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Shocking Revalations

Posted on Mon Nov 18th, 2019 @ 11:26am by Commander Hades,MD

659 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: SB400, Level 703 - Surgical Wards 1-10,
Timeline: MD 02 0945 hours


Hades stood at the entrance to the surgical ward. He looked up as Isaiah entered. “Since when are you an engineer?”

Isaiah smiled, “I know enough. We’re short-handed and I’m helping out.”

“Well whatever I need help. These entire surgical units all 1 through 10 are not working. The computers took heavy damage. While nothing was damaged on 704 the computers function, much like the Borg, as one unit.”

Isaiah sighed. “Alright. We’ll look at that.”

“Once you’re done there my office is next. Everything I touch gives me a micro shock. The computer, the chair, the replicator. It’s nothing major, just annoying enough to drive me insane.”

Isaiah snorted, “Are you sure that’s possible. Aren’t you already there?”

Hades glared at him. He tossed him the PADD. “Get to work. I want my sickbay at one hundred percent.”

“Sure thing sunshine,” Isaiah motioned for the crew and they got to work.

Hades sighed, he headed back towards the turbo lifts. He needed to be back on 700 to pick up his bag and he had some home visits to make. He also had to move up a dinner appointment to lunch. He had a problem to solve there. He also had rounds. It was now that he realized how much Carolyn had been a saving grace. She worked so well with him that his job seemed effortless at times.

The trip back to his office didn’t take long. He sent off the message to Carolyn’s grandmother with the annoyance of a few shocks and then headed out to do his rounds.

As he visited the patients he stopped to speak with them, to raise their moral, and the pain he felt at seeing so many ill and hurt was hard to bare. Every time he looked at those poor people he felt horrible. Why did this have to happen? Another war, would it be as bad as the Dominion one?

He didn’t care to find out. Somehow he pushed himself to eat a quick protein bar on his way to his in home visits. There were only three and they were for minor colds, thank goodness. He made it back to his office in record time.

Waiting for him was an update PADD to tell him that three of his 10 wards were fixed. The teams made good time.

Closing the door to his office Hades decided he’d get a drink of water before working on a few reports. His plans, as they often tended to do, did not work out.

As he made his way to his desk his steps felt odd. In the span of two heart beats he let out a gasp of pain and fell to his knees clutching his ribcage.

The razor sharp pain sliced through him, his whole body shook as he let out another grunt of pain. Hades clenched his teeth against the rending feeling. He tried to pull in air through his nose. To clear his mind he began to count the seconds.

One, two, three….

He made it until two hundred before the pain eased. He let out a shuddered breath. With the motions of a snail he began to pick himself up off the floor just as his door opened.

Isaiah was confident enough that the work crews were moving well. He headed down to see Hades. Knowing that the man never locked his door he entered only to be stopped in his tracks.

“Hades!” He knelt down by the doctor and used his strength to help him up.

Isaiah was about to activate his com when Hades’ hand, still shaking, stopped him. “No! Help me to my chair.”

Torn Isaiah did as asked.

“I just need a few minutes. I will recover…I always recover.”

Isaiah didn’t like that last comment. ‘Always’ this meant that this was not the first time this had occurred.

To Be Continued…


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