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An old acquaintance

Posted on Tue Nov 12th, 2019 @ 5:49pm by Gunnery Sergeant Christina Rivera-Hurd & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr
Edited on on Tue Nov 12th, 2019 @ 5:54pm

1,601 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Various
Timeline: MD01 1700 hrs

Christina Rivera stepped off the transport and out onto the promenade of Starbase 400. Having received a request for an Administrative Lead for General Hurd, the request had been granted. Fortunately for Christina she and Hurd were already acquainted, they'd met several years ago and fallen head over heels for each other but they were assigned to different places and lost contact in the process.

She'd arrived after working hours but couldn't wait for the following morning to say hello she only hoped he wouldn't mind her dropping by his quarters. Pausing outside the door she straightened her clothing before pressing the door chime.

Being roused from a half sleep, Hurd was not happy. Throwing on a pair of pants, he got of bed and walked to the door, and hit the open button.

As the door opened Christina smiled. "Hello David."

As he looked at her, his heart raved, his face went red, and was at a loss for words. He had not seen this woman in years ànd yet, here she was, at his door.

"I'm sorry to spring this on you but I couldn't wait until tomorrow to see you!" She stood looking at Hurd. "May I come in?"

"Of course, come in and have a seat", Hurd said turning and grabbing his uniform jacket and sliding it on.

"You don't have to put that on for me." Chrissy smiled as she walked inside, making her way over to the sofa and taking a seat. "You requested an Administrative Lead, your request was approved I'm your new Administrative Assistant!"

"I see", he said smiling. "So how's life treating you?"

"It was pretty lonely, until now" She smiled as she stood and walked over to him, moments later she was giving him a very romantic kiss. "Do we have to talk now? I've waited a long time to see you again I don't want to waste a second of the time I do have."

Returning the kiss he replied, "Oh but my dear I have so much to tell you".

She smiled as she took his hand taking a few steps backwards towards his bedroom pulling him along with her. "Then you can tell me it all..." She paused to pull him closer and give him another more passionate kiss. "After..." With that she headed for the bedroom leaving a trail of clothing behind her as she went.

Shaking his head and taking his jacket back off, he followed her, saying, "You, my dear, are a tease".

As he entered the bedroom Chrissy was waiting by the bed. Getting up she walked over to David, giving him a passionate kiss as she helped him off with his undershirt and loosened off his trousers. "I, my not a tease!" She pulled him back towards the bed. "I am the woman who wants you!"

Falling back onto the bed, he kissed her over and over. After some time went by, he stopped and said, "My dear as much as I enjoy this, we must talk for a moment, I have news".

Christina smiled as she looked at Hurd. “Okay David, whatever it is it’s obviously important so what do you have to tell me?”

Pulling himself upright in bed, he said, "Well, I was married for a while and had children, then my wife divorced me", he began. "I later found out they were all killed in a shuttle accident." Pausing he continued, "I also, and this is a really long story, recently came to find out I have a Daughter aboard this station, and a, how do I say this, a clone for a son".

"Oh David I am so sorry for your loss." Chrissy offered a gentle squeeze of his hand. "I can't imagine what you must have gone through, but then you have a daughter here? And a son too, I want to hear all about them! I guess being a clone he's very much like you!! Have the two of them met yet?"

Wiping a tear from his eye, he said, " It's ok, I've come to accept the fact they are gone, and at least they did not suffer, at least as far as I know". Looking at her shining face, he tried to smile and said, "You didn't see me cry, Generals don't cry". Laughing halfheartdly he continued , "As for them meeting, well I don't believe they have yet."

Chrissy gently wiped some wet from the tears off of her lovers face. “There’s nothing wrong with crying, you know that. So you cry as much as you need to, I won’t tell a soul.” She smiled. “As for your daughter and son, might I suggest you introduce them? Perhaps I could organise a dinner for all of us, I’d very much like to meet them both. Am I allowed to ask their names?”

Touching her hand, he said, " Yes, I would like that very much, just dinner with us all". "My Daughter's name is Ariana and my Son's name is David Hurd Jr."

“Ariana...would that be Ariana Monroe, the station counsellor?” Christina looked at Hurd curiously. “I’ve been looking through the station personnel listing. You never mentioned her to me before David, any particular reason why?”

"Yes, suffice it to say it involves time travel and... Section 31".

“Oh!” Chrissy nodded. “Enough said.” She smiled as she cuddled up in his arms. “It’s been too long since we did this David, there hasn’t been a day that I haven’t wished I’d said yes when you proposed.” She shook her head. “I was young, and I was foolish but at least we’re back together now!”

" Yeah it broke me when you didn't say yes my dear".

“I’m sorry I never intended that.” She sighed. “Do you still have the ring?” She looked at Hurd curiously.

Reaching over to a nearby drawer and pulling out a bit he said, " Yes my dear, I do".

Chrissy was surprised to see he still had the ring. “Then ask me again David” She looked into his eyes. “If you still want to that is.”

Getting down on one knee, he asked , "will you marry me my Angel, my Savior from the Dark?"

Christina smiled the biggest smile ever. “Yes, David! Yes, I will!!”

Smiling, he replied, "Well where does that leave us now my dear?"

"I guess this leaves us engaged!" She grinned as she let him put the ring on before taking his hand. "Now come back to bed and make love with your future wife!"

"As embarrassing as this sounds my dear, I'm fairly out of practice in that regard"

"Then it's time you refreshed your memory!" Chrissy grinned as she gently pulled him back down into bed.

~ Sometime Later ~

Chrissy lay entwined in the bed sheets, her head resting on David's shoulder. She smiled as she looked happily into his eyes. "I thought you were out of practice!" She grinned. "That was...incredible!

"Well thank you", he grinned. "I guess, as they say it's like riding a bike, you never forget how too".

"Oh you haven't forgotten anything!" Chrissy grinned as she gently ran her fingers across his chest. "It isn't going to be a problem my being your fiancée and your assistant is it?"

"Not in the slightest, matter of fact I could think of a few more uses for my desk now", he said grinning.

"Hmmm really?" Chrissy couldn't help but grin. "I've always wondered what it would be like to make love on a desk! Seriously though my you think your son and daughter will mind having a step mother?"

"No I don't think they will, and their are a few other suprise's in-store for you, those being best explained by my Daughter".

"Oh?" Chrissy looked at Hurd curiously. "I can't wait to find out what the surprise is! I believe I have someone else to meet as well, Staff Sergeant Freya Ross? I believe she's going to be learning the ropes from me for a little while?"

"She's the wife of Kaden Ross, my right hand man in running this Divsion".

“Ahh a married couple.” Chrissy nodded. “I’ll make a point of popping by to see her. In the meantime I’m perfectly happy to be making up for lost time with you.”

"The same baby, it's been far too long since I've last saw your beautiful face and felt your touch".

Chrissy smiled warmly as she gently ran her fingers across his chest. “When we lost touch I thought I’d lost you!” She rested her head on his shoulder holding him close. “I wish I’d accepted your proposal back then, but at least we’re back together now! I don’t want to ever be parted from you again!” She paused for a moment before lifting her head again and looking into his eyes. “How would you feel about getting married? No waiting just go and do it!”

"I'd do it, question is how would you feel about getting married to a scarred up, traumatized grizzled old Marine General?".

Chrissy smiled warmly. “You are anything but grizzled, as for scarred I think it gives you character and traumatised...” she gently touched his cheek. “What better for that than having a woman you can talk to about it. Plus you have a daughter on the station whose a Counsellor.” She looked into his eyes. “Let’s do it David...let’s just go somewhere and get married, the sooner the better!!

[ To be continued ]


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