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working from home

Posted on Wed Nov 13th, 2019 @ 1:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Camron Wayne

1,178 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Wayne Family quarters
Timeline: MD01 1830 hrs

Cameron sat at the modified work station in the quarters he shared with his fiancee and would soon share with their daughter. He was looking over all the information he had on the sydney class of starships trying to figure out how to make his ideas work out. He was so engrossed in what he was doing that he did not notice anyone else in the room.

Ariana had been lying down on the sofa catching up on some rest, her body was recovering slowly but having spent a lot of time love making with Cameron it had drained her of what energy she had. As she awoke she stretched and looked around for Cameron seeing him busy working at his desk, walking over to him Ariana stood behind him and slid her arms around his neck. "Hey handsome, what are you doing?"

"Not much just trying to redesign a few of the lower decks of my ship to make room for a small shuttlebay and some things like that. I talked to Vox earlier today about seeing if it was possible to put an AI in the ship as well, and well one thing led to another so here I sit reworking a couple decks among other things." Said Cameron softly

"Can I see what you're planning?" She walked over to a chair bringing it to the desk so she could see what was being done. "I'm not just a Counsellor you know, I'm a dab hand in Operations too!"

"I did not know that but I guess that is just one more thing I will be learning about you and trust me I intend to spend the rest of my life learning about you." Said cameron with a grin.

As you can see here I am looking at decks 9 - 11 as that is where the main cargo bay is located. I am thinking of stripping out the security section as well as the weapons locker and brig from deck 9 as well as two of the four transports located on decks 10 and 11. that should offset at least part of the loss of space to the shuttlebay." Said Cameron as he pointed things out on the diagrams.

Ariana nodded as she looked at the diagrams. "Wow that's going to be a lot of work rerouting the power grid and essential systems, but that would give us a good chance to upgrade the ship's systems some to allow for the AI." She grinned as she looked at him.

"I know there is one thing though that I do not know and maybe you have some idea. Just how much space would it take to put a type 7 shuttle and maybe a worker bee in the bay. Those are just the changes to those three decks if we are going to do this we just as well do it right. The other part of the plan calls for basicly gutting deck 7 of everything but one holodeck and moving the security section up there. reasoning is there is no point in having 8 holodecks when at most there will be a total of 5 people on the whole ship at most. unless you can think of a reason we would ever need so much passenger space." Said Cameron as he erased the holodecks and put in the security section.

"No reason for 8 holodecks maybe we could keep 2 of them just incase one breaks down?" She smiled. "What are your plans for the family areas? I'd obviously like to have the room for our children to play and sleep when we're out on a family vacation."

"I was thinking that deck 2 would make a decent apartment for us on the ship. We can gut the crew quarters, crew lounge, and crew mess and replace them with a large apartment maybe something with 3 or 4 bedrooms to start and go from there." Said Cameron as he looked over the plans

"That sounds wonderful" Ariana smiled as her fingers trailed along the back of Cameron's neck. "What are your plans for medical facilities? Could we have an emergency emh installed?" She knew she was probably asking a lot.

"love as much as I would love to do something like that I just don't see how it is possible. Not to mention that I would have no idea who to talk to about aquiring an emh let alone being able to modify sickbay to handle it." said Cameron absently

"Fair enough, it was just an idea." Ariana nodded. "Let me know what the finished outcome of the plans is." She got up and walked over to the replicator to get a drink of chilled water. Her emotions were somewhat of a mixed jumble now she'd had baby Stacie.

"OK hun I may be a clueless man but even I can see something is wrong here now how can I help." Said Cameron calmly as he turned away from the desk and focused his attention on the most important person in the room at the moment.

"I'm sorry!" Ariana sighed as she turned to face Cameron. "I didn't mean to sound like I was annoyed my emotions, are for want of better words, messed up!!" She sipped her water before continuing. "It's not unusual to experience mood swings after having a baby, I just don't want to end up getting postnatal depression."

" Hun you are one of the strongest women I know and I will do what I can to help you if you will let me. As for being annoyed or my thinking you were well call it one point to you cause I am very sure I will annoy you much more then you do me." said cameron as he rolled over to her wrapped his arms around her and pulled her onto his lap.

"I don't want to be annoyed with you." Ariana smiled as she gently brushed his cheek with her hand. "I know we're moving in together when we hardly know anything about each other and it's bound to cause some friction from time to time, but you make me the happiest woman in the universe when we're together!" She lay her head on Cameron's shoulder. "I'll mention how I feel next time I speak to Hades or Carolyn, just to be on the safe side."

"Fair enough. Now what would you like to do?" Asked cameron as he held her close

"Well you were busy planning we can go back to that if you want?" She smiled.

"Is that what you really want to do?" Asked cameron softly.

"Do I sense a hint of passion in the air?" Ariana grinned as she looked at Cameron as she held on gently around his neck.

"You my dear ariana are a minx a beautiful sexy passionate minx." Said cameron as he started to tickle her ribs.

Ariana couldn't help but laugh as he tickled her. "So what...if I am?"

"Well we will just have to satisfy your inner minx then." Said cameron as he kept tickling her while they headed for the bedroom.



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