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Doctor's Orders

Posted on Fri Nov 15th, 2019 @ 8:18pm by Commander Hades,MD & Admiral Deela T'Lar

1,235 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Sickbay, SB400 - Recovery Ward
Timeline: MD 01 1945 hours


Hades had just about finished his rounds. He had two more people to see. First up was Solomon. He walked into the room to find Admiral T'Lar sitting at the bedside of her fallen fiancée. He could only imagine what she was going through. Back on Cardassia when Kalani was ill he'd gone through the same thing. "Admiral." He said.

Deela was watching him, waiting for him to show some sort of sign that he was waking up soon. At least she could sense things from him now. She was holding his hand like she had been when she visited him and her eyes were closed as if she was trying to telepathically talk to him. She heard someone call her and opened her eyes to see Hades there, "Oh, Dr. Hades. Did you need something?"

"I need to run a few tests," he said gently. He knew exactly what she was going through. "I know this is difficult." Kalani had been in a coma for two months. "I hope you are not doing what I did."

Deela looked at Hades, "What I am doing is sitting here by his side, hoping that he wakes up soon. But hoping is not going to make him wake up." She sighed.

Hades laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Hope is key." He opened his tricorder. After a few passes and a brief look at the readouts he looked at T'Lar "He's slowly healing. He is better today then yesterday. We just have to give him time."

"Sorry." She placed his hand back to his side and let go, "I have not been myself lately. Between Jack getting injured, my kids threatened and losing one of the two things that I had left from my deceased husband, my emotions have been all over the place."

"Understandable." He pulled up a chair next to her. "Have you taken some time for yourself?"

"Time?" Deela exhaled, "I am in charge until Bremer gets back from this mission. I do not have time to breathe much less have time for myself. And my poor kids are also suffering and I cannot even be with them to help them through their loss as well. Captain Harrison is caring for them and doing what she can for them. But that should be me. I am their mother for goodness sakes."

"Excellent then we agree."

"Good." She exhaled in relief.

He typed on a PADD and handed it to her. "We agree that you need time off and being the CMO I am giving you a day off, next in line can take the station. They'll keep you informed."

"Oh, I don't know." She threw her hands up in the air, "What am I thinking? I need this and the hell with them all. Thank you Dr. Hades."

He smiled. "Any time. Admiral. There is something you should remember."

Deela looked quizzically at him, "What is that?"

"You are an excellent mother and partner. You are an Excellent XO too but first and foremost your kids and your love and the rest will fall in line."

"Thank you for saying that." She looked over at Jack, "I love that man so much. When he is better, I am going to marry him."

He smiled. "Excellent! I have motivation to work hard to get him back to you." He thought a moment. "Before you go rest I would like to do some scans to make sure you are okay."

"If you think it necessary." It had been a while so she didn't fight it.

He led her out into the medical main bay and allowed her to settle on the bio bed. Running the tricorder over her he sighed. "Well the stress is having fun with your blood pressure. It's not normal for a Betazoid nor a Vulcan." He went to the counter and then readied a hypo. "This will help." He pressed the hypo to her neck and waited until the hiss ended. "Were you injured in the scuffle?" He asked the question even as he continued to scan her.

Deela thought for a moment, recalling that day, "Not that I am aware of. One almost got me, was even on top of me but I managed to throw him off."

"That would explain the bruising." He took the PADD he'd originally given her. "Two days rest." He tilted his head to the side. "Kalani asked me, before all this began, to thank you for helping secure our new quarters. She...loves them."

She smiled, "Tell her she is welcome. I am glad she is enjoying her new quarters. How is she doing anyway? I have not seen her for a while."

"We are...having difficulty." He said. "She's off on an away mission in Klingon space."

"Oh." Deela frowned, "Sorry to hear that. I was not aware that she was on a mission. Then again, I am not told everything. May she have a safe return."

He gave a nod. "I am hopeful." She smiled, "I am not good at being married. I wish to protect all those around me and I got a bit... overbearing. " He studied her. "May I ask a personal question?"

She nodded, "By all means, yes. What is it?"

"If the man you loved behaved like an idiot how could he apologize to you? I am bad at apologies. My urge is to protect her but...I am afraid I am being too overprotective. When you and he fight how does he apologize?"

"Jack and I have not had a fight, not one. But with my former husbands, I have. Jim too was over-protective of me even though I could win a physical fight with him. When he acted like a jerk, he would bring me flowers and tell me that he loved me so much that he just wanted to keep me safe and he was sorry if he was being a jerk. Vincent, like me, was also Betazoid and so he would apologize telepathically with me. He did not have to use flowers but he would find other ways to apologize." She smiled, "If you know what I mean." She winked at Hades.

Deela chuckled, "If you just explain why you acted the way you did and how much you love her, she could choose to A, forgive you or B, keep making you feel bad. If she chooses B, then you should probably grovel and then get her chocolates, flowers or what ever she likes." She added, "Oh yeah, do not tell her you will not do it again because you will and you know you should never make promises you cannot keep. But, you can tell her you will try but you cannot promise."

He smiled. "Thank you. I appreciate it." He smiled, "Now it is time for you to go and rest. I will make sure if anything changes you are called. Admiral, thank you for everything."

"And Thank you. I will rest as soon as I let OPS know that I will not be available for the next 24 hours." She kissed Jack before leaving.

Hades watched her go. He turned to his patient. "You have an important job Jack. You have to wake up. That is an order." He said to his patient. He would do everything in his power to ensure that Jack woke up for T'Lar.



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