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Checking up and Checking In

Posted on Sun Dec 1st, 2019 @ 4:50pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol

1,560 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: SB 400 Freya's Quarters
Timeline: MD 02 1815 hrs


Rol had had a rough day so far. His office, thankfully, was intact. He was frustrated and tired but he still had clients to see. He'd just finished with Ensign Dega and was now headed to check in on Freya Ross. After that he had Braxton to visit and then Hades, and then Lieutenant Thompson. It was going to be one of those long days. He also had to send Carolyn a message to make sure she was caring for herself.

Sighing he walked fast with PADD in hand. It didn't take him long to arrive and he rang the chime.

Freya walked over to the door, opening it she smiled as she saw Rol outside. "Lieutenant please come in!" She stood aside to let him in. "Can I get you anything?"

He was about to say no but then decided better of it. "A water would be great."

Freya nodded. "Feel free to grab a seat, you look as frazzled as I feel." She smiled and ordered two chilled glasses of water, picking them up and walking over to the sofa she put both drinks down on the coffee table. "So to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

Rol smiled. He sat down, picked up his glass and took a swig. He sighed. "It has been a busy day. Now as to why I am here I came to check up on you, to make sure you are okay and to see how you are doing."

"How I'm doing..." She paused. "Now that's a loaded question that you might regret asking!" She sighed. "What do you want first? The fact that I can't really talk about what happened to me to my husband, or the fact that I can't even mention the possibility of our baby having Kaden's condition without making him physically ill or the fact that I almost lost my life to a man I thought was my friend!?" She stood with her hands on her hips trying to look tough but not feeling it."

He sighed. "Well let's take this one at a time. Tell me about Kaden and the baby."

Freya nodded and took a seat. "It's got so bad that I'm considering having my baby put up for adoption!" She hung her head wiping away a few tears. "I can't cope anymore Rol."

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She took a deep breath "Kaden has a condition that causes mass muscle growth, he had a miserable childhood of torment and he's terrified that our baby will have it too." She sighed, "Every time its raised in conversation he's physically ill and as much as I understand his feelings..." She paused. "I need to know that he'll be there for me!"

"Have you asked him if he would?"

She paused. "Not straight out, because I'm afraid of his answer." She hung her head. "He's supporting me, but if our baby develops his condition I think it'll push him away from me!" She wiped away tears. "We wanted to have a baby and we're both excited, but at the same time Kaden is terrified about it."

"Do you know how Kaden's parents were with him when they found out he had this illness?"

"Kaden has a...somewhat unique family. His father has a medical condition from which the medication he was using caused Kaden's condition. At least I think that's right." She shrugged her shoulders. "Kaden's brother suffers from dwarfism and his sister and mother don't have any medical conditions. At least none that I can remember."

He gave a nod, "But his parents love was never affected by the condition that their child had right?"

"I...I don't think so. To be honest I'm not sure." She shrugged her shoulders. "They're still a family so I guess that means they coped."

"There is your answer. You know deep in your heart Kaden will love the child. I think Kaden is hurt by his own experiences. Everyone wants better then they had for their child. Maybe this isn't so much about your baby having the condition as much as it is a trigger where he relives his own experience. It could also be a fear of what you will think of him, a fear that you will blame him but you won't know unless you two communicate. Maybe even go to counseling sessions." Rol let that sink in a little.

Freya nodded. "That's a good idea. I know Kaden is terrified of our child going through what he went through as a kid, he's told me that. I guess I'm more afraid of losing him."

He smiled, "That I can understand but I bet you he's worried about loosing you too. It's a communication issue that can easily be solved. Both Counselor Monroe and I are willing to help. Will you speak to him on that to see if he's interested?"

Freya nodded. "Yes, I will." She offered a more relaxed smile. "Thank you for offering a different way of thinking, I call myself a Counsellor and I couldn't sort it for myself."

Rol chuckled, "Okay well we are called counselors cause we counsel others. When it comes to counseling our selves we are like doctors. We don't make the best patients."

"True" She nodded. "Although I am managing to rest as Sickbay requested. I still have a lot of scars to have removed once my body heals."

"Luckily Doctor Hades will help with that. You have to go easy on yourself. You have been through so much. You can't expect to heal all at once. Would you like to make our meetings regular or would you prefer to see Counselor Monroe?"

"Ariana is a friend but she has her baby to think of. I was trying to ease the workload so how's about I have regular meetings with you?" Freya offered a smile. "General Hurd has put me off my duties until two months after the baby is born so apart from my Counseling duties and learning the ropes of my new marine admin position I'll have plenty of time."

"That's great. Sounds like a plan." He studied her. "May I make a personal observation?"

Freya nodded. "Of course."

"You are going to make a great mother."

"Thank you Rol" Her smile practically shone. "I've always wanted to be a mother so that means a lot."

"How far along are you now?"

"Just approaching six weeks, there's a lot of time to go. It's a good job if I'd have been any further along chances are he or she wouldn't have survived my stabbing."

It was hard for Rol to think of such a wonderful time as expecting a baby to be tainted so. "I know that the doctor is working on the physical scars but tell me about how you are doing after that."

Freya's smile faded somewhat. "To be honest, I'm a wreck! I jump out of my seat at the smallest noise, if Kaden isn't there to hold me I get nightmares and Andy told me..." She paused before continuing. "That he was the one who... raped me years ago."

Rol took Freya's hand. "I'm so sorry you are going through this. Have you thought about taking some proper healing time?"

Freya shook her head. “I’m already on full time break from my marine duties, I can’t leave you to manage the Counselling department alone, not with Ariana on maternity leave.” She sighed. “Besides I’d go crazy sitting around in our Quarters on my own all day long! I just need...” She paused. “I need to know whether or not our baby has Kaden’s condition. I have to see Doctor Hades!”

Rol gave a nod. "How far along are you again?"

"Almost six weeks, I know it's really early but anything that can be done to give Kaden any peace." She looked at Rol.

"Almost two months...okay we can do this. Let's go see Hades."

Freya nodded. "Thank you Rol"

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END for PART ONE PART TWO BELOW:+++++++++++++++++++++

It didn't take long to get to the Lab. "Alright." Hades said to Valentine. "Get it done." He turned to see Rol and Freya strolling in. "Hello there."

Freya offered a smile. "I gave a request." She looked at Rol. "I need a test, to find out if my baby has Kaden's condition or not. He's stressing us both out worrying about it!"

Hades gave a nod. "You're about six weeks now. I'd, in an ideal world, like to wait another week but we can still get results they would however only be 90% accurate."

"That's fine" Freya nodded. "At least it would give Kaden some peace." She sighed and massaged her temples. "All the stress is giving me a headache!"

He motioned down the hall. "Follow me." He turned to Rol. "Will you be going or staying here?"

Rol turned to Freya waiting for her to tell him.

"Will you stay?" Freya looked at Rol. "Please!"

He smiled, "Sure." He followed them into one of the exam rooms.

Hades motioned to the biobed. "Okay hop up. I will set the scan but very important you must not move while it is happening."

Freya nodded and made herself comfortable. "Ready when you are." She looked nervously at Rol hoping this would show good news and not bad.



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