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A special visitor

Posted on Sun Nov 10th, 2019 @ 5:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Admiral Deela T'Lar

1,177 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Wayne Family Quarters
Timeline: MD01 1700 hrs

Ariana had spent the better part of the day in romantic trysts with Cameron but now she'd finally found time to sit and do what she was supposed to be doing and resting. Cameron had popped out to his workshop so she currently had their quarters to herself. As the door chime rang she called whoever it was to enter to save her having to get up.

Deela put on a smile as she walked in, "Hello Lieutenant." She was happy to see her resting, "I just wanted to stop by and see how the newly engaged and new mom is doing." Ariana didn't know this yet but they have a lot of things in common.

"That's very kind of you Admiral" Ariana smiled. "I'm fine, thank you. Stacie is doing well so the doctors tell me which puts my mind at rest somewhat. How is Jack doing? I'm sorry I haven't gotten down to see him."

Deela's heart dropped as she thought about him, "Jack." She took a cleansing breath before continuing, "He is still in a coma. His cerebral cortex was damaged but they assured me that they were able to fix it. He still hasn't awoken. When I sit there with him and hold his hand, I can sense that he knows I am there. I could speculate, but." Her voice trailed off.

"Your worried about him having possible brain damage." Ariana nodded. "If I've learned anything with the number of times I've been in Sickbay whether as a patient or not, it's that miracles happen at the hands of the doctors!" She offered a warm smile. "Try not to worry he'll come out of it in his own time."

"I do worry. It seems that every man I have fallen in love with has died in some way." Her voice stressed, "The first man I was engaged to? He died. Then I married Jim and a Gorn killed him when my ship was boarded. I fell in love again with Vincent, married and he was killed in a shuttle accident. And now Jack is lying there with who knows what brain damage he might have incurred." She exhaled, "I held off so long not getting involved with another man but he convinced me that it was just a coincidence. Back in my counseling days, I would have told a patient the same thing but now I am not so sure. I am starting to think that I'm cursed."

"There's no such thing as being cursed!" Ariana tried to be as reassuring as she could. "Jack is a tough man Deela, he's going to fight and he won't ever give up! Be there for him and I guarantee you he'll recover!"

"He had better. I cannot go through it again." Deela started to say something else but stopped after remembering something, "I'm sorry. I am going on here as if I am the only one who has lost someone close to them. This visit is supposed to be about you, not me."

"That's okay" Ariana smiled warmly. "It took me a long time to get over losing both Jonathon and my son but I witnessed something that I can only explain as a...miracle, and it changed all that for me. It helped me to move on and now I have Cameron, who it turns out is my daughter's real father!" She smiled. "Long story!"

"Really? Congratulations. Sounds like things are looking up for you. I am happy for you, really. I tell my kids about their fathers all the time. I think it is important they know about them and that they were heroes in one way or another."

"Even though he wasn't her father in the end I'll still tell Stacie all about Jonathon." Ariana smiled. "Long story exceedingly short we wanted children so Jonathon took me to a clinic for artificial impregnation with his child, but it turned out Jonathon couldn't have a child so he arranged for the clinic to use a unknown donor. He never told me the twins I was expecting weren't his, I only found that out recently it came as a shock for both Cameron and myself but it's brought us together and I couldn't be happier!"

Deela smiled, "That is amazing. It is interesting what can bring two people together. If anyone said that Jack and I would end up together, I would have said they are crazy. He served with me for a long time. I never thought that we would be a couple."

"Then you we're fated to be, so don't think for an instant the universe will let that fail." Ariana smiled the warmest smile yet. "Jack will come back to you, and he'll be his old self just you wait and see."

"You know, I believe you. I just need to be patient and let him heal at his own pace. Sometimes I think we count too much on our empathic abilities. Being part Vulcan has enhanced my Betazoid senses so I am always feeling others emotions. While I was sitting with Jack, there was nothing. I am not used to that. It is like sitting in a room of Ferengi or the Breen."

Ariana nodded. "I can understand that. I'm surprised there wasn't some sense from him, even though he's unconscious there should at least be a presence there. He's alive, there's no reason why he'd read as blank." She frowned. "Let's see how that goes, hopefully as Jack comes around you'll sense more from him."

Deela lowered her voice, "I am embarrassed to say but I almost mind melded with him and I would have if the nurse hadn't walked in." Her dad always told her that it was unethical to do one without the person's permission unless it would save a life or lives.

"Just...try to be careful. The last thing we need is to have two of you in a comatose condition in Sickbay!" Ariana looked at Deela concernedly. "If you decide to try it I suggest you have someone there to observe and help if necessary."

"Looking back, I probably would not have done it. But I was tempted." She thought for a moment, "I think I was just looking for answers."

"I can understand that" Ariana nodded. "I'd feel exactly the same if anything happened to Cameron."

"God forbid if that should ever happen." She exhaled, "Don't worry. I will not do anything. I am sure that it is nothing anyway." Deela hoped she was right.

Ariana nodded. "Fair enough. With some luck Jack will be awake and back to his old self in no time."

Deela smiled softly, "Let us hope so."

Deela's com went off, "Admiral T'Lar, your needed in OPS." She answered back, "On my way." She sighed, "I guess that is my cue to go. If you need anything, just ask." She walked towards the door.

“I will I promise and the same goes for you Admiral.” Ariana smiled warmly.

Deela returned the smile, "Thank you." She walked out.



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