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Joining Family

Posted on Tue Dec 3rd, 2019 @ 1:25pm by Lieutenant Olivia O’Riley & Lieutenant Timothy O’Riley
Edited on on Tue Dec 3rd, 2019 @ 1:27pm

910 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Various
Timeline: MD02 1830 hrs

Heyerdahl Station

Tim looked around the promenade of Heyerdahl Station most of the personnel and shop keeper had left, and all was eerily quite. He had sent Olivia and the twin on ahead of him to get settled into their new home. He pulled at his collar a bit adjusting his new pip. He had been promoted to a full Lieutenant which was unexpected but was thrilled for the promotion. He hated to leave this place so many good and awful things had happened here but it had helped him to develop into the person he was and he planned on growing in many ways.

Sighing he made his way over to one of the Engineering consoles and started shutting down systems one at a time. He’d keep life support going until he was aboard his transport, but he wanted to be on station as he fulfilled his final Duties as Director of Engineering. Taking one last looks around OPS he made his way to pylon one to join the final crew to leave a place which had been home for several years.

As his transport slowly pulled away from the station he gave it one final glimpse before they went to warp. In a few short hours he would be at his new home with a new assignment as Assistant Chief Operations Officer. Tim decided to retire to his quarters to take a nap and to sent a message to Olivia that he would be arriving within the next few hours.

Starbase 400

Tim Awoke as the ship approached its destination. He was looking forward to new adventures but first he needed to see his family. He had hoped that she would meet him as he arrived on station. Once the ship docked he made his way onto the station scanning the busy area for his wife.

Olivia arrived on the promenade with the twins, her eyes searched the crowd of arrivals for TJ before finally seeing him. "TJ!" Making her way over to him she gave him a loving cuddle and a kiss. "I missed you!"

Dropping his bag as Olivia gave him a kiss, he replied, “I missed you as well, saying goodbye to Heyerdahl was hard, so many friends we had to say goodbye to.” Tim looked around as he pulled at his tunic, still trying to adjust to his new surroundings, new rank and new position. Holding onto her and the twins he said, “make any new friends yet.”

"Made some acquaintances of the senior staff but not any friends as yet. I've been busy planning checking in with both by bosses, Admiral T'Lar and General Hurd. I also get to meet Colonel Ross. Apart from that I've been busy organising our new home."

Grabbing his bag and one of the twins he said, “Let’s head to our quarters then at some point I’ll need to check in with my bosses as well but in the meantime nothing says I need to report immediately.”

Olivia smiled and nodded. "I know it hasn't been long but I've missed you not being here with us. Being here without you, it's brought back memories of our time apart in the mirror universe. I wonder how Summer is getting on with her twins? I never thought Zerah would leave her. Last I heard she was considering going home to Betazed.

Nodding with a slight frown he said, “I never thought Summer would , leave Zerah either, maybe the next time where visiting Betazed we could check in on her I’m sure she would like that.”

Walking along with TJ and their precious son and daughter, Olivia smiled as she looked at her husband. "There were times in the past I thought we'd never see each other again. I'm glad we had a second chance TJ." Arriving at their family quarters she placed their son Joseph down on the playmat in the play pen she'd brought and set up.

Tim set Emily next to Joseph, “I’m happy that we had a second chance as well, and I’ll always will try to come back to you no matter what mission I go on. You, Emily and Joseph mean so much to me that I’m not sure what I would do with out you.” Tim pulled Olivia close to him and kissed her, “New home and new adventures await here.”

Olivia returned his kiss, "No bad memories here either, a fresh start for us with the twins. We lost out on so much time with them while we were missing! I will never leave them without one of us here ever again!!"

“I agree” Tim replied. “The twin should never be without at least one of us at all times.”

"I still feel guilty TJ, I can't shake that I slept with your mirror universe self!" She sighed. "I still feel like I betrayed you." She held him close. "I would never betray you!!"

Holding her close to comforted her, “Tim said, “The mirror universe played tricks on all of us, I don’t blame you for anything at least we escaped with our lives. Let’s make the most of what we have now.”

Olivia nodded as she cuddled up. "I intend to Imzadi, I very much intend to." She smiled as she looked up at TJ this was going to be a new start she was going to make the most of.



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