. "Who would do this and why target my parents they were just mountain folk I might not have gotten along with them but they did not deserve that." "Who on new dakota could have gotten that mad that they would target our whole family and what would you have me do I am no fighter at least not that kind of fighter and while I do have a ship it is hardly big enough to move the 600 strong blue ridge mob off world very quickly." He added

Ariana looked at Cameron in shock and surprise before looking at his Uncle. "Do you know whose done this and why?" She slowly placed baby Stacie down in her crib before taking Cameron's hand.

"The who we are not sure the why though is easy we have branched out into the booze business and well alot of people are not happy because frankly they can not compete with us when we can send a whole freighter out on our own verses the others being able to barely send out a few pallet." Said James

"We didn't know you had a family here Cameron." Stacie looked at Ariana and her tiny namesake. "We came here to warn you, I hope we don't end up bringing you any trouble."

"Don't worry" Ariana offered a smile. "The daughter of a general remember, anyone who tries hurting us will have a station full of marines down on them in no time." She offered a reassuring smile.

"Aunt Stacie you have not brought any trouble on me or my family at least not more then we can handle. Though I have to wander why you brought that waste of space who could loosely be called my brother, Anything else well this station is on a war footing and my fiance is a generals daughter with around 18 thousand brothers and sisters we are about as safe as can be. Provided he does not sell us out." Said Cameron calmly as he looked toward collin

"Well Collin what say you. Once we were brothers in more ways then blood we are still family and I would have your answer before you depart" Said cameron formally

"You and that whore are no family of mine your as good as dead now you bastard." Said Collin so coldly that he shocked everyone in the room.

"Very well." Said Cameron resignedly. "Uncle James as the heir apparent to our family I ask you here and now if something happens to Ariana or Stacie that you deal with my brother as you would any other traitor to our family. It may mean the end of our branch but better that then to see it continue under the leadership of such a obviously hateful and spiteful man." Said Cameron formally using the old way something that had been drilled into him by both his mother and father though was only to be used in dire situations he felt this qualified.

Ariana looked at Cameron, this was his family business and she had no right to interfere. "Collin..." She looked towards Collin. "Why do you hate Cameron so?"

"Simple really after we played a harmless prank on him it was his own fault he fell wrong and fell down the side of the mountain. Instead of dieing like a man should have when he can no longer be considered a man that bastard had the gall to live. he took what should have been george's and mine from us and then left the mountain and made good. We should have killed you instead of taking you back home that day your nothing but a week cripple." Spat Collin coldly

Cameron was ready to explode after what his brother had just said. His knuckles were turning bone white as his fingers dug into the armrests of his chair.

Ariana saw and felt Cameron's rage. "So you're jealous because he's become the man you could never be" She looked at Cameron. "A lover that can please like no other and a father too." She looked back at Collin "You'd have taken the cowards way out then would you? To kill yourself instead of making something of yourself. In my eyes that makes you the coward and a failure."

"You bitch. You would not know a real man if he was screwing your brains out instead you waste time on a cripple even going so far as to have his child" Said Collin as he lounged for Ariana

Cameron had been expecting this though and had quickly put his chair shield between ariana and collin while at the same time lashing out with his bull whip snaring Collin around the waist and he pulled hard to knock the other man off balance. "Collin sit down and shut up unless you would rather be carried out of here in a body bag NO ONE attacks my fiance in my presence and gets away with it." Said Cameron coldly

" That is quite enough Colin!!" Aunt Stacie looked at both Ariana and Cameron. "I'm sorry, we shouldn't have brought him here."

"Its okay" Arianna offered a smile. "He wouldn't have laid a finger on me anyway, not unless he wanted his mind turned inside out anyway!" She offered Collin a wry smile. "I might be a Counsellor but I know how to take care of myself. Fortunately I do have a knight in shining armour though." She gave Cameron a romantic kiss.

"This discussion has taken a rather sour turn James, Stacie, I would be happy to have you both over for dinner before you leave provided to leave that person behind. I have put up with about as much of him as I can without doing something overly drastic. Again your both welcome here anytime." Said Cameron in truth he wanted them all gone so he could talk privately with Ariana.

Aunt Stacie looked at her husband. "Come on James, let's give these two time to talk." She looked at Collin. "Move yourself Collin!!" She smiled at Ariana. "It's been nice meeting you my dear, I'm sorry we had to meet under such circumstances. We'll be staying on the station for a couple of days Cameron, we'll see you again before we leave." With that she headed for the door, James following with Collin the door swishing closed behind them.



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