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Broken Part 1: The Truth

Posted on Fri Nov 15th, 2019 @ 8:18pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol

1,321 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Sickbay CMO Office, SB400
Timeline: MD 01 2000 hours


Rol stood and stared at the door to the CMO’s office. It was late and when he’d asked the computer to provide Hades’ location he wasn’t surprised that it was sickbay. Now that all the excitement was over Hades was putting his sickbay in order. He also knew that Kalani leaving like that had shaken Hades more than he let on.

Hades was worried about a lot of things and he hadn’t, so far, shared the burden with anyone. This was not a good thing. Rol knew that Hades had a lot of growing to do. He sighed again and rang the chime. He’d actually not come to focus on Hades but on his own problems.

Before the chime had belted out its tune, Hades responded, “Enter.”

The door hissed open and Rol walked in. “Am I disturbing you?”

Hades placed the repair PADD on the desk and looked up. “No. Is everything alright?”

Rol held up his hand. “Not for me…sort of.” He raked his hand through his hair. “I need to talk to you. About a lot.”

Hades interlaced his fingers together. He leaned back in his chair. “Alright Rol. Let’s get this over with. I have a ton of work. Tell me how ….”

“Before Hades could finish Rol jumped in, “I’m falling apart.”

Hades was taken aback by the comment. He had figured that Rol had been trying to be his usual self and had come to lecture Hades about working late or some such issue.

He reached across and grabbed a tricorder. “Let’s go to an exam…”

“No I mean emotionally. I just needed to talk to someone. Someone who’s stronger than me. Someone I trust….. Completely.”

Hades sat back. “Alright.” He motioned for Rol to sit. “Can I get you something to drink?”

Rol shook his head. He just started speaking. He told Hades about the Occupation and how he was kidnapped and how he helped save the Bajorans on Empak Nor. He also told him about what his family had planned and how he was feeling. Once he started it all spilled out. He told him about the relationship he’d started and even revealed the object of his affection and how he felt as if he was falling apart a little each day. He told Hades how he’d barley gotten up and out of bed this morning and he spoke as if he was detached and describing the life of someone else. Sighing, when he finished he looked up.

Hades listened and took everything in feeling distracted from all that was waiting for him.

“Hades I feel broken and I just…” He let it trail off.

Hades sighed. He’d never heard Rol speak this way. In all the time he’d known him Rol had been the one that had bounced back from anything and the man that was sitting here, now, was as Broken as he, himself was. He let out a shuddered sigh.

He leaned back and let the silence stretch. His mind began turning. Here was a man who was in pain, his friend, in pain. His mind raced with things he could say, where he could start.

“Rol,” he simply started. “What you did on the Cardassian station, what you gave up to save those people is admirable. The fact that your family won’t listen and that they find it easier to turn on you then listen to the truth is neither your fault nor your problem.” He stood and went to the cabinet to the right of his desk that stayed locked. With a quick eye scan it opened and he pulled out a glass bottle with two glasses. He poured the blue liquid into the glasses to the brim and then replaced the bottle in the secret cubby.

One glass he placed in front of Rol and then sat down in the chair beside him placing his own glass in front of him.

Rol looked at the blue liquid. “Romulan ale? Isn’t that illegal?”

Hades shrugged.

Rol picked up the glass and took a gulp pulling in half the glass in one swallow. He placed, the now, half empty glass on the table and proceeded to stare at the desk as if he were researching a cure to some pressing illness.

“You hold the power in your hand to prove them all wrong yet you don’t seem to want to play that card. Frankly I think you’re making yourself suffer for a perceived wrong.”

Rol looked up at Hades.

“Rol, look. You did what you had to. You got those people to safety and in order to do that you did what you had to in order to distract the idiot who ran that station. You watched the man you love die and you are punishing yourself for his death. You feel you should have saved him and you didn’t, you couldn’t have. You’re putting a wrong on yourself that should not be there. You want to be punished and shunned by your family to lend credence to your view of yourself as not good enough. You lose yourself in fixing other people’s problems to avoid your own.”

He watched as Rol finished the second half of the glass of ale.

“I’m only being direct because I know that is who you are. You are caring, compassionate, you love with your entire soul and you want to help. You feel that it is your job, your duty to help everyone and that nobody is beyond saving. That is nobody but yourself.”

Rol sighed, “Well tell me the truth then.”

Hades smiled. “You are Broken Rol. You are trying to find your way to the light after living in darkness. I know how you felt about me. I tried to discourage you because I knew that I was not the person to lead you to the light. Now your new love…you are both Broken enough to rebuild one another. So that relationship I encourage. I say take time and work on it. As for your family. I will stand with you but you have to decide if you want to make them believe the truth or if you want to let them punish you for no reason. Do you want to keep feeling sorry for yourself, keep hating yourself, keep living in the darkness of the Occupation or come out into the light and take a life preserver that was given to you in this new relationship? You have to want to change.”

Rol looked at Hades. “Are you sure you are not the counselor here?”

Hades smiled. “No but you needed to hear things straight. It’s why you came to me, you knew I would be direct and tell you what you need to hear. What you knew was right in your soul.” He stood and reached out his hand. “Here is a friend reaching out. What will you do?”

Rol looked at Hades and then stood and took Hades’ hand.

“Alright. I’m your friend. I am here with you and will help you figure this out. I promise,” Hades said.

Rol gave a nod.

“In the mean time I want you to go to your quarters. In fact I’ll walk you there and give you a sedative and you need to get some sleep.”

Before Hades could say anything at all the coms chirped.

=/\=John Thompson to Doctor Hades.=/\=

Hades raised an eyebrow not familiar with the name. He tapped his own com. “Go ahead.”

=/\=I’m at the Thompson Pub and….Mr. Braxton needs your help.=/\=

Hades sighed. “On my way.”

He looked at Rol. “Side trip?”

Rol smiled. “You know it.”

Hades grabbed his med kit and then headed out.



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