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New Ability

Posted on Sat Nov 16th, 2019 @ 2:43pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

1,188 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD02 Morning


Ariana hadn't slept very well thinking about what had happened with Andy and her father in the brig, more so what had happened with her. She knew there was more to Hades background than he let on, more so he was her friend and she needed help. She walked into Sickbay, making a bee line straight for Hades office.

Hades had just finished reviewing the repair schedule as well as the surgical appointments. He hadn't slept all night. The incident with Rol and Braxton had kept him awake. He'd been checking on the two almost all night and it had tired him out more then he knew. He missed Carolyn being there.

"Hades..." Ariana peered around his office door. "Can I talk to you?"

Hades had left his door open partly because this morning, early, it had given out and refused to close. He looked up from the computer. Hadn't Rol said those same words last night. Suddenly he felt like aging a thousand years. "Okay. Come in." He said in a resigned tone. It appeared that he was the sounding board for a lot of people He just hoped that Ariana hadn't been as bad as Rol and Braxton.

"If I've caught you at a bad time I can come back?" She looked at Hades concernedly. "You look as tired as I feel."

He shook his head. "No. I'm fine. Just busy night. Have a seat."

She took a seat and took a deep breath. "Something happened in the brig, between Andrew Ignatious and my father." She paused. "I arrived just in time to see what was going on, then he...turned his mind to me and something happened." She frowned, her gaze more on the floor than Hades. "It's like he...flipped a switch in my mind. I hurt him Hades! I hurt him and I enjoyed it!!"

"Okay start at the beginning. What happened?"

She took a deep breath. "I went to the brig because I was looking for my dad. When I got there all hell had broken loose!" She closed her eyes to help her picture it. "Dad had Andy down but he turned his mind games on me to try and get Dad to let him go. One minute I could feel him digging into my mind, the next..." She frowned. "It's like...another part of me took over."


She looked up her eyes meeting Hades. "And if my dad hadn't stopped me, I'd have turned his head inside out!!" She was clenching both her hands as recalling the events brought up powerful sensations. "My mother was part of a Section 31 experiment while she was pregnant with me, the experiment was scrapped because of unforeseen problems. I think Andy just triggered the unforeseen."

He sighed. "That is completely understandable. Section 31 has their ways." He sighed. "How are you doing after all this?"

She shook her head. "I don't know, it's hard enough trying to sleep with Stacey waking up every few hours for a feed. Now I've got this on my mind." She sighed. "I dread to think what Admiral Bremer is going to say when he finds out about this. Just what has Andy triggered?"

He sighed. "I'm not sure. We do not have to sit idle. I can have some tests prepared and we can compare your readings now to the pervious ones to see if there are any changes."

Ariana smiled. "I was hoping you'd say something like that. My mother told me that the program she was taken onto was to develop a telepath who could be used in the field. One that could read through mental blocking devices, or get into the heads of the enemy. It was shut down because those who developed the abilities became unstable, they were supposed to develop a seperate personality that could be...switched off I guess." She shrugged her shoulders. "But those personalities didn't switch off. Someone was killed. My mother only told me because she was afraid incase I displayed any signs."

He gave a nod. "Okay let's go get those scans done and then leave it to me." He stood and motioned towards the door.

Ariana nodded and stood ready to go. "Hades...thank you. I know you've had a lot to contend with lately, I appreciate your help. I'm sorry if I've made your life a bit of a pain, I haven't always been the best patient I know." She grinned.

"No apologies necessary. I'm happy to help." He lead her to the bio bed and helped her hop on. "Okay lay back." He pointed to a dish like item. "This will run the length of your body stopping every time there is an anomaly in the reading. It could take a few minutes."

Ariana nodded. "Let's just get it over with" She was worried about the what if's.

He gave a nod. His fingers moved over the keys tapping out a tune of beeps upon the consol. It took a moment and then the disk started slowly positioning down near her toes. A few more whirs and beeps were heard and the dish started to move slowly up her body stopping on her knees before continuing upwards.

The machine stopped twice more, once on her heart and once over her head. In fact it spent a good five minutes there before shutting down and giving a final series of beeps to indicate that it was complete. The exam took about twenty five minutes. He was glad Ariana was able to lay still for that long. He turned to her and smiled. "All done."

Hades offered her his hand to sit up.

Ariana took Hades hand and sat up. "Even I noticed some stops there, what does it show?" She looked understandably concerned.

He shook his head. "I won't know until I get the complete results and until I've examined your last full medical file. Try not to worry. I promise you we'll get to the bottom of this."

"Easier said than done." Ariana sighed but offered a smile. "Any idea how long it'll take until we know? There's bound to be an investigation into what happened in the brig and I'd like some answers. Hopefully good ones."

"It will take a few days to a week. I promise to get it done as soon as possible. "I have a repair crew coming in today so today will be a write off."

"Okay Hades, thank you" Ariana offered a smile. "I'll try not to dwell on it too much between now and then, but it's probably going to be easier said than done."

"I know it will but we'll get to the bottom of it." Just as he finished Nurse Valentine pocked her head around the corner. "Doctor medical emergency crew quarters section."

Hades sighed. "I'm sorry I have to run." As he talked he grabbed a med kit and headed out.

Ariana watched Hades go before heading home, it would soon be Stacie's feeding time and she was trying to master feeding her so she needed to be there in plenty of time.



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