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Another Day at the Office: Running low

Posted on Sun Nov 17th, 2019 @ 9:52pm by Commander Hades,MD
Edited on on Sun Nov 17th, 2019 @ 9:53pm

907 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Sickbay, SB400 OR
Timeline: MD 02 0830 hours


The silver doors whooshed open to reveal the chaotic motions of the sickbay staff as it rushed to and fro. The repair teams were due in two hours but obviously there was some commotion. “Valentine!”

The nurse stopped. “Thank goodness you’re here. Mr. Topin has internal bleeding. He’s in OR 1.”

Hades took the PADD she offered and scanned it as his feet, already in motion, carried him in the direction that he knew so well. His senses had begun to heighten. He could smell the antiseptic the moment they rounded the corner.

Quickly stripping off his jacket and top he slipped into the red surgical shirt. He quickly changed his pants and placed the red hat over his head. As he exited Valentine was already prepped and helped him into his mask and gloves.

The doors slid open and they stepped into a small pre op room. He watched as the doors sealed behind them and the red light changed to amber and then green telling him that he was now able to enter the sterile environment within the operating theatre.

His steps were short and clipped. “Go!”

Doctor Johns snapped to attention as he always did. At Hades’ bark he began talking, “We’ve got him open. It’s an intestinal bleed I just can’t find the rip. There is too much blood and the computer….is down for precise location.”

Hades sighed. “Alright people. This will be an old fashioned intervention. Johns I need you to get more light on the opening.”

The room worked seamlessly. As Hades slid into lead place Doctor Colin slid out and picked up the suction. Valentine slid in her place next to Hades ready to assist when needed.

Hades’ hands, already inside Topin, searched for the small hole. He knew, from experience, that the hole would be damned hear microscopic. He also thought about Mrs. Topin who was well into her old age. Losing her son would kill her and Hades would do anything he could to prevent it.

“Section one is clear,” he said, hands moving. “Section two…got it!” He looked over at Johns. “More light, Colin I need the Cellular Microsutures. More suction.”
Valentine watched his hands as they stitched back the hole in the intestine. It was so small she could barely see it but Hades had no trouble. His motions were so précised and so tiny that she was afraid to breath. She loved being here by his side and watching him at work. He was like a master.

“Dermal regenerator. Let’s get him closed.”

Valentine wiped the sweat off his brow as he closed. He gave her a grateful nod and continued to work. “Get another pint of blood in him. Give him a good two hours before you remove the Neural Caliper.” He checked the device that was on the patient’s head to keep him unconscious during surgery.

He turned to Colin. “Twenty minutes before you wake him administer Triptacederine to help with the pain. Ten CCs at first and then five CCs every 8 hours.”

“Yes doctor.”

Hades watched as his team finished up and the patient was then wheeled out the back door into recovery.

Feeling tired, hungry, and a little off he removed his gloves and mask tossing them into the reclamation bag. His hat joined them and bag and he headed out of the OR. His steps were a bit heavy as he walked towards the family waiting area. He entered and smiled as Mrs. Topin stood. “Your son will be fine.”

He couldn’t help but see the sigh of relief. Her daughter-in-law had been killed in the attack and her grand kids were in recovery themselves. She’d lost her brother, her husband and he’d be damned if he let her lose another family member. He gave her a reassuring shoulder squeeze and sat with her for a while for some lighthearted talking as he knew she needed company and reassurance. Once he was convinced she was alright he headed back to his office. The repair crews would be here soon and he had a list of things that were in need of TLC.

Valentine, now back in her regular nurses outfit, walked in step with him. “Here is the post op report on the three Romulans.” He studied them. “Good. What about Di’gara’li.”

She sighed, “He’s still not producing enough blood on his own.”

Hades stopped and considered the matter. “Alright. Up the Rigellian. Also give him a higher dose of Benjasidrine.”

She gave a nod. “Yes doctor but given that he’s only half Vulcan will that do any good?”

He gave a nod. “Yes.”

She hesitated. “We … are running a bit short on Benjasidrine.”

Hades swore. “Alright. There is a supply ship that is docking today we need to raid their stores.”

There was silence and then, “Um… the ship is delayed. Three days out. We’ll run out before them.”

Hades swore. “Alright go to the Mercy. Raid all the ships you can find. We just have one patient on Benjasidrine and we need enough until that ship gets here.”

“Yes doctor.”

Her orders in place she headed to do his bidding and he headed to his office. He would grab a bite to eat and then greet the repair crews. After that he had his rounds and then lunch…hopefully.



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