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Posted on Sun Dec 1st, 2019 @ 4:48pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Camron Wayne

702 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Wayne Family Quarters
Timeline: MD02 1800 hrs

Ariana lay cuddled up in bed with Cameron, she was trying not to think about what had happened in the brig but she was afraid. "Cameron...I need to tell you something."

"What is it angel." Said Cameron as he sat up in bed

"There was a...incident in the brig. My father went to see Andy, things got out of control and Andy tried to hurt him." She paused. "I went looking for Dad, I didn't know what was going on until I walked in. Andy tried to..." She sat up resting her head in her hands. "Get into my head, I don't know what he did but he triggered something! I hurt him instead!!"

"Ok in the first place I do not want in your head for a man that is about the scariest place in the universe. Second whatever you did do you think it is a danger to me or little stacie. Third if you think you might attack me like that just remember this Andy tried to get in my head when I tried to set him straight on a couple things all he got for his trouble was a blocked path. As for you hurting him well frankly I will not loss sleep over that not after what he tried to do to you and the others." Said Cameron seriously

Ariana took a deep breath. "First off, I would NEVER hurt you or Stacie you are both my universe and if anything I'd do whatever I had to if I had to protect either of you." She smiled. "It just...terrifies me to think that I did that! I could feel him trying to get away from me, retreating into his own mind but I wanted to hurt him! That's not me Imzadi, I wouldn't even consider hurting anyone. I'm never used my telepathy that way before."

"Is it possible love that what happened was a one off thing. I mean the guy did try and rape you at the least and probably much worse from what I could glean from him. What I mean is, is it possible that someplace in your mind down in that dark corner no one ever likes to admit they even have that a small part of you wanted him to feel what you felt the helplessness and fear. Seeing him again that part took control for just the briefest time and lashed out at your tormentor. Your mind basicly protecting itself especially after he tried to get into your head again." Said Cameron firmly

"The long and short of it is that honestly I do not think you will have something like this happen again but it you do now that you have experienced it once maybe you will be better prepared to control it. Though I would not go looking to put yourself in that kind of situation intentionally again or I might have to do something drastic like no sex for a couple months or something." He added half heartedly

Ariana smiled as she gave him a mock horror look at the mention on no love making for a couple of months. "Would you seriously put off trying for Stacie's brother or sister for two months?" She grinned a wry grin as she looked at Cameron.

"If it meant keeping her mommy safe your damn right I would." Said Cameron rather more firmly then he intended.

Ariana looked surprised at Cameron's forceful sounding response. She wasn't quite sure how to respond.

"I look at it like this we have the rest of our lives togather what is two months compared to that. There will be plenty of time to give stacie a few more siblings but they will not happen if her mommy is not there to help make them." Said Cameron he hoped she understood what he was trying to say

"I'm sorry, I know you only want what's best I'm just not used to hearing you sound so...forceful.' She offered a smile. "Doctor Hades is running some test results for me so we'll see what, if anything, shows up from that." She lay quiet just hoping the results would be positive ones.



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