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Agreement ... of sorts

Posted on Fri Dec 6th, 2019 @ 4:48pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Commander Hades,MD

968 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD3, 0945 hours

From the upper level of the Promenade, Elise Corrigan sipped from her cup of tea as she surveyed the early morning hustle and bustle. Despite numerous repair crews still at work, clearly the residents were aiming for a ‘Business as Usual’ approach. It was ... commendable.

Her observations were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching her table. “Doctor Hades, kind of you to make time,” she said without looking up. She gestured to the vacant seat, “some tea? I took the liberty of ordering a pot of Earl Grey and a selection of muffins. A speciality of the house, I gather.”

"That sounds good." He said looking tired and haggard. He sat down on the chair across from the self identified evil witch...or was that wicked? He wasn't sure.

Turning to face him she merely arched an eyebrow at his appearance as she poured him a cup from the fine China teapot. “I’m sure you have more than enough work to do with some of your staff off on missions and injured in the attack. I do find, making time for tea crucial. Especially ahead of complicated surgery. Those days are behind me but I do so enjoy a good cup of tea.”

She allowed him to take a sip before settling back into her seat. “Your proposal ... I have decided to accept. In principle.”

He supressed a groan that attempted to come out. "In principle?"

“I would, for example, like to clarify your ties to the Vulcan Science Academy. I understand you, and your family, are regular contributors to their research funding? I imagine that is why, in part, you have so efficiently blocked other avenues for my research to progress elsewhere.”

"There is that." He said.

“To be blunt, I do not trust them,” she told him, sipping her tea. “I am sure the notion is absurd to you?”

"The Vulcan science council you mean?"

“My question still stands... do you trust them?”

He smiled, "Oh my dear lady, I don't trust them as far as I can throw them. Do you know the Ferengi culture has a rule. I believe it's something like, 'Beware of the Vulcan greed for knowledge.' They of course have other elements of greed they adapt to."

“Then on that, at least, we are in agreement,” Elise conceded, seeming ill prepared for his response. “While I have not yet untangled all on of the web of lies surrounding my granddaughter, most of them lead to Vulcan. Given you are her self appointed protector, you should bear that in mind.”

"Oh I'm already investigating that little fact. Don't you worry. When I find out who and what, what needs to be done will be done. I will not stand for anyone hurting Carolyn. That is non negotiable. If you find them first you turn them over to me."

“What I can tell you is that was no arbitrary colony, it houses a research facility. Funded by the academy yet you will never find official record of it. Every official report by Starfleet? Classified. And the survivors treated on Vulcan. No reason why. Or why they were quarantined for over a month. But I will find out.”

He was sure she would. "Alright."

“Now, as I recall your conditions are that I do not interfere with the progress you believe my granddaughter is making, correct?” Elise said slowly, setting down her teacup. “I am to be... encouraging?”


Elise studied him, trying to decide if his one word answers was due to his obvious exhaustion or an attempt to ‘rattle her cage’ as it were. “Very well,” she nodded, making no mention of his clause about interference. Nevertheless, she was at least wanting to appear to be playing along.

“In the interests of ... whatever this is,” she said, gesturing between them, “I should let you know I will be staying aboard the station, temporarily, while my ship returns to Earth. I have two full time research associates who are assisting with my work.

My ship leaves in an hour. At Carolyn’s request I have arranged for Mr O’Connor, his son and the boys mother to be aboard,” she informed him. “I did point out that I could delay departure but she declined. I did not push further as I do believe she is making the best decision for all involved. You see, I can encourage when needed.”

"Yes, madam, that remains to be seen." Hades, despite his tiredness, was sharp. "O'Connor is an idiot. He had a good woman and he's giving it all up, not that I can lie and say I loved the fact that she made that choice but the fact that he cannot see her worth tells me and should show you that she's making the right decision."

He sipped some more of the tea and sighed. "Well that leaves just one thing."


"The non interference clause." He smiled. "I didn't forget about that."

“And what do you propose? Chaperone for every moment I am with her?” Elise asked with genuine curiosity.

He smiled, "No. But I will see the signs of stress on her. I'll be watching for those." He finished his tea. "So. Then we have a deal?"

“I believe we do,” she agreed with a smile.

He sighed. "Excellent. Now, if you will excuse me I have a few things I need to tend to."

“Of course.” Elise assured him with a nod. “Although a word of advice. You cannot cure all of the problems in the universe Doctor. It is a weight nobody could or should carry.”

With that said she turned in her seat, resuming her people watching.

He smiled a little as he walked away. Perhaps she was not as bad as she thought he was.



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