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Things in common

Posted on Sun Nov 17th, 2019 @ 6:11pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Commander Hades,MD

1,537 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Kitty O’Shea Bar, promenade
Timeline: MD02 0800 hours


“Doctor Hades, thank you so much for coming. I know you must be a busy man but ... well ... come on through...”

Without waiting for a response, the proprietor of Kitty O’Shea’s bar disappeared through a door and out of sight. On the bar itself a notice was on display, advising patrons that due to unforeseen circumstances the kitchen was temporarily closed. A rare event, given Kitty’s love for cooking.

Holding open the door which led to the back rooms, she waited for the good doctor to catch up before leading him down the corridor to the furthest door. “I’m going to warn you, I’m sure you’re not gonna like this much but I need to know for sure before Liam makes the situation worse than it is ...”

With that she entered a code and opened the door for him. This one opened up into a reasonable sized living space. It was decidedly homely, with pictures on walls and warm, soothing colours. A place very different to the storage rooms that took up all other rooms. And right in the centre of it all was an old fashioned Moses basket, inside which a tiny newborn slept soundly.

“A girl just showed up, saying this was Liam’s son,” Kitty sighed. “She seems a nice enough girl but I want to know if it really is. And if the little one is healthy of course.”

Hades had been intrigued to get the call. Kitty wasn't one to just call him down to the bar but she had said it was a medical mystery. He was hooked. He followed her to the back not knowing what to expect. Whatever he was thinking it was not what he was faced with.

He listened as she told him the situation.

Hades sighed. He knew that Carolyn had a thing for Liam. He felt both angry at the man and some understanding. He too had a daughter and Kalani has good enough to accept that fact but then again he'd told her from the beginning.

Alternating between numb and ticked off he puled out the tricorder. He scanned the baby first to make sure he was healthy. It took a moment to sift through the readings. "He's healthy."

Now as to the parentage. "Does Liam know you have asked for this test?"

“I’m not sure Liam could tell you what day it is,” Kitty sighed. “He’s in shock, had no idea. And of course it leaves him with the decision about what to do now. It’s a fine mess to be sure.”

He studied her. "Why a mess. Does he love the baby's mother? If not then there is no decision. He does not have to marry the woman just because she has his child."

“I get the impression neither of them know one another well at all. I’ve left them to talk that out alone. But I also know he’s old fashioned in many ways, he will think the right thing would be to be a family. Wedding, that sort of thing. But I know he would not want to hurt Carolyn either. And Carolyn might her own reservations of course.”

"First off nobody should come between a parent and child. If the love is real Carolyn will not worry about that. She will respect it. Now as to hurting Carolyn," his features darkened. "That is not an option."

“Do I need to point out he has already saved her life?” Kitty replied. She sighed, “he’s been trying to speak to her but -“

“Kitty? You back here?” Liam called out as footsteps approached. “We’ve got a room all ready for the wee one. Emily asked if you were - oh. Hey. Didn’t know you had company. Is the baby okay?”

Worry was etched on the young man’s face but Kitty’s eyes narrowed, picking up on subtle cues most would miss. “He is grand. Any luck?”

“No. Which is maybe a good thing. It’s more a face to face thing.... unless you stopped by to break said face, Doc.”

"Well the scan does confirm that he is your son." He held up a tricorder. "I'll reserve the face breaking to see weather or not you hurt Carolyn."

“Fair enough,” Liam replied. “You are being more ... reasonable about this than I thought you’d be.”

He shrugged. "I've been where you are." He just said. "If you'll permit me I can give you a bit of advice."

“Sure, go for it,” Liam nodded.

"Make sure you are there for the child. Regardless of how you feel about the mother this is your son. Be active in his life. Make sure that he knows you are there for him. And tell Carolyn....or I will. She needs to know and be given the chance to accept it....and the obvious don't you dare hurt her. I do have the airlock codes."

“You mentioned once or twice,” Liam commented with the hint of a smile. “Emily is staying with us, for now. But she has no plans to stay. I can’t be here and be a part of his life if she takes him back to Earth, can I?”

"There are ways. I will try and help you."

“Why? You don’t especially like me and Carolyn might want nothing else to do with me,” Liam pointed out.

"She might not but she might surprise you. And it's not that I don't like you it's that I don't trust you not to hurt her but I understand he position you are in and you probably feel like you have been hit in the face by a shuttle with all this unexpected news."

“And then some,” Liam conceded, “I mean, for months she couldn’t tell me? She waits until now? I’d have gone home, been there if that’s what she wanted. Right now I can’t see any right choice for everyone.”

"Don't decide anything now." He rummaged through his bag and pulled out a blank PADD. He typed in some information and handed it to Liam. "Think on it and when your ready all you need to know is there."

“What’s this?” Liam asked curiously as he took the PADD.

"An arbitrator and solicitor. They are... good at what they do. They can help you both work out a mutually beneficial plan."

“I’ll do that, thanks,” Liam nodded, glancing across the room when the solitary computer terminal bleeped.

“Why don’t I walk you out, Doctor, and let Liam take this call in private. I’m just about to open the kitchen up if you are hungry?” Kitty said as she saw the incoming message details. Ushering Hades towards the door she added, “get you the best seat in the house or a bag to take away. Least I can do....”

They walked out into the main room and Hades stopped. He smiled at Kitty. "I'm alright for..." A sudden wave of dizziness struck him and he swayed catching himself on the wall. It took a moment for him to get his breath back.

“Alright my backside,” Kitty chided, eyeing him with concern. “You’re as white as a ghost! Come on, let me help you in here so you can have a seat. Or I could shout for some help?”

She waited for his decision, knowing forcing him would be the wrong way to go. But he was a good one, was the doctor. Coming by at the drop of a hat. She doubted he took as much care of himself as he did other people.

He sighed. "I believe I shall sit." He allowed her to help him to the table. When he come to think of it, it had been a while since he'd eaten.

“Now, when did you last get a good meal in ya?” Kitty asked, somehow managing a unique blend of gentle disapproval. “Anything at all you want, I’ll make for you. And I’ll get you some orange juice.”

"Actually it's been a couple of days. Perhaps some eggs?"

“ Days?! Alright, sit tight...”

On a mission, Kitty disappeared. In record time she came back with a fully loaded plate of food, a full English breakfast. “Eggs and some extras to keep you going,” she told him as she set the plate down. “After that lot, you look like you need some sleep. You look tired and with the weight of the universe on your shoulders.”

He smiled. "Miss Kitty you are quite observant. Thank you for this. Your kindness is very much appreciated."

Just as he was about to tuck into the food the call came in. =/\=Sickbay to Commander Hades =/\=

He tapped his com. "Hades here."

=/\=Medical emergency Mr. Topin has gone into cardiac failure=/\=

Hades sighed. "On my way." He stood and picked up his bag. "It appears food will have to wait for a few hours more."

“Don’t leave it too long and tomorrow morning I expect you hear for breakfast,” Kitty told him sternly.

He smiled. "I'll be here." He rose and hurried away on shaky legs.



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