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Marine Losses

Posted on Fri Nov 15th, 2019 @ 1:49pm by Commander Leksander Draven & Colonel Danny Lennox & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

2,150 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 - 1500hrs


Draven had checked himself out of Sickbay and made his way back to the CiC. He didn't mind the rest, but now wasn't the time.

When he arrived he found someone else there that shouldn't be, General Fultian-Bremer.

"Who let you out?" Draven asked.

"Probably the same person that let you out." Janice replied with a smirk. "Don't tell Mike I was working."

"I won't if you won't." Draven replied before a comm-panel beeped.

Janice tapped a button to open the message. Her eyes widened as she read. Lek noticed her reaction and looked over her shoulder to read it as well. It was a report that Marine transports carrying twenty thousand Federation Marines were ambushed by Typhon Pact forces and possibly destroyed. The entire Ninth Marine Division plus observers from the Sixth and Tenth Division. No one had known they were ambushed because of the communications blackout during the attacks until they were reported to be overdue.

"Better let Hurd know." Draven said.

Janice tapped her comm-badge, "Admiral T'Lar, General Hurd, Colonel Ross, Major Lennox please report to Tactical Operations."

While waiting for them to arrive, Janice couldn't help but wonder how the possible loss of an entire Marine Division would affect the war effort. As the First Marine Division's Intelligent Officer, she knew the rest of her day would be taken up by reports.

Hearing the summons over the comms, Hurd did not even bother to respond. Instead he made his way to Tactical Ops, slowed a little by various repair work being preformed due to the recent attack. Arriving a few moments later, he walked in, fired off a quick, tired salute, and said, "General Hurd reporting as ordered".

Deela walked in, looking a bit tired. She looked around to see who was there. She was a little surprised to see some of them there, "Generals, Commander, I am assuming that this is important if some of you are here and not resting."

Kaden came strolling in behind Deela his shiny new Colonel pips glistening off the lights. However he too looked a bit bushed himself his new role certainly contained quite a bit of paper work. But he hoped Freya was right that Bremer giving him such a big promotion like this sooner than Kaden imagined when he joined the Marines was best choice he made.

Lennox arrived a few moments after Ross. He looked around and seeing Fultain-Bremer, Hurd, and Ross, he knew something Marine related was going on.

Janice tapped in a few comments on the panel she was at, activating the large screen behind her. She paused a moment, gently pressed her hand to her side. Her wound was hurting, not severely, but it was enough to give her pause.

"Admiral T'Lar, gentlemen. We've received work from Starfleet Intelligence and Marine Corps Command, the entire Ninth Marine Division plus observers from the Sixth and Tenth Division were ambushed during the attacks on Starbase 400 and other bases. Command believes all of their transports were destroyed and the division wiped out." Janice paused a moment to let the news sink in.

"That would be nearly twenty thousand men and woman." Lennox blurted out. "Their transports weren't being escorted?"

"They were in route to a training exercise and shots hadn't been fired yet." Janice replied softly.

"Dammit!!!", Hurd said slamming his fist down so hard on a panel he cracked it. "20,000 Marines, unescorted, and wiped out and SFMC Intel had no forwarding, no clue?" Composing himself a bit he added, " With respect that's bull, they were in no way doing their jobs right, it's no wonder my men don't trust them." Pausing for a moment he then asked, " So what are we supposed to do now, sit on our hands and let them get away with this atrocity?"

Janice eyed Hurd for a moment. As the Intel Officer for the First Marine Division, she took offense to his comment. She took a breath before answering. "We had no advanced warning of the attack here or at any other Starbase either. The Pact did a good job disguising their attack as a combined fleet training exercise like the Alliance held a few months ago."

Draven stepped forward, "Starfleet Intel, Klingon Imperial Intelligence, Cardassian Obsidian Order, and the Romulan Republic Intelligence had no evidence or reason to believe an attack was coming anywhere, at least not at this time. The Pact had to have this planned for months, maybe a year, so they could get assets in place."

"General, has anyone gone out to look for survivors yet?" Lennox asking Fultian-Bremer.

"No. We just got word right before I called everyone here." Janice replied.

All Deela could think about is the losses this war caused. She was angry too but she disagreed with Hurd. It was just well planned out. She listened on.

Kaden took a seat he felt the best thing to do was observe before giving his opinion.

"I'm putting the Division on THRETCON Delta, and ordering the Saratoga and my ship to yellow alert and to begin onloading combat supplies and personnel, because those Marines will be the last to die, that I promise". Pausing he reapeated his earlier question, " So are you going to make us sit on our hands or let us go out and do what we do best?

Janice eyed Hurd for a moment. She knew if she was still in command of the Marines she'd want to go out looking for survivors too. However, it wasn't her decision to make so she looked over at Admiral T'Lar. With Mike away, the decision was hers.

Deela pondered the question asked. She could feel all eyes upon her and could sense the intense anger from Hurd. She was debating if she should allow Hurd to be in charge. Angry people tend to make rash decisions with the outcome not being very good. After another minute or two, she made her decision, "I will allow it."

She exhaled as she focused on Hurd, "General Hurd, I expect you to keep your anger in check. I find that it clouds one's judgement when making important decisions. You are going out there to find those possible survivors and rescue them. Not for revenge or to start another war." She added, "And please keep me apprised of your progress."

"Thank you, our rules of engagement?"

Kaden finally spoke up. "I don't mean to butt in but I would recommend yellow alert status focus on rescue operations fire if fired upon." He suggested.

"With respect Colonel, they were wiped out, which means no survivors", Hurd grunted. "This should be a recon and if necessary search and destroy mission." Bowing his head he said, he said, gently, "which which was was very uncharacteristic for him, "Those lost deserve that much." Speaking up to the larger crowd in the CIC he said, "I will do my utmost to bring back both Intel and High Value Targets alive, you have my word as a Marine".

"We don't know if there were any survivors or not." Janice stated.

Deela hated dealing with the Marines for this very reason. She raised her voice in frustration, "Typical marines. Look. I didn't say not to protect yourselves. That is a given." She closed her eyes and sighed loudly, realizing that she used a contraction, something she's never used in her adult life.

Deela lowered her voice but not by much. She was still very frustrated, "But by the way you are talking, it is obvious to me that you are looking for a fight." She was starting to feel overwhelmed by Hurd's emotional state, "General Hurd, get you head out of your arse, cut the macho bullcrap and forget about your own aganda. I need you to have a clear head so you do not make the situation worse. Once you are there, assess the situation and report back to me. If there are survivors, get them to safety. If you have to fight, then do so. But by no means are you to start one because you want revenge for your fellow marines." She glared ar Hurd for a moment, then addressed the rest of the room, "Am I clear?!"

Glaring right back at her, fury and hatred filling his eyes, he said, "Oh quite cleàr, but I'm telling you now it's highly unlikely their are survivors", he spat out, venom in his voice.

"Then when you get back, you can tell me 'I told you so'." Deela was starting to regret saying yes. Hurd was very angry along with an intense hatred which was obvious by the condition of the panel he slammed and he was missing the point. She wasn't sure what they'd find and it was possible they may find themselves in a situation where they need to defend themselves. But with Hurd being so angry, she was concerned that his decisions would be based on his anger and hatred for who killed them and get his unit killed as well.

"Am I and the Colonel dismissed?, We have plans to make and will be leaving within the hour". Lowering his voice so only the Admiral could hear he said, "M'am, I promise you I won't put my men in any undue danger not will I go out looking for a fight or to start another war." "I can see the your reservations about me written all over your face and I intend to do prove you proud by you putting me in charge of this mission."

Deela spoke under her breath, "I hope so." She continued, 'I have nothing else." Deela looked over at Janice, "General?"

Janice shook her head.

Kaden looked at Hurd then the Admiral. "With all due respect to all of you, I know I am new to this job but I feel best to inform you I am not looking for a fight. Personally I like to try resolve our problems without any blood spilled. But i believe there are survivors out there I knew some of those people they are fighters I just want to go take a look and see is all while we are in the neighborhood" He told them.

Deela nodded, "Duly noted Colonel Ross." She wasn't worried about Kaden as she wasn't sensing any intense anger from him.

Lennox had stood back, being the lowest ranking person in the room. He glanced over at Draven whom he'd known a very long time, since the Dominion War aboard the Pegasus-A. "Do you think there's anyone left alive out there?"

"Possibly. We just got word this even happened, so the Kearsarge and Saratoga will be the first ships to respond, if both ships depart. I'd rather go looking for them and find none, than to assume none survived and we left them to die." Draven replied.

Lennox nodded, then awaited orders.

Agreed", Hurd said. Grabbing a PADD from his uniform pocket, Hurd made a few very quick inputs into it. After a moment, he looked back up and said, "These are the pearsonel I have assigned to both myself and Colonel Ross's ships."In Addition, I will be taking the rest of the Division with us just in case things go sideways, which I hope and pray they don't.". Laying the PADD down, Hurd awaited the response from the others.

Kearsarge Ship Assignments-

CO-Brig.General Hurd
Science-Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes
Flight Control- Major Chuck McDaniel
CMO-Warrant Officer Mikhail Braxton
Tactical-1st Lieutenant Taz
CEO-Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson
Marine CO-Sergeant Maal son of Torg

Saratoga Ship Assignments-
Commanding Officer-Colonel Kaden Ross
Tactical Officer-Lieutenant David Hurd Jr
CMO-Commander Kisha Ventar (Maab)
Flight Control-Ensign Nathaniel Capp
Science-Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore
Marine CO-Gunnery Sergeant Agtx
CEO-Lieutenant JG Thy'kor Shrok

Laying the PADD down on the table and looking around the room, Hurd said, "Are the pearsonel assignments and plans I have outlined acceptable to all assembled here?"

Lennox looked at the PADD, then back up at Hurd. "General, am I to remain here on the station? I'm not on the roster."

"Lennox, you will be with me, sorry for the oversight".

"Looks like you've assigned Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson to both vessels." Janice added.

"Ok, let's see here, I'll keep Marshall on my ship and replace him on the Saratoga with Lieutenant JG Thy'kor Shrok".

Kaden could only imagine Freya hating the idea of being apart from him again. "I must confess my wife will be going crazy if I am away from her too long she tends to worry about me." He confessed.

"Ok, Are the revisions made ok?". "And Colonel Ross would you prefer to take Freya with us?

Kaden beamed in delight at the notion of Freya coming. "I think she be delighted to, sir." He replied enthusiastically.

"You should depart soon, and under cloak." Draven suggested.

Janice nodded. "Agreed. I'll also have the Durga standing by to assist if needed."



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