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Past, Present, and Future

Posted on Mon Nov 11th, 2019 @ 9:09pm by Commander Hades,MD & Splendora Sage

1,347 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Over Coms and Klingon Ship Da'rah'goon
Timeline: MD01 1700 hrs


Sickbay Starbase 400

Hades leaned back in his chair. It was almost the end of his shift. It had been an active day. They were still dealing with the fall out of everything that had happened and patients were coming in left and right. He really didn’t need any distractions now but a distraction did come. It came in the face of an old friend. He hit the activation code on his computer and watched the Starfleet logo fade to be replaced by a beautiful Klingon woman.


The Klingon smiled. “Hello Hades. Still doing your impression of the village idiot I see.”

He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Drucila what do you want?”

“Your wife is on this ship.”

He sighed, “Yes. I know.”

She shook her head. “You cannot act like a cry baby. She needs your support. You have lived so long disconnected from life that when you hold its essence in your hand you don’t know what you have. She loves you.”

“Drucila, I have patients. I know my wife loves me.” He paused. “How is Kitana.”

“My daughter is doing glorious. She has taken a communications post on the ship. She will enter the Klingon Battle Academy next year.”

Hades sighed, “Have you ever asked her if she wishes to be a Klingon warrior?”

Drucila’s face darkened. “Do not tell me how to raise my daughter! I have raised her since she was created.”

Hades watched the coms go dead and swore softly. Standing up he picked up a PADD and headed back out into the main sickbay. He had more patients to see. Tomorrow the engineering crews would be here to fix all that was broken and he had to move an entire wing of sickbay.

His mind went to Kalani. His talk with Bremer had helped. He felt calmer about things now. He was even glad that Bremer had selected Carolyn to go on this away mission. His mind went back to Drucila and their conversation and their shared past. If it hadn't been for Drucila he never would have survived so he'd stayed away as per her wishes but... He shook his head to clear it. He'd finish his rounds and call Kalani.

Klingon Ship Da'rah'goon

Kalani had just showered and slipped into her pyjama when her door chimed. She hit the button to open it and was surprised to see the communications officer at the door. “Hello Kitana.”

The Klingon smiled and gave a nod. “Miss Liora. I am disturbing you.”

Kalani smiled and shook her head. “No of course not. Come in.”

She watched as the beautiful woman entered her temporary quarters. The young lady was so unsure in her motions. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“Peppermint tea.”

Kalani smiled, “Of course.” She walked over to the replicator and ordered two cups. “You look troubled.”

Kitana shrugged. “I have…questions.”

Kalani carried both cups to the dining table and motioned for the girl to sit.

Kitana sat softly, more softly then the average Klingon. She sipped her tea and then looked up at Kalani, “What’s it like?”

“What’s what like?”

“To hold history in your hand.”

Kalani smiled. “It feels wonderful. When you are removing and finding an artifact you can’t help but feel connected. Just think we are uncovering it now but a long time ago someone held that object, loved it, worshipped it, and you…you are connected to it. It’s like being at the ruin sight and realizing that the same wind that caresses your skin caressed the skin of someone a thousand years go.”

Kitana smiled, “Glorious.”

Kalani studied the woman silently. “You like history?”

She gave a nod. “Yes.”

“But you are a communications officer.”

Kitana sighed. “For now. I am 17 this year. Next year I will be 18 and will be entering the Battle Academy. Then I will be a warrior.”

Kalani sighed, “But you want more.”

Kitana shrugged. “Does it matter?”

She sighed, “Of course it does!”

“My mother does not think so.”

Kalani stayed silent again. “What about your father?”

The girl shrugged. She stood up quickly. “I should go. I should not be talking to you.”

Before Kalani could say anything Kitana rushed out.

Kalani sat back down and sighed. “Well that went well. I've heard of messing up the past but I might have just set a record for messing up the present but hopefully not the future.”

Klingon Ship Da'rah'goon

Kalani’s door chimed for the second time. Briefly she was hopeful that Kitana had come back but she sighed when she saw Splendora. “Oh…”

Splendora smiled, “Wow should I be insulted?”

Kalani smiled, “No. I’m so sorry I thought you were Kitana.”

“The Klingon girl who just passed me by?”

“Yes. Come in. Can I get you something?”

Splendora shook her head. “No. I’m good. I just came to check on you. I know Hades ignored your call. If it makes you feel better he ignored mine too.”

Kalani smiled. “Guess we’re both in the dog house.”

Splendora laughed. She sat down at the table and studied Kalani. “I sense you’re troubled.” She opened her senses again. “The girl?”

Kalani sighed, “Yes. I was hoping to make a good first impression but…I said something and she ran out.”

“Oh? Why is a first impression important?” Splendora rose and went to the replicator to get a glass of water. She sat back down as she waited for Kalani to answer.

“She is my stepdaughter.”

Splendora chocked on the water. As she swallowed it went into her nose and burned. “You…Your…..s….step….daughter?” She asked between coughing fits.

Kalani rushed over and patted Splendora’s back. “Are you okay?”

It took a moment for Splendora to get her breath back. “Stepdaughter?”

Kalani smiled as she went back to her seat. “Didn’t you notice her Vulcan ears…or those mesmerizing ice blue eyes?”

Splendora just stared at her blinking wildly until the puzzle pieces fell into place. “HADES!”

"Yup. Kitana is Hades' daughter with Drucila."


Kalani smiled. “He was 21 years old. He was injured. Drucila… she nursed him back to health, the were together…one night. When he found out Drucila asked him to stay away and knowing that his life was…complicated he let Drucilla raise her. It really hurt him to give up his daughter but it was best for Kitana if her mother raised her.”

Splendora’s violet eyes just blinked. “Hades and the Klingon? The loud one with an attitude?”

Kalani laughed. “She’s not that loud and she’s sweet. As for Kitana…” Kalani shrugged. “She found out Hades was her father. She wrote to him. I read the letter just after the wedding…she wanted to see him. I overheard a conversation with Drucila and Hades and Drucila didn’t want him to contact Kitana. Hades backed down even though it hurt. He wants so much to know his daughter. It’s his one regret.”

Splendora sat back. “Go figure.”

“I was gonna leave when the archeological portion of this trip was cancelled but when I saw Drucila I…decided I could get to know you more and try and convince her to let Kitana come with us to the station to see her father.”

Splendora just stared at her. “You do realize Drucila could smash you to bits, right?”

“To give Hades peace….I’ll take the chance.” She sat back a new plan forming in her mind. The rest of the night was spent in girl talk and getting to know Splendora but her mind never strayed far from her plan. She’d bring Kitana with her even if she had to fight Drucila. The girl deserved to know her father and to get a chance to know herself. Kalani would do what it took to make sure that all happened.



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