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Cat Games.

Posted on Wed Nov 20th, 2019 @ 6:51am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,281 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: General Hurd's Office
Timeline: MD02 1030 hrs

Hurd had had it. Retiring to his office, he found somebody had slipped that damn holographic cat in again. Not only that, but Rex was going nuts destroying the place. When Hurd tried grabbing his collar, Tex turned and bit him, tearing a decent sized hole in his shoulder. Slamming his hand over it and backing away, with blood pouring from between his fingers, Hurd activated the Comm system and said, in a tense and for the first time in his life scared voice,"Ross, Freya, get to my office now and bring two men with you and a medic, don't bother knocking just get here".

Kaden was sitting in his office going over reports from the recent attack when he had gotten the call before sitting up from his desk to go see what Hurd needed. Two crewmen was busy kissing one another as if they had expected one of them to be dead from the attack. Normally Kaden would tell them to do that in private but instead told them they volunteered for what it was Hurd needed. Entering Hurd’s office Kaden wasn’t sure if he needed to salute as it appeared the General was preoccupied with something. “I brought a couple of volunteers for you as requested, Sir.”

Ariana was resting at home when she heard her father's call she made her way straight to his office. As she reached the door and entered she could see the problem for herself, blood was flowing freely from a wound on Hurd's shoulder. “No need for a Medic Dad, I can take care of that!" She carefully made her way over to him grabbing an emergency medkit from his desk. "Let me see.."

"Ok, these cat games have to stop", Hurd said still bleeding, watching Axe tearing up his office. "The first few times, it was funny, then it got annoying, and now he turned and bit me". Looking at Kaden Hurd said, " Could you and those two please shut that damn thing off and try to track down whoever's been doing this, please?"

Kaden turned to the two crewmen he brought with him. He hoped one of them was well versed in holo engineering cause he sure wasn't. With a shrug of his shoulders Kaden and the crewmen went to work.

Ariana was busy patching up the damage the holographic cat had done to Hurd. “This is past a joke, it’s getting dangerous now. This wound is pretty deep. Who knows what further damage that holographic menace could do to you!” She was concerned for her father’s safety. “Is there anyone you can think of that might want to hurt you?”

"Is that a serious question?", Hurd asked with with a laugh.

“ was a bit stupid wasn’t it?” She grinned as she thought about the enemies her father had probably made during his time in Section 31.

Off in the distance Kaden was busy pressing random buttons hoping to shut off the program why Hurd assigned him to this task was beyond him. Suddenly the holographic cat appeared and jumped up into his arms purring and being very affectionate as if it liked Kaden. "Is this the menace you both are referring to?"

Ariana couldn’t help but smile. “Looks like it likes you Kaden!”

"Yeah Ross", Hurd sad suspiciously, " Looks like it likes you".

Kaden petted the cat he loved cats there was never a time he never be without one to have around. "Is that a tone of you suspecting I have to do with this?" He asked noticing Hurd's suspicion.

“Oh no...definitely not!” Ariana shook her head as she looked at her father. “Kaden had nothing to do with this, I’ll vouch for him personally!”

"Oh, and why is that?" Hurd said arching an eyebrow".

“Kaden and I used to be...lovers.” Ariana smiled as she looked at Kaden, before looking back at Hurd. “We were each other’s first lovers and we stayed friends. Kaden wouldn’t have done this, I’d trust him with my life.”

Jumping to his feet, Hurd said, "Lovers?!, What the Hell Ross that's my damn Daughter didn't you think you should have told me that sooner, goes for you to Ariana!!"

Kaden was just as shocked as he was he had no idea he used to be banging the daughter of one of his idols growing up. All he knew from the things Ariana's mother had said at times was Ariana's dad was some deadbeat that vanished from their lives. "Uh...I am just as shocked as you are...sir." Giving Ariana a cold hard stare wondering when she planned on telling him.

Ariana looked up. “Hey just a minute! Kaden and I aren’t involved anymore, we’re just friends. He’s a married man and I’m an engaged woman!” She grinned as she flashed the ring Cameron had given her. “What was I supposed to say? Hey dad guess what I almost had a baby with Kaden Ross!” She shook her head. “Not exactly the best time for all this is it?” She folded her arms as she finally finished patching up her father’s shoulder.

Kaden's eyes widened not only had Ariana not tell him Hurd was her father but now she was engaged. He just stood there not sure what to say his volunteers on the other hand witnessing the rather awkward situation unfolding felt the need to leave.

Ariana watched as the volunteers stepped out before sighing and looking at both men apologetically. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to be quite so direct.” She sat down with her head in her hands before looking up again. “My emotions are pretty off kilter at the moment, with having had Stacie and everything else that’s happened...forgive me?”

Kaden set the holographic cat on the floor as he walked over and stood next to Ariana. "Look, General, I assure you Ariana is a wonderful gal I mean she did make sure I was a stand up guy...oh crap..." He quickly realized that wasn't exactly the wisest thing to say to the father of his former lover. With his face turning bright red all Kaden could do was sit down and keep quiet.

Ariana smiled. “Kaden relax! It’s fine.” Sitting down beside Kaden she leant towards him and rested her head on his arm as she grinned at him. “You are so cute when you’re embarrassed you know that?”

Kaden looked at the general then Ariana unsure what to say of the situation. "Uh...I suppose I should be flattered." He was also getting nervous a little on what Hurd was thinking.

Ariana grinned and moved back across to Hurd to check his shoulder. "Okay, the bleeding has slowed down but you'll need to go to Sickbay and get this sorted out. As for Kaden and I, we're good friends nothing more. We had our time."

"Very well", Hurd said with no indication of what was on his mind." "You two need to get get out of here and see to base repairs and I have a division to run, dismismissed."

"Right, I would have someone who is a holo expert from engineering take a look at your furry friend's program I am not exactly well versed in that kind d of thing." Kaden said as he pet the cat one last time.

Ariana nodded but said nothing, she had the feeling that perhaps he was still angry from the earlier meeting with Deela but she wasn't sure. She nodded and made her way out of the office leaving Hurd to his work.



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