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The Call

Posted on Thu Dec 12th, 2019 @ 5:46pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Commander Hades,MD

969 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Sickbay - Hades Office
Timeline: MD04 1015 hrs

Having received a call from Hades, Ariana had made her way to Sickbay. Walking in she walked across to Hades office and peered inside the open door. “Knock, knock, you wanted to see me?”

Hades gave a nod. "Yes. I have the results of your scans." He motioned to the chair in front of his desk. "Please have a seat."

Ariana sat down as requested, she wasn't sure whether to be worried or not. She looked concernedly at Hades. "Is there anything?"

"Yes," he sighed. "Both on the scans and the blood."

Ariana nodded, her heart was beating like crazy and her breathing increased to compensate. "So, what does that mean exactly?"

"It means those stops during the scan picked up on things. It's difficult to explain. Perhaps I better show you." He motioned to the door. " Let's go to the medical simulator."

Ariana nodded and stood up to follow Hades. “So if whatever this is, is in my blood does that mean that Stacie...” She looked at Hades concernedly.

He sighed. "I don't know. I have to scan her but...I can't, she's too young." They entered the white room. "Computer begin Hades, Monroe scan 1."

The room shifted and changed. They were surrounded by what looked like DNA. "This is your DNA, or was prior to the scan."

Ariana looked at the representation that Hades was showing her. “Was?” She dreaded to think what he was going to show her now. “What’s changed?”

He sighed, "Computer shift to Monroe Scan 2" The room fizzed and then the same cells moved but some looked bigger, others seemed to have extra bubbles attached to them. "These," he said pointing to one, "Seem to be cleaner cells. They latch on and change the DNA of the sell or destroy it. It's like...your cells are being reprogramed. So they are the same but stronger in some cases, new ones in others it's...difficult. They imbed into the strands and there is a higher iron content in your blood."

“Higher iron content?” Ariana shook her head, this was all so hard to understand. “Exactly what does this all mean? What is happening to me Hades!?”

"I don't know. It's still hard to tell. I'm contacting a few friends of mine that I have in Section 31. If you are alright with it I want Nivar to take these results, your identity absent, to them to review."

Ariana nodded. "That's fine, do what you need to do. I want answers as to what is going on." She sighed. "Hades, Cameron told me that if he thought I was a risk to myself or others he'd see to it I was confined. I'm starting to agree with that opinion, if what is happening to me proves a danger I want you to promise me you'll do whatever is necessary."

"Ariana, there is no need to worry to that extent. We'll figure this out. I promise." He studied her. "Have you talked with T'Lar or Bremer about this? If not I would like to update them."

“No I haven’t but please feel free to do so.” Ariana offered a brief smile.

He gave a nod. "So basically a summary is there are changes and the way they are integrated in your cell memory tells me that they are dormant. This tells me that they are not active and can be triggered. What I need to find out is what happens when triggered and what will shut them down or make them inactive or neutralize them." He looked at her and smiled, "Am I making any sense...lately I don't think I am."

"Total sense." Ariana nodded. "Grab a tricorder and set it to monitor those changes. Then scan me."

He left the room briefly and then returned with a Tricorder. He set it to scan but he knew he'd be using the station medical computers too.

Waiting until he was ready she dug deep into her feelings, those of pain and anger seemed to trigger her strongest responses so she dug into her memories of dealing with Andy and what she'd felt when she was inside his head and he was inside hers. From Hades point of view she would be showing signs of anger, a lot of anger!

He started the monitoring with the tricorder and also tapped the wall panel to get a more detailed view. "Ariana," he called her name to get her attention.

Ariana opened her eyes slowly calming herself down as she lay eyes on Hades. " work?" She looked at Hades curiously. "I thought if I...dug into what I feel when I lose might give you some readings to go on." She wiped the perspiration off her forehead.

"It gave me some readings but the cells ... well I have to study this." He looked at Ariana. "Until we know what all this is I would suggest rest, maybe try to avoid triggers."

Ariana nodded. “Agreed.” She offered Hades a smile. “You know, it seems my life has gone from one crazy event to the next! The loss of my baby, the news about Cameron being Stacie’s father, learning about my father, giving birth early and now this!” She grinned and shook her head. “It’s totally crazy!”

"I can understand that. I believe it's been that kind of year for a lot of people on the station."

“Yeah I guess it has!” Ariana grinned. “Thank you for everything Hades, you’re a good doctor and an even better friend.” She gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek before turning to leave. “I'll go and let you get on." Ariana smiled warmly. "Let me know when you know anything more.” With that she headed on her way, hoping Nivar would turn something up.



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