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Life just got a whole lot more complicated

Posted on Fri Nov 15th, 2019 @ 5:58pm by Liam O'Connor

535 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Kitty O’Shea
Timeline: MD1 1930 hrs

“Not bad son, not too bad at all...”

Inspecting the fresh pint of Guiness which had been set down on the bar, Conor Brady raised the glass to his lips and took a long, appreciative drink. A regular visitor, and self proclaimed expert on how to pour the perfect pint, it was high praise indeed. Accepting it with a grin, Liam took away the empty glass and turned towards the sink.


Standing just inside the doorway, unmistakable with her fiery red hair, Emily O’Hanlon offered a small and decidedly nervous looking smile. As if to emphasise the point she reached up, tucking her hair behind her ear as she came further into the bar.

“Now she can pour me a pint anytime...” Conor commented into his pint, taking one look at the girl before turning away.

Liam barely heard him, his attention fixed on the new arrival. She looked exactly as he remembered. But that had been back home. As she moved closer he noticed she was carrying something, something small, swathed in blue. And as he watched the bundle moved and his eyes widened.

“Liam,” Emily said quickly, moving forward as the baby in her arms began to squirm and gave a small cry. Her gave fixed on Liam, Emily frowned, “we need to talk. In private.”

“A... about what?” He managed, mouth suddenly as dry as the Sahara.

“About us,” Emily told him firmly, “and your son.”

(One hour later)

He was a father.

To a baby.

A boy.

Numb, Liam sat staring at the same spot on the floor. Contemplating fatherhood without being able to form one actual coherent thought. It didn’t help that Kitty was wearing a hole in the floor, alternating between expressing her extreme disappointment in him and how much Joshua looked like him.

Joshua. His son...

Oh, Kitty had welcomed Emily as she welcomed everyone. She had doted on the baby and insist they both stay with her. Anything they needed, nothing would be too much trouble. They were family now. For her part, Emily did try to say no. But nobody said no to Kitty.

Through it all, Liam sat in silence. Until, exhausted, Kitty sank into the chair beside him. “You have to do what’s right by you family,” she sighed, “and as of now, that wee one is all you can worry about. What does she want to do?”

“I’m not sure,” Liam admitted. “We never got that far. I swear I had no idea -“

She held up a hand, “I believe you. But what’s done is done. Now you are going to have to deal with the consequences. If she’s willing, I will look after him tonight and you two can sit down and figure out what comes next.”

He nodded, “I suppose that’s what’s best...”

“Now, make yourself scarce while I figure out how to tell Jimmy some stranger and our great-nephew are going to be staying. He was planning to make it a man cave, whatever the hell that means!”

And with that she was gone too, leaving him lamenting how just two hours before his life was a lot less complicated.


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