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Promotional Talk.

Posted on Sat Nov 16th, 2019 @ 1:00pm by Brigadier General Kaden Ross & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

702 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Hurd's Office

Kaden approached Hurd's office ever since the meeting it had bothered him since he saw how blood thirsty he was to where it worried him. But he never really got to sit down with the man one on one yet either and discuss his promotion. Having checked with the computer where he was located he came straight down to see him. Pressing the chime Kaden leaned towards the door. "General? I was wondering if we can talk before we depart. May I come in?"

"Yes, come in and have a seat please" Hurd replied gruffly.

Kaden entered and saluted Hurd before taking a seat. "Thank you, I been meaning to talk to you about a couple of things one of them about the promotion you and the Admiral brought up." He began.

"You may speak freely", Hurd said folding his hands on his desk.

Kaden cleared his throat shifting in his chair slightly. "Well, I decided to accept the position if you are still offering it. I mean I know I got my flaws and it is big a job I will need time to adjust to it. But I just need my wife to give me the morale support and blessing I guess." He told him.

"You already have my blessings, as I am more than confidant that you can do this job, so the position is yours", Hurd smiled. "So what else is on your mind Kaden?"

"You, sir." Kaden began before leaning forward in his seat. "David, I hope you don't mind me calling you by your first name but this is personal. I am concerned about the father of my ex girlfriend who is hero in my eyes as a boy. I am worried about this need for vengeance you are after is clouding your judgement. If there is one thing Ariana loved about me is I am caring person who worries about the people he is around." He told him sternly.

"It's not so much Vengeance as the the need for resolution", Hurd replied leaking back in his chair. "I'm not quite the hothead everyone thinks I , and although I've made a few mistakes, I have learned from them". Smiling he continued, "When we go out, we are going primarily to look for survivors, circumstances surrounding the attacks, and such". "The onloading of Combat Personnel and supplies is strictly a precaution, we are not going looking for a fight, but we will defend ourselves". "Trust me when I say I'm not turning into another Ben Maxwell".

Kaden tilted his head a bit confused. "But I was right there you seemed so certain there was nobody alive. Not to mention you was keen that blood shed was needed earlier why the sudden change?"

"Son, if I may say, those Transports we're ambushed, more than likely by more than one ship". "It would make no Tactical sense to leave survivors who could warn of an incoming attack, yet, as unlikely as it is, we must check for any possible survivors." "Leaning a little further back he said, " As for bloodshed, I fear the entire Federation will be seeing far, far to much of that soon, so no need to seek it out on my terms"

Kaden leaned back in his chair. "I understand, but it was sloppy all of it I can see some of of our attackers wasn't expecting to something this big. Take the assailants in the shelter for example they was eager to give up quickly but didn't want look weak. It is like they expecting to hit a smaller target." He said.

Furrowing his brow, Hurd said, "It's confusing isn't it?". "It seems as though they are throwing they are throwing their lightest forces at us first while holding their heavy forces back, question is what does that mean, and what are the implications of that?".

"Perhaps they was expecting a quick counter attack from us or...blast anyone on their side having second thoughts." Kaden shrugged. "Only our enemy can answer that."

"True". "Just keep your eyes open, and your Torpedo Tubes loaded, and prepare to leave within the hour Colonel, dismissed ".

"Will do, General." Kaden said as he sat up saluted and left.


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