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A Special Celebration

Posted on Fri Nov 15th, 2019 @ 5:46am by Gunnery Sergeant Christina Rivera-Hurd & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

1,337 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Various
Timeline: MD01 1830 hrs


~ Promenade ~

With the decision made Christina had agreed to meet with David on the Promenade, having quickly gone to find herself a dress suitable for a wedding. She didn’t go with a traditional long white flowing dress instead she simply chose a knee length white dress with cream shoes. She’d already seen a delightful looking small chapel on the promenade, agreeing with David beforehand that she’d meet him there.

David, wearing his Marine dress Uniform with his Officer's Sword on one side and Pistol on the other, Walked down the other, walked, looking for his special lady. He was getting frustrated though because he, for the life of himself, could not find her.

Chrissy couldn't help but smile as she saw her man strolling aimlessly along the promenade. "Hi handsome" She smiled as she appeared behind him. "You look lost, allow me to take you to your destination." She took his arm and they were soon inside a little chapel she'd found that she liked.

"Welcome, David asnd Christina" The elderly man smiled, he'd talked to Christina briefly when she'd stopped in to ask about a ceremony. Besides himself there are also two random witnesses as plucked from the promenade, who would verify the necessary marriage documentation. "If you're both ready shall we begin?"

"I'm ready when she is", David smiled

“I’ve been ready for years!” Chrissy smiled excitedly.

"I take it you have rings?" The elderly gentleman smiled.

"I took the liberty" Chrissy held out her hand, in it were two identical rings, a make and smaller female version. She just hoped David would like them.

David just smiled and said softly, "Very nice indeed".

“Then let us begin...” The ceremony began and it soon came to a very important part. “Do you Christina, promise to be David’s friend; To comfort him and listen to him. To celebrate his successes, and support his struggles? To love him, respect him and tenderly care for him, through all the days of your life?”

Christina looked into David’s eyes as she nodded and said, “I do.”

“Do you David, promise to be Christina’s friend; To comfort her and listen to her. To celebrate her successes, and support her struggles? To love her, respect her, and tenderly care for her, through all the days of your life?”

"I most certainly do for all my life, and wish to add something if I may?

"Of course!" The elderly priest smiled at Hurd.

Drawing his sword, he knelt at her feet holding it in both of his hands. "My Darling ," he began, "I present this as a symbol of my loyalty, how I will fight for you, and how, in the traditions of Marines long past, I will always make it home to you no matter what".

Just the gesture alone brought tears to Christina’s eyes. In true marine tradition she took it gently from him, although she was completely lost for words.

At the rear of the chapel another figure had entered, taking a seat quietly at the rear so as not to interrupt the ceremony she watched the proceedings with interest. Whilst at the rear of the small room a man was also watching although he was pretending to be knelt in prayer.

Christina's eyes were firmly fixed on her husband-to-be, this was a day she'd once refused and then wished she hadn't. It was a dream come true and she was enjoying every moment of it.

Hurd had silently noticed the two figures enter, though his attention was diverted at the moment.

The elderly priest smiled. “I am happy to announce you Husband and Wife! You may kiss your bride.”

Kissing her for what seemed like eternity, he let go and said, "This was long overdue".

"Indeed it was!" Chrissy smiled as she gently wiped her lipstick off his lips.

Applause erupted from the figure who was seated in the dim light at the rear before she stood and moved forward. “Congratulations Dad!!” Ariana grinned as she walked up to her father. “I saw you on the promenade but didn’t manage to catch you, I’m kind of glad I didn’t!” She looked at Christina. “I’m Ariana Monroe.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Ariana!” Christina smiled. “I’m Christina, I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet you before now, this was a...spur of the moment decision!”

Looking embarrassed as he had not had the chance to introduce them beforehand, Hurd simply smiled and nodded his head.

Ariana stepped forward giving her father a hug, "It's okay Dad, I'm just happy you're happy." She kissed him on the cheek before stepping back and offering Christina a hug as well. "Welcome to the family."

Returning her new step-daughter's hug Chrissy smiled warmly. "Thank you Ariana, your father wants to arrange a family dinner one night if you'd like to join us?"

"Of course!" Ariana smiled and nodded. "Just let me know when. In the meantime I'll leave you both to enjoy your honeymoon." She grinned at her father before heading out of the chapel nodding politely to the man who was just leaving.

Christina smiled as she turned back to her new husband. "I took the liberty of booking us the station honeymoon suite. It's only for a couple of nights but it's better than nothing."

"Now how did you go about arranging that?", Hurd said in amazement.

"Well, I do believe I happen to be the Assistant of a certain General." She grinned as she took his hand nodding her thanks to the elderly priest as they made their way out of the chapel. "I want to spend my honeymoon wrapped up in bed with you!" She smiled warmly.

"Oh as do I, my beloved, as do I".

~ Honeymoon Suite, A while later ~

Chrissy's dress lay strewn on the sofa and a trail of clothing both hers and David's lay strewn on the floor between the living area sofa and the bedroom. Chrissy lay happily in her husband's arms, her body glistening with perspiration in the dim light. "I thought you said, you were out of practice?" She grinned as she lifted her head and gave him a passionate kiss.

Touching her beautiful face, he chuckled and replied,"Well I thought I was but as you can tell I aint". "And here I thought the the only thing I was good at was leading Marines in Battle".

“Mmmm well now you know different” Chrissy smiled as her fingers trailed his chest. “I’ve spent years regretting saying no to you before, if I’d have accepted back then we’d have been happily married most likely with a family of our own.” She looked at her lover curiously. “Do you want any more children?”

"Always open to more children my beloved, why do you ask?"

“It’s just...I brought my hypo along.” She looked towards the bedside table then back at David. “I can carry on and take it at my usual time, or I can leave it off and we can try for a baby.” She hoped she wasn’t suggesting too much all at once, they had only just gotten back together.

Looking into her eyes, David smiled and stayed silent for a second. Speaking softly, he said, "I'd love to try for a baby with you".

Chrissy’s smile practically beamed as she looked into her husband’s eyes. “I was hoping that’s what you’d say my love.” She gave him a passionate kiss. “I’ll make sure that desk of yours is kept tidy, you might be needing it for...certain extra curricular activities! On off duty hours of course!” She grinned.

"Now this", Hurd said in a raspy voice, "Is going to be very interesting and enjoyable I do think".

Chrissy smiled a wry smile. “It will be indeed.” With that she kissed him passionately, ready for another fun round of passionate love making.



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