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Just a "Talk"

Posted on Sat Nov 9th, 2019 @ 6:29pm by Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

1,528 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Brig
Timeline: MD01 1630 hrs

While he had some free time, General Hurd decided to pay the animal who hurt his Daughter a visit. Grabbing two of his biggest, meanest looking Marines, he made his to the Brig. Walking through the doors, he saw Andy's eyes get big at the sight of the 3 of them. A wicked smile spreading across his face, Hurd said, "Hello Andy, remember me, when I said I'd be back to talk to you?" "Well I'm back and I brought some friends", he said, gesturing ro the two men on either side of him

“Are they there to make me feel threatened or to make sure you don’t make any silly mistakes?” Andy smiled as he lay on his hard cell bed his head resting on his hands, looking up at the ceiling.

Still smiling he said, "Oh no, they are for two reasons, first to witness what I'm about to say to you and second to show you messed with the wrong people".

“Oh really?” Andy smiled. “Then get on with it, actually I didn’t know I was entertaining the daughter of a General, otherwise I’d have made a better job of it!” He grinned. He loved winding people up. “If that Riley character hadn’t showed up I’ve have shown both the Counsellor and the Doctor what a good time was all about, just like I did with Freya years ago!”

"Listen scumbag and listen good". "Despite what Security told you, we, that is the 18,000 men I command on this station are watching you, very, very closely". The wicked smile spread even wider. "You screw up, escape, and we catch you, you are a dead man, you hear me". Stepping closer to the cell, the two Marines following, he continued, "Alternatively, if you are tried and convicted, and serve your sentence and released, you are still a dead man." Seeing the fear in Andy's eyes Hurd laughed and said, "And you know what?, their is not a damn thing you can do about it".

For once Andy was at a loss for words, he usually managed to bluff his way through everything and brush it off but this had actually stirred some fear into him. “Trust me General.” He stood and moved across the cell to face Hurd. “When I get out of here you’d better catch me, because if you don’t that lovely daughter of yours will suffer! That I promise you!!”

Still laughing, Hurd said, "Oh no, it's you that's going to suffer". Looking to the two Marines with him, he said, "Secure the Brig doors, nobody in or out for the next little while." As they moved into position Hurd stepped to within just inches of the cell, still smiling as he casually drew his combat knife. "Now Andy, I can think of a couple dozen people who'd love to be where I am right now, alone, with you cowering in that cage unarmed". Running the knife across his knuckles he asked, "So tell me, Andy," Hurd said laughing again, "Do you think I could kill you right here and now and get away with it?" "If you guessed no, that's the wrong awnser, I can and very well could, so here is what I want you to do for me, I want you to fully and truthfully and whithout h holding anything back confess to every crime you have committed against those three women, otherwise, if I have to come back, I promise you it will not be pleasent at all for you, that I can promise, and if I have to come back, I'll be bringing a friend my Section 31 days, I presume you have heard of Section 31?"

“Section 31 doesn’t exist!” Andy shook his head. “They’re a myth.” He sounded cocky but he wasn’t feeling it.

"Oh but dear Andy they do and trust me, they have ways of inflicting pain that you have you have no Idea of." "I was once part of 31, and still have contacts there, so the choice", Hurd said as he began to snap his knuckles, "is yours, you have my terms".

“You don’t think I’m that stupid do you General?” Andy looked at Hurd, he was annoyed that he couldn’t read him. Which made it all the more difficult to know if Hurd was bluffing or not. The two he had with him on the other hand, they were easy to read and easy to control as well.

"Well take it your way, believe what you will, I'll be back soon with my friend
And these two Marines and then the screaming starts." "You have your choice, now it's up to u to make it". The same wicked smile returning to his face, he said, "And you know I pray you go stupid and make the wrong one because you deserve to suffer for what you have done."

“Oh no General” Andy smiled. “You do!” He grinned as he turned his attention to the marine that he’d found the weakest and easiest to manipulate with his mind. Entering his mind Andy was quick to turn him against his fellow marine, the two fought as Andy watched with amusement.

Outside Ariana was looking for her father, she didn’t want to enter the room until she sensed something was wrong. Walking inside she watched as one marine killed another before turning towards her father.

Pulling his phaser, Hurd stunned the remaining Marine, and quickly called for Medical assistance. Turning to Andy, he said , in a menacing voice, "Very, Very bad mistake", as he advanced on him.

“Now Andy, my terms still stand, only now you have a murder charge added against you you as well." "Your time window to accept this deal is 5 minutes, so chose, and chose now, or you die, and it's going to be classified as an accident due to an ecape attempt, nothing more." "So choose you damn scumbag and choose now!!!!"

Now, now General you wouldn’t kill me in front of your daughter would you?” Andy looked to Ariana before turning his mind on her.

Ariana clutched at her head as she stood behind her father. “Get out...of my head!!” As he dug in further he met something he wasn’t expecting as the tables turned thanks to Ariana’s inherited gift from section 31. This time it was Andy on his knees as Ariana dug into his mind.

Hurd lowered the field and tackled Andy, landing several square punches to his face and sides. Seeing him stagger back, he followes up with a knee to the chech and slammed him to the cell floor. He continued to scream as he slammed his fist into Andy's face, "Let her go Shithead now!!!"

"I don't...have her!!" He looked towards Ariana who was standing behind her father.

"He's right dad, he doesn't!" She smiled as she watched Andy writhing on the floor in obvious pain for no apparent reason. "I'm not stopping until that mind of yours is in tiny shreds!!"

Leaving him cowering on the floor, Hurd turned the field back on and rushed to his daughter. Shaking her violently, he said, "Child, come on, fight back against what you are feeling and come back to the light, please for dad it's not too late".

Ariana frowned looking between a writhing Andy and her father. "Dad?" She looked confused as she looked at Hurd. "Wh...what happened!".

""Shh, Shh, Child," Hurd said as he held her in her arms, " it's over and done with now"

Ariana could see Andy still down on the floor clutching at his head. "Did I..." She was about to ask more but the doors opened and the medical team Hurd had requested hurried in. She watched as Andy was secured and beamed out along with the other marine leaving just her and her father. "What did I do Dad? I don't remember what happened."

"To put it shortly, I came to talk to Him with two Marines. He managed to turn one against the other who then killed him, and I was forced to stun the other." "I was forced to tackle and start beating him before he could get in my head and that's when you came along." "Yes you did do that but you saved my life by doing so my sweet Daughter.

"But..." Ariana looked at her father astounded. "I don't understand how I..." She sighed. "When Admiral Bremer finds out about this, I might have saved you but I hurt him! There's rules about telepathy hurting people dad!!"

"Dear, I'll deal with Admiral Bremer, explain what happened here, and I'm sure everything will be fine, I promise", he said hugging her tighter.

Ariana lay her head on her father's shoulder. "I hope so! I guess I should be getting home, can we talk about what happened here, later?"

"Of course dear, if you need me I'm just a comm line away, you know that".

Ariana nodded still frowning about what she'd just done. "I'll see you later dad." She kissed him on the cheek before heading for the door.


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