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Alive or something like

Posted on Fri Dec 6th, 2019 @ 5:42pm by Splendora Sage & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

587 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: SB400
Timeline: MD03 1100 Hours


Braxton sat at the Café having returned from his away mission. His leg stung. It would be a week or two until it was better.

As he absently rubbed the wound he remembered how he'd gotten it merely hours before the ship had returned to the station.

=/\= Hours ago MD02 =/\=

Braxton was in sickbay helping with IDs. As he pulled back the curtain and scanned what he thought was a body he gasped. Walking briskly to the coms he hit it. "Braxton to Hurd. You better come down here."

"On my way". Leaving the Bridge, Hurd took the turbolift down to sickbay. Walking through the doors a few moments later, Hurd said, "What's going in Braxton?"

He pointed to a human male on the bio bed. "He's alive. In stasis." Braxton pressed a few buttons and a shimmer rand through the top of the body as if ripples in a wave. "I haven't removed him from Stasis. Something is off."

"Define off Braxton",Hurd said rubbing his chin.

"The readings say human but...they are off slightly. The cells are just a bit stronger in points, weaker in others. The not right. It's ... off." He sighed. "I cannot explain it. I would advise against reviving him."

"Advise against as in medicaly or from a Security standpoint, because if it's Security your concerned about", Hurd said pulling his .45, "Revive him now".

"Security. Again I would advise against it until I figure out what he is. He looks human but...he's not and the scans can't penetrate whatever genetic sequencing was done to him." He sighed. "Besides my scans reveal whoever he is he's...virtually indestructible." Ultimately it was Hurd's choice but something niggled at him.

Chambering a round in his weapon, Hurd said, "Activate a containment field and revive him now Braxton".

Braxton activated the containment field. It fizzed into existence. He pressed a button to allow their guest to wake up. It took several moments. The man blinked and his head turned. He looked at Braxton and then at Hurd. In the blink of an eye the man broke free of the containment.

Hurd fired 4 rounds at the man, hitting him dead center of mass. It had no effect, so Hurd emptied the remaining ammo into the violent person.

The weapon had no effect. It was as if his skin had a lead protector. Braxton grabbed the hypo and vaulted over the table pulling the man back and away from Hurd. The man knocked Braxton down and turned to Hurd. Braxton shook it off and again launched himself at the man. They fought for a few moments and then Braxton was able to administer a hypo. Thankfully the man went down but Braxton was not unscathed. He didn't know his opponent had had a blade. He'd been too busy to notice but now it was buried deep in his leg.

Hurd yelled for a Doctor and gently scooped up Braxton, carrying him to a nearby Bio Bed. Looking at him, Hurd said, "What in the hell was that Brax?"

"A Romulan." He gritted his teeth. "Surgically altered."

=/\= Hours ago MD02 =/\=

Braxton snapped back to the present. He looked up at the sound that had dragged him back. "'re back..."

"Yes and I have a proposition for you. I know you want to leave Starfleet. When you do I want to make sure you land on your feet. Interested?"

He motioned for her to sit.



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