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Things Need to Change

Posted on Sun Dec 8th, 2019 @ 12:45pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

597 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD3 1015 hours

Over the years, he had gone by many different names. To the point where, if he ever had to confide in anyone his true identity - Reyas doubted he truly say. It was not as if there was any official record of his birth on any planet or colony within the entire quadrant and he could not imagine a time when he would ever be compelled to disclose anything quite so personal.

He was a man accustomed to living in the shadows. Your friend one day, enemy the next. Whoever paid the most or appealed to his sense of self preservation in the most - passionate - way. Loyal only to himself.


From the upper level of the promenade, he watched as Doctor Hades left the impromptu meeting. Remaining concealed from view he watched the medic blend in with the crowd and out of sight before his comm unit lit up, signalling an incoming message. Summoned, he moved quickly, like a ghost. Within a minute he was seated in the exact same spot the dear doctor had vacated.

"He," Reyas warned, "will be trouble."

Pouring a fresh cup of tea, Elise Corrigan arched an eyebrow, a small smile on her lips, "yes, well, it will keep us all on our toes, wont it? Tea? Scone?"

"I am not here for a tea party," Reyas reminded her, studying her. While there was the slight shake in her hand, it was age, not nerves. Elise Corrigan was not one for nerves. Not in all of the years he had known her. No, she was cool, calm and that usually made her dangerous. "Neither are you."

Taking a sip of tea, Elise smiled, "well, what am I to do? Doctor Hades has approved my research allowing me reason to stay aboard the station, not that I was leaving anyway. And Carolyn will be not be back for several hours yet. I think it is an excellent time for tea."

Reyas leaned forward, "Doctor Hades has a friend, Section 31. You are aware?"

"Dear James, do I look as if I have lost my faculties?" she countered, clearly amused. "I am aware of Mr Nivar. What is he to do? Persecute a dear old grandmother?"

Reyas laughed aloud, shaking his head. "I don't think anyone buys that. Especially your dear grandchildren and certainly not me. None of them even knows the real you."

"Likewise," she retorted, peering at him over her cup of tea. "Any developments?"

"Traced her movements right up to the point she passed through the security checkpoint on Vulcan after the transport ship docked, then nothing. Even the messages sent here, to your Doctor Hades, could only be traced as far as the central communications relay on Vulcan."

Elise expression hardened. "Not.Good.Enough. Whatever those pointy eared -" she stopped herself, lowering her voice, "whatever they were trying to find, I need to know."

"Your wish, my dear, is my command," Reyas grinned. "And if I fail, Mr Stavek is on hand."

"I will speak with Mr Stavek this afternoon. We need to be more... discreet if we are to avoid Doctor Hades delving into matters which do not concern him - which frankly seems to be his life ambition," Elise sighed. "He has taken a keen interest in ou - Carolyn. Our original plan will not work. He is convinced she is rehabilitated."

"Yes, quite irritating, isn't he?" Reyas commented, laughing as he stood. "Reminds me of me, when I was much younger, don't you think?"

Elise rolled her eyes as he walked away.


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