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Helping Hand

Posted on Sat Nov 16th, 2019 @ 11:59am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant David Hannigan & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & First Ramata`tar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Rear Admiral Benjamin Sisko & Commodore Geordi La Forge & Captain Kira Nerys & Commander Data & Lieutenant Commander Nog & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Bail Donovan & Jean-Luc Picard
Edited on on Sat Dec 7th, 2019 @ 7:39pm

2,196 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: USS Pegasus / Deep Space Nine
Timeline: MD1 - 2005hrs - following 'Federation One'


The Pegasus slowly pulled under Upper Pylon Two at Deep Space Nine and docked. The station was still undergoing repairs. Upper Pylon One and Lower Pylon Two were missing, having been destroyed. There was also a breach in the outer docking ring, and on the habitat ring.

The Defiant was joined by the USS Challenger and a dozen Federation, Klingon, and Cardassian ships in defensive orbit of DS9.

Picard, Savak, and President Matthews were on the Bridge and looking at the devastation on the screen.

"The Dominion escort should arrive in a few hours." Mike commented as he also looked at the damage.

"I'm going aboard." President Matthews said as he turned toward the turbolift.

Mike paused, then tapped his commbadge. "Doctor Corrigan, Mister Coleman, Mister Garabaldi, Mister Robinson, meet us at Air Lock Six, we're boarding DS9." Mike looked over at Pike, "Lee, you're with us. Mister Hannigan, keep an eye on things here."

Lee nodded "Okay sir."

"Aye Sir." Hannigan replied.

Collecting a medical kit and a PADD detailing the supplies they carried, Doctor Corrigan set aside the update she had been preparing and headed out of sickbay. Almost out of the door she spied Doctor Harris and waved, “take care of the place!”

With that she was gone, heading towards the air lock as ordered. She had no sooner arrived than the sound of footsteps drifted closer. “Admiral,” she offered as Admiral Bremer came into view.

Hearing the overhead page for his presence in Docking Port Six, Coleman finished up several of his experiments that he had begun while en route to Deep Space Nine. Grabbing a standard issue Science Tricorder, he packed it into a case with various other scientific equipment before heading out.

Looking over at the Chief Petty Officer, Coleman smiled and said, "Keep an eye on those Tarkalian Bacteria samples. We've been working on them for a couple hours and I don't want them to go bad." The Petty Officer chuckled and reassured Coleman that all would be good for when he came back and shooed Coleman out. Heading to the nearest Turbolift, Coleman made his way to his destination.

Sisko, LaForge, and a security Officer met Bremer and the rest of the Pegasus personnel at the air lock. “Welcome to Deep Space Nine Mister President, Ambassadors.”

“Thank you Admiral. How are repairs coming?” Matthews asked.

“Slow, but steady. With the Challenger’s arrival we’re making better progress.” Sisko replied. “Commander Nog has been a God send, his knowledge of the Station has been invaluable.”

“I’ve offered to let the Admiral have him back.” LaForge replied with a smile.

“I’d like to have a look around.” Matthews said.

“Of course.” Sisko replied as he motioned for the President to proceed. Roebuck, Ramata’tar, and the President’s other two guards followed close behind.

“It’s good to see you Geordi.” Picard said as he and his old Chief Engineering Officer shared a hug.

“Mister Robinson, find Mister Nog, see if there’s anything he needs that the Pegasus can spare.” Bremer said. “And have a damage control team standing by to come aboard to help as well.”

“He was in Ops working with Commander Data on bringing the weapons array back online.” Sisko added.

“I might can help with that too.” Mike replied.

“I’m sure you remember the way.” Sisko replied with a smile.

“Yes sir.” Mike said smiling back.

“Doctor, find Doctor Bashir, see if you can help with any wounded or if he needs any medical supplies. Lee, Garabaldi, stay with the Admassadors in case they need anything. Coleman, you’re with me. Ops may need a hand.” Bremer said to the rest of his crew.

Lee nodded "Very well Admiral." He clasped his hands behind his back "Anywhere you would like to go gentlemen?"

Coleman fell into step behind Bremer as they began their journey to the nearest turbolift to make their way to Ops. "Admiral, I was reading the report on the damage to the station and realized that they still haven't been able to bring their main sensor array back online and were working with their secondary sensors. If we shunt the sensors through a secondary processor on Level 250 and tweak the sensor sensitivity, we can get them running much closer to normal operating power while the main sensors are being repaired."

Coleman grabbed a PADD out of his case and handed it over to the Admiral. He had gotten in touch with his brother on Earth, who was currently working with the Starfleet Corp of Engineers and Starfleet Diplomatic Corps, and asked for a few tips and pointers on how to get the secondary sensor array to peak efficiency while the station worked on getting the main array back up and running.

Chloe asked Commodore Lee "mind If I take a stroll around DS9?"she was in awe of how Starfleet acquired such a Station near Bajor.

Lee turned for a second then gave a nod "Go ahead Lieutenant."

DS9, Ops

It had been nearly an hour since the Pegasus arrived at DS9...

"Try it now." Nog said.

"Power flow is consistent. Levels are holding." Data added.

"Activating the weapons array." Mike said.

The three paused for a moment, then the display lit up and replied to them with a beep.

"Weapons are online and responding to commands." Mike said with a smile. "Nice work."

Nog smiled a toothy grin. "I still wish Chief O'Brien was here"

"I'm sure Admiral Sisko or Admiral Bremer could have the Chief transferred back to Deep Space Nine." Data replied.

"Actually, Captain LaForge and I have been talking. Commander, I'd like for you to return to DS9 as the Chief of Station Operations." Sisko said coming out of his office with Geordi and Picard.

Nog looked around at everyone before smiling, "I accept."

The Tactical panel beeped. "Looks like our escort has arrived." Mike said as he powered down the weapons array.

"Admiral, a Vorta named Yelgrun is requesting to beam aboard." An Ensign at the Communications station announced.

"Permission granted." Sisko replied.

"Is that the same Yelgrun that we captured during the Dominion War?" Nog asked.

"It is. He was returned to the Dominion with other POWs." Mike replied.

A moment later, Yelgrun appeared on the Ops transporter pad.

"Welcome to Deep Space Nine." Sisko said.

"Thank you, it is a pleasure to be here." He looked at everyone present, "You were promoted, congratulations Commander Nog."

Nog wasn't sure what to say, "Um, thank you."

"Fleet Admiral Bremer, I've been asked to accompany you aboard your ship into the Gamma Quadrant for the meeting with the Founders." Yelgrun said.

"Very well. I'll escort you to the Pegasus. We'll depart in an hour." Mike looked back at Picard who gave a nod in agreement.

A few minutes later, Yelgrun and Bremer rounded the corner at the airlock the Pegasus was at. Two young Ensigns were standing there talking.

"And who might you be?" Yelgrun asked.

"Ah, I'm Ensign Logan..."

"No, I mean your first names." Yelgrun said.

"It's Ted." He replied.

"I'm William."

"Earth's English language is so fascinating. Isn't Bill short for William?" Yelgrun asked.

Bill nodded, "It is."

Yelgrun looked back at forth at the young Ensigns, "Well Bill, Ted, I think we're about to have us an excellent adventure." He smiled before boarding the Pegasus.

The Ensigns looked at Bremer, confused. Mike shrugged his shoulders then followed Yelgren aboard and took him to the Bridge.

DS9, Infirmary

“...cheat me out of my latinum. Won it fair and square and that guy decides I was cheating and then someone through a punch -“

“You!” A gruff voice interjected.

“Maybe me,” the man perched on the edge of the biobed conceded, “or some other wrongfully accused man. And next thing there are bottles and fists flying everywhere! I was only defending myself, Doc.”

“Quite right too,” Doctor Corrigan grinned as she finished healing the head wound, ignoring the irritation on the face of the security guard.

The Bajoran stood just inside the entrance to the infirmary watching every move, a level of scrutiny which seemed slightly out of proportion for a bar fight. It was clear security did not agree with her patient’s claims of being the victim. For his part, Javyn Kemtok was still a little too drunk to mind. And as long as she was placating him, he was happy to sit and talk. And talk.

For the moment she was holding the fort, allowing Doctor Bashir to focus on patients requiring surgery. Given that they had now expected departure time, treating patients aboard the Pegasus was ruled out and instead they had provided additional equipment and supplies to replenish the depleted stocks here on DS9.

And working with Doctor Bashir has been an added bonus. He had welcomed the help yet despite the pressures he was undoubtedly under - and had been under since the attacks - he seemed to take it all in his stride and with a quiet, subtle humour.

She was just sorry they could not stay for longer.

DS9, Science Lab One

Coleman found his ways down to the inner sanctums of Deep Space Nine, hoping to find the Main Science Lab aboard the Starbase. He had gotten permission from the Admiral to help bring the Secondary Sensor Array up to par with the Main Sensor Array, so that it could work in place of it until the Main Array was fixed from the attacks.

Walking into the Main Science Lab, it appeared empty at first, but it became clear within moments that Coleman wasn't alone. "No, no, no! That won't do! Whatever you're doing is causing an overload in the main EPS grid for the secondary relays.If we don't get the secondary grid up to 50% by the end of the day, the Admiral will have our butts and I'm sure of it," the first voice said, as Coleman could hear the frustration clearly, as though he had been working on the problem for quite some time with very little success.

Coleman walked across the Lab, behind a console and saw two officers working away. One was wearing a mustard yellow uniform, while the other was wearing a blue one. Chuckling, Coleman couldn't help but see him and his brother in the two officers, as his brother was an Engineer and Nick was a scientist.

Leaning over the console, Coleman let out a small cough before saying, "Might I offer you gentleman a hand?" With that, he heard a small thud and could feel something hitting the console. By the feels of it, it must've been something rather large and belonged to one or both of the Officers.

The Engineer was the first to get up and he looked Coleman in the eyes, saying, "Not unless you know something about Sensor Arrays and how to make them work because ours has been going in and out for the least couple of days since the attack." Picking up a PADD and handing it over to the officer, Coleman let a pleased smile come across his face.

"As a matter of fact, I know a little bit about both. Mind if I offer you guys a hand?" Coleman said as the Engineer looked over the information. As though a light switch went off, the Engineer looked rather pleased and let Coleman joined in. Within an hour, the sensor array came up to 45% and the power flow to them was at peak efficiency. Coleman knew he didn't have all the time in the world, so once he was completed with the sensor upgrade, he excused himself back up to Ops to see where else was needed.

USS Pegasus, Bridge

Mike motioned to the chair to the right of the CO's for Yelgrun to sit at. He gave a look at Pike then took a seat as well.

Looked at the Flight Control station he saw Chief Branson there, not Lieutenant Young. "Chief, welcome back. How are you feeling?"

"Better sir. Leg is still a little stiff." Branson replied. He had hurt his knee when the Pegasus took a hit during the defense of Starbase 400.

"Where's Miss Young?" Mike asked.

"No idea sir. I came to the Bridge to see if I could go back on duty and she was gone, so I just took over." Branson explained.

Mike nodded then looked over at Pike. "Have all Pegasus personnel return aboard. Also let our VIPs know we'll be departing in thirty minutes."

Several minutes later, the Pegasus undocked from DS9 and followed a Jem'Hadar Attackship into the wormhole and on to the Gamma Quadrant beyond.

Once in the Gamma Quadrant, the Pegasus was met by no less than two hundred Dominion ships in a defensive formation.

"Just in case Deep Space Nine can't keep the Typhon Pact out." Yelgrun explained. "Set course 005 mark 328 and go to warp nine once you clear the fleet. We should arrive at the meeting location in seven hours."

Mike gave a nod to Chief Branson, and the Pegasus was on her way.



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