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Broken Part 2: Kearsarge hung over Shuffle

Posted on Sat Nov 16th, 2019 @ 12:28pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol

511 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Pub, SB400 & USS Kearsarge docked
Timeline: MD 01 2045 hours


Previously on Broken…

=/\=John Thompson to Doctor Hades.=/\=

Hades raised an eyebrow not familiar with the name. He tapped his own com. “Go ahead.”

=/\=I’m at the Thompson Pub and….Mr. Braxton needs your help.=/\=

Hades sighed. “On my way.”

He looked at Rol. “Side trip?”

Rol smiled. “You know it.”

Hades grabbed his med kit and then headed out.

….And now the continuation…


They arrived at the pub in no time. There was clear sign of damage from the invasion force but it looked like there were customers, Braxton being one of them.

Hades sighed. He handed the med kit to Rol. “Can you hold this? I want to talk to him alone first.”

Rol gave a nod. He hung back as Hades walked over to his cousin, who was clearly drunk. He sat down on the stool next to him. “Braxton.”

Braxton looked over to his right and sighed. “Whad ooo want?”

That was a loaded question. What he wanted was for his cousin to be okay again. Something was wrong and Braxton didn’t trust anyone with it and that had hurt Hades. They had been one another’s confidants once but… now.

“Braxton,” he started gently. Tonight seemed to be the night of delivering truths. “I want you to be like you were. Something is wrong and it’s obvious. Talk to me damn it.”

Braxton snorted. “Nothing’s wrong. Jus livme lone.”

There was just enough slurring in Braxton’s words for Hades to know how inebriated Braxton was.

“I know you are hurting. Why can’t you trust me?”

Braxton got up. “You nonofin.”

Hades made the mistake of rolling his eyes and watched as Braxton got madder and swung at him. Just as Hades had predicted Braxton missed and fell back to the floor with a clang.

Hades spied a PADD and picked it up. Before Braxton knew what was happening he read it and cursed. He motioned Rol to join him.

“What’s going on?”

He handed Rol a PADD. “We got to get him to the USS Kearsarge.”

Rol read the orders. “Damn! We’re cutting it close. Let’s get him to his quarters on the ship.”

Hades thought. “Can you manage Braxton? I’ll go to his quarters he always keeps an away bag packed.”

With the plan in place Rol struggled with a drunk Braxton getting him to the ship well after Hades had arrived at the airlock. Together they hauled Braxton to his quarters and dumped him there. Hades would check on him as much as he could until the ship shoved off.

That being done he escorted Rol to his quarters and made sure he gave him something to help him sleep.

Hades knew that this would be a long night of checking on Rol and Braxton but what he didn’t know was that he’d be needed again before the night was over…or rather before the dawn hour had struck.

To be continued…


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