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The medic checks in

Posted on Fri Dec 6th, 2019 @ 6:47am by Lieutenant Olivia O’Riley & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

872 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: General Hurd's Office
Timeline: MD03 0900 hrs

Making her way to what everyone referred to as Marine Country, Olivia made her way to General Hurd's office. Being Fleet Personnel she only fell under Hurd for her Marine Medic duties, it was unusual for a non marine to be assigned to the marines but she did come from a family with a marine background. As she arrived, she paused out by the door to straighten her uniform before pressing the chime.

"Enter!!!", Came a barking voice from behind the door.

Walking into Hurd's office Olivia nodded to the other marine in the room, from his insignia he was a Colonel. "Colonel" she nodded politely and handed over her orders for Hurd to see. "Lieutenant Olivia O"Riley, Marine Medic reporting for duty Sir. My apologies, I didn't realise you weren't alone."

"It's fine, sit", he said pointing at a chair to his left, "And tell me what brought you here and why you were ordered here, the real reason, not what's stated on these orders, and tell me the truth", he said leaning back, his face blank.

“The real reason” Olivia looked at Hurd surprised, but she liked that he was direct and to the point. “Our, my husband and I, have been transferred from Heyerdahl Station. Unfortunately it’s being decommissioned, or so Starfleet tell us. We wanted to be aboard another station given that we had twins ten months ago.” She paused. “I’m not military trained but I am from a family with a military background.”

Throwing Ross a look Hurd said, "Not Military trained and yet attached to a Marine Division?". "Well let me tell you right now you are in for one hell of a crash course in Marine Training, and will be held to the exact same performance and discipline standards as any other Marine, do I make myself absoluty clear?"

"Yes, Sir." Olivia nodded. "Most of my family are military so I understand the military life."

Kaden stood up looking the medic over before picking off a piece of lint from her uniform. "Marines have a certain...way of unwinding, Lieutenant, helps keep the morale high here and relieves tension between going into battle. We are like a different culture down here with different set of rules and regulations than that of Starfleet. You may see things the Marines do differently that well..." He paused to find the right words. "Encourages the warrior spirit in everyone."

"In that case I'll look forward to learning alongside the other marines Colonel." Olivia smiled warmly. "Don't mistake the Counsellor exterior for being soft, on my homeworld Drax Prime, children are chosen a future from an early age dependant on their telepathic and empathic skills. The most powerful are trained as law enforcement and military, when you have a world of telepaths order has to be maintained. My father and his side of the family are career military, my mother is an Ambassador like her family line. Given my parents positions I was lucky enough to choose my own future, so here I am!" She looked to Hurd. "I won't let you down Sir."

Kaden smiled he certainly liked the woman's enthusiasm but she needed to be careful around the grunts. Given the first chance they would eat her alive especially when around new blood. "Sounds much like the lady that you are replacing as medic." He said referring to his wife. "As the General stated there is a lot you have to get used to but in time I think you will fit in fine here."

"Thank you Sir" Olivia smiled warmly. "I'm looking forward to getting on with my duties."

Looking at her, Hurd smiled. Then, reaching in his desk, he pulled out a very old, but still new looking knife. Speaking, he said, "Olivia, I'm sure you are gonna fit in here just fine, and this is for you", he said, jestering at the knife. "That is a USMC KBAR Fighting Knife, and is over 450 years old." "It was one owned by Chesty Puller, a Marine legend and now, it's yours". "Treat it well, and it will always bring you home.

Kaden watched Hurd holding out the old knife he shook his head fighting the urge to laugh as he instead focused on keeping quiet. Instead he looked to the PADD on his lap going thru the notes Freya made for him on his meeting with Hurd. She was certainly settling into her new role very well as his new assistant.

Olivia looked at Hurd in surprise. She hadn’t expected to be given a present. “General..that’s just..” She gently took the knife from his hand. “Thank you Sir! I will treasure this.”

" I know you will, now if Colonel Ross has no further questions, you are dismissed"

Olivia looked at Ross to see if he had anything to add.

Kaden looked up from his PADD. "None at this moment, I believe the, Lieutenant, will know what we expect of her and will learn how we Marines do things down here." He said.

Olivia nodded. “Yes, Sir Colonel. I won’t let you down.”

Hurd snapped off a sharp salute and said, "You are dismissed, and welcome to the 1st Division".



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