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Get back on the road

Posted on Mon Nov 18th, 2019 @ 2:33pm by Lieutenant Commander Anna Bagwell

1,916 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: USS Falcon - sickbay
Timeline: MD01 2100 hours | MD02 1100 hours


Location: Sickbay

Anna had personally supervised all the patients that had been moved to and from the Falcon's sickbay. She was thankful to Zeke and their crew for helping make sure everything went smoothly. They had done some rearranging and had taken on as many patients as they could. Thanks to Dr. Hades she also had ample supplies and medicine should it be needed.

She sat at her desk, both tired and hungry but she couldn’t seem to find the energy to move. In a minute she would head home, Zeke was more than likely asleep already. He had probably given up on her a while ago. She had been working all day, when she heard the announcement that the USS Falcon, was departing.

Dustin walked into Sickbay, he was talking a final look around, before calling it a night. All the extra guests, had him working pretty hard too. He had a minor head ache, because of it. He walked in, surprised not see anyone. He had no idea that Anna was still on the clock, and in her small tiny office.

Anna heard someone come in and got up, moving to the doorway. “Everything okay,” she asked quietly. He looked like the same tired she was but Anna reminded herself how lucky they all were.

"Ya sorry to bother you, just a minor head ache, I should have just gone to bed. But needed to make my final rounds." Dustin said. He knew, she probably wanted to get home to Zeke. They were all working late tonight.

“It isn’t a bother,” Anna assured him. “I was trying to decide if I had the energy to even walk to my quarters.” She grabbed a hypo and the right medication. “This should take care of it.” Anna said, giving him the injection.

Dustin felt a sense of relief, from the Hypospray. "Thanks Doc." He said, he said with a big grin on his face. "Now I can have that date with Aubrey tonight. In Holodeck 1. Made sure to book some time." Dustin said, with a big grin on his face.

“I hope you have a good time,” Anna said with a smile. “I am hoping that food will magically appear when I get home.”

"Don't we all." Dustin said, with a big grin on his face. "Thanks for everything, Doc." Dustin then started to head out of sickbay.

Location: Engineering

"Calling it a night Ma'am?" Chief Larkel asked, he was ready for Aubrey to leave engineering.

"Itching to get rid of me Chief?" Aubrey said with a big grin.

"Just a little, you look tired, no offense. But we need our Chief Engineer at her best and rested." Chief Larkel suggested to her.

"I appreciate that Chief, I really do." Aubrey said to him.

"Good good, I believe you have a date waiting for you." Chief Larkel pointed out to her.

"Is there anything you don't know Chief?" Aubrey asked him.

"It's a small ship sir." Chief Larkel pointed to her.

"So it is, and you are right, I should not keep him awaiting." Aubrey said, as she started to head to exit. Her next stop, Dustin's quarters. She wanted to catch up with him.

Location: Quarters of Aubrey Miller

Dustin was changing over, when he called out. "Enter."

“It’s me,” Aubrey called out as she entered. “I just got done with work.” She smiled to herself. “Or should I say shoved out the door.”

"Chief Larkel is a bit territorial, isn't he?" Dustin said with a big grin on his face.

“Yes,” Aubrey smiled. “Also well informed. He reminded me of our date and I would be late if I didn’t get moving. As if I would keep you waiting.” She smiled at him.

"He had a point Aubrey, you tend to be a bit of a perfectionist. And you do love engineering." Dustin pointed out to her, as he reached with his arm. "Ready to go?" He asked. Noticing her coming out of the room, looking incredible. Like she always did.

“I am more than ready,” Aubrey murmured. “I have to be, our ability to move in a second depends on it.” She needed this down time but then they all did.

"Alright." Dustin said, as they left her quarters and started to head to the mess hall.

Location: CO's Quarters

Zeke walked into their shared quarters. It was the largest room on the ship, but that was not saying alot. Zeke started to unzip his jacket. As he walked over to the small table, barely big enough for two. He started to go over some reports. He noticed a cup of tea, sitting in his spot. "You spoil me, you know that right?" Zeke asked, as he called. He was not sure where Anna was in the room.

“I try too,” Anna said as she came from across the room, holding a cup of her own. “My day was busy, I was certain yours was as well.” She sat down and watched as he worked. Zeke wasn’t a workaholic in her mind, he was dedicated. “You want me to replicate dinner?”

"You are a saint." Zeke said, as tried to hurry up and complete his nightly reports. He wanted to spend more time with Anna. He was going over ship performance reviews, submitted to him by Operations. The Falcon was in working order, despite the battle. Now they were cloaked and heading towards Klingon space.

"Yes dear, just going over these operational reports. Been a hectic day, but tonight things should sort of get back on track. Three day skip to a klingon station, take few scans and head home." Zeke said, as he started to dig into his plate.

Anna took a piece of steak. “Let’s hope it is as simple as that.” She wanted to believe it would be but with what they had been through she would rather be prepared. “How is the crew holding up?”

"I think you would know that question better than me." Zeke suggested with a slight smile on his face. "The bridge crew, appeared to be tired and warn out. But rightfully so. Most of the senior officers, are meeting in the dinning hall, for a get together." Zeke told her. He just wanted to spend a quiet night with Anna.

“That will be good for them,” Anna murmured. “They need the time to relax. I am happy just being here where I can just be with you.”

"I was hoping we can snuggle up and watch a movie. If that's okay." Zeke asked, as he looked over at the bed, in the back of the room.

“Yes!” Anna smiled widely. She loved how they were so much alike in a lot of ways. “I was hoping that would be your suggestion. I don’t want to have to do anything but be with you.”

Location: Mess Hall

Most of the crew had arrived in the mess hall, Sam was sitting at a table, just taking a sip of his replicated synthohol. It was vile tasting. He looked over to Sarah. "We should get a bar, and put it over in that corner, and get some real alcohol. This stuff is horrible." Sam said, as he took another sip.

“I think that is a great idea,” Sarah grinned. “I will turn in a requisition and see what he says.” She hated the taste just as much as Sam did. “He has to drink it too I can’t imagine he would be against it.”

"Hello Commander, Lieutenant." Dustin said, as he and Aubrey walked over to their table. He was being polite, but they were all going to sit together. It's what they discussed earlier in the night.

“How about we drop the rank and you can call me Sarah tonight,” Rodgers suggested. “Just four friends hanging out together.”

"Sarah, I'm not sure I can get use to that." Dustin suggested, as he felt Aubrey hit him on the side. He wondered what that was about.

“We are fine with that,” Aubrey said with a smile. “And tomorrow we will be back to ranks. What are we drinking?” She have Dustin a look to behave with a grin on her face.

"Sadly Synthohol." Sam said, trying to force under drink down.

"Why does Starfleet force this on us?" Dustin asked, in disbelief.

"To keep us sharp, and on our toes." Sam said, giving the standard starfleet bs answer.

“It doesn’t help with morale,” Aubrey said as she looked at the others. “We need to relax and rejuvenate. That stuff is going to do nothing for us.”

“I agree,” Sarah nodded. “I wish I had a bottle of something back in quarters but I don’t.”

"Who would get to run the bar, we are already a small crew. Doubt the Captain would, or the Doctor. They wanted to be alone tonight." Sam said, wondering who would lead the bar area.

"If we really want a bar, we will find away." Dustin suggested, as the scene starts to fade.


Location: The Bridge

Zeke walked onto the bridge. "Good morning number one." Zeke called out, as he walked over the command chair. At the moment, Sarah was sitting in the command chair.

Sarah stood and moved away from the chair. “Good Morning, Captain." Sarah replied. “We are right on schedule at the moment.” She almost added with no issues but she didn’t want to jinx them.

"Start our passive scans in this sector." Zeke called out, as he looked over to Dustin.

"Beginning scans now Captain." Dustin said. So far there was nothing on sensors, but they had just started the scans.

The alert sensors started to go off. "Captain detecting a Vor'Cha Class Battle Cruiser, DE cloaking and signaling the station." Dustin called out, as he continued to run his scans.

"Any signs that they detected us?" Zeke asked.

"No Captain." Dustin said.

Zeke looked over to Sarah. "At least the cloak is working." Zeke said, with a big grin on his face.

“That is good news,” Sarah agreed with a grin of her own. ”Feels good to be the one undetected for a change.”

"Continue our scans. We need to verify that the Typhon Pact ships, are heading deeper and deeper into their own space." Zeke called out.

Sarah continued to keep an eye on the ships as they moved further away. “They are still on course, Captain.” She informed him.

"Just so we are clear, on course to leave the system, correct?" Zeke called out. He wanted to be sure, they did not alter course, throughout the night.

“Yes Captain,” Sarah confirmed. The Typhon Pact ships are in course to leave the system.” She kept her eyes on the scans in case there was a change.

"Well it appears I owe you a bottle of Saurian Brandy." Zeke called out with a big grin. He had placed a bet with her, saying they would not leave the area. He was happy to be wrong.

"Stop by my quarters later on, you all have earned it." Zeke said, as the scene starts to fade away.

The Crew

Commander Ezekiel Bagwell, Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Commander Sarah Rodgers, Executive Officer
Lieutenant Anna Woodhouse, Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Dustin Reynolds, Chief of Security
Lieutenant Junior Grade Samuel Carrington, Chief Control Flight Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Aubrey Miller, Chief Engineer


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