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Round Up

Posted on Mon Nov 18th, 2019 @ 8:27am by Lieutenant Colonel Chuck McDaniel & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

1,018 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Kaleb IV
Timeline: MD 1 - 1435 hrs


The detention center erected on Kaleb 4 was not big but it was full as it processed both civilian and now some prisoners from the enemy.

Major Chuck McDaniel had successfully intercepted the Krazzle ship as it had tried to slip away and today he personally delivered the culprits to detention. Awaiting orders he turned them over to the authorities and then proceeded to his sabre to escort more station authorities and civillians back home..

" This is CAG the eagles have left the nest. Enroute to SB 400 eta 35 mins." McDaniel reported into his console.

This mission was uneventful but did allow more station settlers to return to their homes aboard. On his return to Kaleb Mc Daniel personally escorted the prisoners to the holding camp.

" General this is Lt Col. McDaniel. Sir I personally apprehended these...detainees. With your permission I would ask to hold them under house arrest until they have been properly interrogated?"

"Very well,", Hurd's gruff voice came back. "When they get here, to the brig, the whole lot of them, we will sort them out later, Hurd out.".

Being used to grunts, as he was also of said stock, Chuck proceeded to the landing coordinates.

Rounding up the Krazzle detainees Chuck personally marched them across the compound along with armed escort. Pausing at the gate he addressed the sentries.

" Please inform General Hurd of our arrival." Chucked instructed.

One of Marines turned and touched a button on a comm panel and said, "General, we have a Lot. Col. McDaniel along with prisoners here, your orders?" Hurd's gruff reply came back short and sweet. "Prisoners to the Brig, McDaniel's to my office, Hurd out".

Lt Colonal Mc Daniel heard the orders, and after seeing to the secured detainees lock down, proceeded to the General's office.

Tapping the chime, Chuck then entered his office.

" Lt Col McDaniel reporting as ordered sir."

"Enter and have a seat please", Hurd, his tone relaxing a bit.

Chuck sort of relaxed but respected the General's rank and position.

" The prisoners...I mean detaineees arrived to the detention camp. None were ill cared fore and all were given their rights under the UCMJ and the Seldonas Convention . " Chuck stated.

" I see, you did well, better than I would have." "I rarely take prisoners", Hurd said grimly. Looking at the man, he spoke softly, "Tell me about yourself".

" I am a Dominion war vet. Served on the
USS Ephasia - Fighter Pilot then transferred to the

Betazed Defense Force- 856th Fighter Wing/ 8th Fleet.

I am my career sir."

Grinning, Hurd said, "Dominion War Vet Myself, where I got the scar on my face", he paused, rubbing it with his hand, "So please continue, tell me more about yourself".

" I started out a young gung hoe pilot. Then the war broke out, lost my family, accepted assignment to Betazed. Defending that sector from Dominion and Cardassian oppression. I love the corp and the Federation. Flying is my solace. I don't know much more to tell you sir.

"Then tell me this", Hurd asked evenly. "Just how good are you at providing close air cover and danger close fire support?" "Reason I ask is the last couple people in your shoes we have had were, how shall I say, not up to either task".

" That all depends on what my rules of engagement are sir. I will do everything with in the limits of my post. What's the mission perimeters and where?" Chuck replied,

"Just in General, as my Marines as well as my Ship and the ship under my 2nd in command are usually in the thick of the fighting and could use the help".

" Sir I lead from the front or the back. I can even lead on the ground if necessicary. Whatever role is necessicary, just let me know. Do you have any pending orders for my team?" Chuck replied.

Smiling, Hurd said, "Your team, not for this next mission, you, however, I need a helmsman for my ship, a Galaxy Class, feel up to it?".

" With respect . You are asking me to drive a cruise ship into a battle? You know what I love a challenge. Sure, sir . I would be honored. Can I atleast bring my valkrye for moral support?" Mc Daniel replied.

Chuckling, Hurd said, "Of course, but be aware, my ship is no regular Galaxy Class." 'It has been hevily modified to support Marine Operations, and as such it's power systems, computer systems, engine, shield systems, weapon systems, sensors, and just about every other thing aboard at far, far above a standard Galaxy Class."

" Sir I actually think it would be fun to pilot a Galaxy class ship.Lord knows I've defended enough of them over the years. Where's she moored?" Chuck asked.

"She's over at Docking Port 19". "I've already taken the liberty of inputting your security access codes, so you have almost unlimited run of the ship." Cracking his knuckles he continued, "So when you want, feel free to head on over and explore, choose yourself out some quarters on Deck 2, and if any of my men give you crap tell them you are acting on my authority".

" Ill be sure to tell them that."

Doing some really quick thinking, Hurd added, "Can you detach 5 of your best pilots and ground crews and embark them aboard?, their is a chance we may need them".

" Consider it done sir. I also have a question sir. Whose the XO on your ship? "

"Major Danny Lennox, do you know of him?".

" I haven't had the pleasure . I look forward to this assignment sir." Chuck replied.

"Well get ready, we leave within the hour, have your fighters and support personnel onloaded immefiantly to Bay one".

" I will get right on It General. Simper Fi," Major McDaniel replied as he snapped to attention, about faced and exited the office.

It would take fourty five minutes for the sabres to be delivered and Chuck would fly his valkrye to the Kearsarge.

Hurd filled out a few final forms, sent the orders to his ship, and left his office.



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