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Posted on Wed Nov 20th, 2019 @ 6:45am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

2,036 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Various
Timeline: MD02 0950 hrs
Tags: `


Ariana was walking along the corridor to her father's office, she'd received orders to report to Admiral T'Lar and was wondering if he had too. She was just about to ring the chime when the door opened and Hurd walked out almost running her over in the process.

Stepping aside and grabbing her so she wouldn't hurt herself, he said jokingly, "Whoa child, where's the fire?"

"Sorry Dad!" Ariana smiled apologetically. "Did you get an order to report to Admiral T'Lar by any chance?" She held up the PADD containing the order.

Pulling a Padd from his BDU Pocket he said, he said bemused, "Matter of fact I have, wonder what it's about?"

"Oh I can take a pretty good guess!" She sighed. "The incident in the brig."

"Does not surprise me, although I'm not worried, nor should you be", he said with a reassuring smile.

"I'm not worried, I'm...terrified!" She gazed at Hurd. "I still don't know what happened to me but Doctor Hades is investigating. Anyway we'd best be going or Admiral T'Lar will be annoyed if we're late."

"Either way she's going to be annoyed, seems she's always that way these days, but your right let's go"."

As they arrived at Deela's office Ariana took a deep breath and pressed the chime.

Deela was rubbing her forehead, trying to soothe a headache. She was frustrated with what happened, something that should have never happened. Hearing the chime, she took a deep cleansing breath and let it out,"Enter."

Ariana stepped aside letting her father enter first, following him inside. Walking up to T'Lar's desk she nodded. "Reporting as ordered Admiral."

Hurd saluted, then gave the Vulcan Salute and stood at Parade Rest.

Deela looked at the two for a moment, then with a stern voice, she pointed to the two chair in front of her desk, "Have a seat." She gathered her thoughts while she waited for them to sit down.

Ariana took a seat, she did her best not to show how nervous she was feeling.

Hurd, his face blank of any emotion, took a seat next to his daughter, ready to get this over with.

"I am sure that I do not have to tell you what this meeting is about." She looked at both of them with anger, "The incident in the brig has left one person dead and put two others in Sickbay. It should have never happened but you just had to confront the man, didn't you?" That question was directed to Hurd.

Scooting up in his chair, Hurd said, "Admiral, my intent when I went in there was not confrontation , not at at all". Lowering his eyes, he said, "I just wanted to know why he did what he did, and the two Marines I brought with me were to make sure neither he nor I did anything stupid". Looking back up into her eyes, his now filled with tears, Hurd said, " Obviously that did not happen".

Ariana looked at her father, she could feel his remorse at what had happened. "Admiral, in the General's defence Mr Ignatious was using his telepathic abilities to control the marines. He had obviously spent a long time mastering his mind control to so easily control someone else."

She was taken aback by Hurd as she never seen him cry but it didn't mean that she'd ease off either, "And you are surprised?" She looked at Hurd, "Because I am not. General Hurd, you are so predictable. He knew that eventually you would go see him and you did just that. You played right into his hands." She sat up straight in her chair, "And because you walked in with two other marines, he is claiming self defense, that you threatened him. He said that when you walked in with your giant marine goonies, you told him and I quote, "I'm back and I brought some friends". If you said that, I can see how he can claim that you threatened him."

"I said those words yes Admiral, I do not deny that", Hurd said as he continued to Cry. "Because those were my friends, I had no hostile intent whatsoever towards him when we entered, as I knew he'd be facing justice soon. Hurd started to shake a little as he quietly said, "Oh God what have I done?".

Deela calmed down a bit and changed her demeanor. She leaned forward again, her hands folded on her desk, "Look, I am a parent myself and I would be upset if anyone did anything to one of mine. But by going there, even if it was to find out why he did what he did, you gave him the ammunition to use against you. He used that, your emotions and your concern for Ariana against you. You have got to learn to control your anger and not let your anger control you. Until you can do that, you will always give others a way to use it against you." That was just one of her concerns.

Ariana hung her head, she was beginning to think that perhaps she'd compromised Hurd by telling him she was his daughter. If she could accept responsibility for what happened she would but since she wasn't there to start she couldn't.

Deela didn't want Hurd to hear so she talked to Ariana telepathically, ~Ariana, do not blame yourself. Your dad needs to learn that some decisions come with consequences.~ She's known Hurd for a long time. After all these years, he still hadn't learned his lesson.

Looking between the two, Hurd was at a loss for words. He just kept his head lowered, his emotions awash.

Deela could see that maybe this time, he had finally learned his lesson. She continued since no one was talking, "Although you did not kill anyone, you are partially at fault for the marines death. Bremer and I haven't decided what repercussions you will face for your decision. As for Mr. Ignatious, he will be put on trial not only for what he did to Ariana but also for your marine's murder and attempted murder among other criminal charges. He will not be allowed visitors because of what he did to you, Ariana and the marines and I am quite positive that he will try again with someone else. You both are to stay away from Mr. Ignatious."

Deela looked over at Ariana with a concerned expression. She had a few abilities herself that she hadn't told anyone about since they were never tested and she also had a rule that unless given permission, she didn't invade other's minds. She could clearly sense that there was something more to this whole situation. Call it a second sense, "Ariana, you seem perplexed about something. I ask because Mr.. Ignatious was not making much sense, almost delirious. He kept going on about you, repeating the question, 'how did she do it?' But when he was asked to explain, he shut down and refused to say anything more. So What exactly happened in the brig?" She sat back and folded her arms, waiting for an answer.

This was the moment Ariana had been dreading, she wasn't going to lie about it and she knew Deela would be able to tell if she did. She took a deep breath then answered as honestly as she could, "I wish I knew for sure Admiral. Andy tried to get inside my head, I'm not sure exactly what he did but..." She looked at her father then back at Deela. "It was like...something changed instead of him getting into my head, I was able to get inside his! I don't know what happened next, all I do know is that I wanted to hurt him! If it hadn't been for my father snapping me out of it I dread to think what I'd have done to Andy!" She shook her head. "I've never used my telepathy like that before, to even attempt it usually takes training and practice but I did it."

Deela observed her again for a moment before talking, "I am half Vulcan and half Betazoid. Growing up, my parents had no idea what abilities I would develop. The older I got, it was discovered that I had Betazoid abilities. As I got older, my father began training me in the Vulcan way. He found that my Vulcan heritage gave me an advantage over my Betazoid abilities. It was not until I was being threatened that the extent of my abilities came through. I once took advantage of my abilities by putting a suggestion in this guys head to kick another kid because he was teasing me about my pointed ears. He got terribly beat up by that boy and I felt horrible. I noticed when my life was threatened, my abilities that I didn't know I had came out of nowhere. So it is not surprising that this happened to you. It is like having a built-in self-defense mechanism."

"For what it's worth Admiral, I've been to see Doctor Hades." Ariana offered h father a brief smile before looking back at T'Lar. "He ran a scan to see if there's any changes in me compared to my last set of scans, I won't know the results for a few more days yet."

Hurd just sat there in stone silence, not saying anything at this point, still too upset to speak.

Ariana rested her hand on her father's arm. "Dad please...this isn't your fault, Andy wanted this all along. He wanted to goad you into something from the first day he saw you in the brig." She shook her head.

Shaking off her hand, Hurd stood and started to Pace. Still sobbing he said, "Yes it is my damn fault, I should have known better, and now I have one man dead, and another wounded, damn I am a Moron!!!"

"No, you're not!!" Ariana looked at her father then at Deela. "Please Admiral, tell him!!" She sat clenching her fists, last time she'd dug this deep into her anger she'd been pushed into it by Andy and it hadn't had a good outcome. She sat cradling her head in her hands, "I should have just turned his head inside out!!!"

"Both of you, stop!!! Ariana, you are not a killer and I doubt that you would want to have his blood on your hands. David, yes, you should have never gone there but you did. Crying about it is not going to change things. Look, there is no way that you knew he was improving his mental abilities. I am sure if you knew, you would have never gone there. At least, I hope you would not have. Mistakes were made but we are now aware of what he can do and we can take precautions so he cannot do it again to anyone. That is a good thing."

Deela stood up from her desk and went over to both David and Ariana, "I have a better understanding now of what happened and I will pass it along to Admiral Bremer. He will get back to you with his decision but until then, you are both free to leave and resume your duties."

Without saying anything too, or looking at either one of them, Hurd left. He felt it best to just be by himself for a while and not be around others.

Ariana watched her father go before wiping her eyes and regathering her emotions. She looked to T'Lar, "Did I do the wrong thing telling him about my being his daughter Admiral? I know he'd still have been angry with Andy for what he did to Freya and Kaden but maybe not angry enough to have lead to this."

Deela shook her head, "No, you did not. I have known your father a long time. He would have gone there anyway no matter if it was a friend or family member. I cannot fault him for caring."

Ariana nodded and took a deep breath. “Thank you.” She stood ready to leave. “I’ll be in my Quarters if I’m needed.” With that she headed on her way.


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