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Home Sweet Home

Posted on Sat Nov 16th, 2019 @ 3:45pm by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

2,331 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Ross Quarters
Timeline: MD02 0630 hrs

Freya was stretched out in bed waking up. Kaden entered holding his personal PADD reading his messages as he sat down next to Freya before rolling up his sleeve for her. "So got a message from my family back home pretty ecstatic about you being pregnant. Soon as they finish a few matters with the family business they will try to come by for quick visit."

"That's wonderful" Freya smiled as she picked up the hypo of medication that Kaden required on a daily basis. Carefully and gently giving him his hypo his leant forward to give him a passionate welcome home kiss.

Kaden raised his eyebrows as their lips parted clearly surprised by the long kiss not that he was complaining or anything. "Wow, somebody sure missed me have you been that bored today?" He asked.

"A little" Freya nodded. "I did have a couple of visits though, General Hurd came to see me. He wanted to know how I was doing. I mentioned about our discussion and he's agreed to me being your administrative assistant!" She smiled warmly. "He's also thinking about getting an assistant of his own, so he can have more free time himself."

"Assistant huh? I never thought of that I was going to look into having you on the station counseling staff full time." Kaden rolled his sleeve back down. "But...I think having you around to help will help, you was always very organized and a fast writer."

"That's what we talked about yesterday!" She grinned. "It was your suggestion that I consider being your administrative assistant alongside my a Counselling duties. I just mentioned it to General Hurd and he said it was okay. I just need to brush up on my administration skills and I've got my whole pregnancy to practice!"

Kaden rolled his eyes and sighed. "Ah right we did talk about that didn't we? Sorry, it's been a long couple of days I've been so busy think about this new role as Hurd's second." He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "God forbid, I forget things like our anniversary and birthdays..."

"Of course you won't. I won't let you!" She grinned playfully. "Just promise me, that when you go out in the field you'll take care of yourself! I'll be here pulling my hair out worrying about you!"

Kaden pulled Freya onto his lap and smiled. "Hey, don't you worry I am tough to kill remember so last thing I want is coming home and finding you bald for no reason." He replied with a grin.

Freya couldn't help but laugh. "At least as your assistant I'll be able to be with you in my day to day duties. That's the part I'm looking forward to the most."

Kaden switched to a different position in his chair. "Sure, enjoy being around me that much do you?" He smiled slightly. "You know...we are supposed to be working not playing right?"

"Well technically you are supposed to be working, I'm on leave from my marine duties and I don't have a counselling appointment for another...." Freya checked her schedule. "At least 24 hours! I'm still officially on medical leave until my next check up and I'm cleared for duty."

Kaden frowned and leaned his head back looking up at the ceiling. "Right, don't remind me well I am sure since you will be home a lot for now least you and Artemis can entertain one another." He teased.

"Oh don't worry Artemis has been a very pampered kitty while you've been out!" She grinned pointing to one corner of the room where a new pet bed was laid out with a basket of toys and an eating area with seperate toileting space. "I'm afraid you have the job of scooping poop as it's not healthy for pregnant women to do that."

Kaden smiled at the sight of Freya going out of her way to pamper the family cat. "Wow that is very nice of you to do that for, Artemis." He fell silent and pondered to himself for a moment. "You can sense what the cat thinks can't you?"

“Well...partially.” Freya nodded. “It’s different for us empathy where animals are concerned, animals spirits, they don’t process thoughts and feelings the way we do. It’s easy to get swept away with their thoughts, hence why I don’t try communicating that way with Artemis.”

Kaden nodded taking in what Freya said before shrugging his shoulders. "Well, probably for the best I doubt all his stories of the naps he takes would be interesting anyway." He turned his attention to Freya. "So, now that you will be my assistant what of the matter of your Counseling duties? You are not the type of woman who busted her hump to be one then suddenly put those on the back burner."

“Well I’ll divide my time between the two, somehow!” She shrugged her shoulders. “It’ll work out one way or another besides don’t think that because you’ll have an assistant it’ll mean you get out of doing paperwork too! I’ll just be there to help you organise your time and arrange appointments not do it all for you.”

Kaden could feel his smile fade and a frown form.on his face a sudden feeling of being insulted taking over deep down. "Is that what you think?" He began before sitting up. "You think I am going to expect you to do my work for me? How could you even think that?"

A feeling of anger crept up inside Kaden now. "Look, I may have self confidence issues I may have depression I am a flawed being okay? But one thing I am not is a lazy officer who wants to ride the coat tails of someone else especially my own wife. I worked hard to be where I am this new role I am being put in is a lot of stress on me. But if you think I am going to suddenly be a lazy bum and make you do all the work then no I don't need you or anyone for an assistant I will be fine on my own!" He knocked over a few PADDs and stormed into the bedroom laying down on the bed with his back turned falling silent.

Freya hadn't meant her comment to cause insult. She sat dumbfounded for a few moments before getting up and following Kaden into the bedroom. “Kaden...”

Kaden didn't reply just laid on the bed in silence before angrily fluffing his pillow then setting his head on it.

“Kaden!” Freya stood solemnly at the foot of the bed. “I didn’t mean to sound like I was calling you lazy! I wouldn’t do that!!” She sighed and shook her head. “Maybe I should just call the General and tell him I’ve changed my mind about the Administrative job.” She turned and looked over at the window. “If it’s going to cause arguments between us it’s not worth it.”

"I am already stressed out about this new job I thought I would be slowly eased into my roles take the time to earn it." Kaden paused his anger slowly going away. "Which is why I turned to you for guidance for morale support and your wisdom I be lost right now without you."

Turning to face Freya better Kaden lifted his head off the pillow. "My role is going to hard adjusting to where I might need your help but I never expect to have anyone do my work for me that is not the Ross way. My family has always worked hard to be where they are and I have too." He reached out and took Freya's hand into his. "Don't change your mind please be my assistant I could always use your skills and wisdom to help me on my new job."

Freya turned to look at Kaden, there was still a frown on her face. “A minute ago you were chewing me out for calling you lazy, which was not what I was implying. I only meant it as a joke!” She sat down on the end of the bed, she didn’t know whether to be relieved he’d calmed down or whether to just burst into tears.

Kaden sat up swinging his legs off the edge of the bed so he could sit next to Freya. "A joke? I guess I didn't see it like that you sounded so...sincere." He confessed.

“I’m sorry, that’s not how I meant it.” She sighed.

Kaden lowered his head and sighed he felt like a complete jerk. "I guess, I did a good job making you feel bad I just am under a lot of stress with thoughts of this new job and the baby I..." He trailed off shaking his head.

“I guess we’re both a little guilty aren’t we?” She squeezed his hand and offered a brief smile. “Can we cuddle?”

Kaden smiled and wrapped his arm around Freya pulling her close to him. "I don't see why not." He replied.

Freya smiled as she cuddled up, she hated having disagreements with Kaden. She knew all married couples had disagreements every now and then, some more than others but it didn't feel very nice. "You know what?" She brushed her lips gently against Kaden's before pulling back. "The best part about arguments is the making up part afterwards!" She kissed him again but a whole lot more passionately.

Kaden could only smile as he stroked Freya's hair. "I do like it when we kiss and make up." He replied.

“As do I” Freya smiled as she looked into Kaden’s eyes. “Let’s just not make a habit of the arguments, I definitely don’t like them.”

"As do I arguments are never fun." Replied Kaden.

Freya smiled as she straddled her husband’s lap. “So how’s about we do some more making up?” She kissed him gently yet passionately.

Kaden raised an eyebrow he had a idea what she was aiming for but he just had to ask. "What did you have in mind if I may ask?"

Freya grinned. “Oh I was thinking that maybe...” She whispered the rest in his ear knowing it would turn him on.

Kaden's eyes widened a schoolgirl giggle suddenly coming from his mouth. "Wow, I said no twice but I won't this time just swear it is safe if we you know...."

“Of course it’s safe.” Freya smiled. “You can’t harm our baby by making love to me Kaden. That I promise you.”

"I just want to be careful I don't know what I do if I did something horrible to our unborn child." Kaden replied.

"I understand" Freya smiled as she moved to sit on the bed beside him. "If you don't want to my love, then we don't have to."

Kaden wrapped his arm around Freya resting his hand on her belly. "I hope our kid winds up free of my muscle condition I want it to have best childhood ever." He said.

Freya smiled. "Either way this baby will have an amazing childhood. We'll make sure of that!"

Kaden felt a small emotion of regret come from nowhere he didn't like the idea of Freya hinting about his kid having his muscle condition. He was ok with it being blind or deaf anything else but his condition. "Yeah...we will."

Freya felt her husband's pang of regret. "Kaden... Please don't regret having a baby, I know you went through hell growing up because of your condition but if... And I did say If our baby has it at least we'll know what it is and how to treat it. Either way he or she will live the best life we'll both make sure of that! "

Kaden felt sick slightly he hated Freya bringing the idea of their kid winding up like him. It made that feeling of regret even stronger to the point he was on the verge of tears and hating himself. Deep down Kaden wasn't sure he could do it hell the thought of him rejecting their kid and having Freya raise it all alone was making him ill. He wanted to say something but felt best to keep it to himself instead he just kept quiet.

“Let’s just...not talk about it okay?” Freya’s smile faded as she slid off his lap and moved to lie down on the bed instead.

Kaden felt bad seeing Freya sad cause of his cowardice it made him wonder at times if she ever regretted being with him cause he didn't act like a man at times. "Freya, I am sorry...I sometimes wonder if I ever make you sorry to be with me." He said as he rolled over to his side wiping away a tear.

"No, I am not sorry!" Freya sighed. "I just... wish you'd stop running yourself down is all. But let's not get into it now okay? I'm tired and I just want to get some rest. We'll talk about it another time okay?"

Kaden didn't say anything it was probably best that he didn't as it appeared Freya seemed rather frustrated. Gathering himself he wiped away his tear and rolled onto his other side to face Freya before taking a strand of her hair and rubbing it between his fingers.

“I’m sorry.” Freya gently stroked her husband’s cheek. “I’m a little short fused at the moment, I’ll get used to controlling it as the pregnancy goes on. “You know how much I love you Imzadi, Nothing is going to change that.”

Kaden rested his hand on her cheek enjoying the feel of her soft skin. "Let us just lay here and enjoy one another." He leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss.



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