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Posted on Tue Oct 29th, 2019 @ 9:54am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Camron Wayne

1,223 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Cameron and Ariana's Quarters
Timeline: MD01 1100 hrs

Ariana stepped inside the door to her new home with Cameron. Baby Stacie was still in neonatal care and would be for a while longer yet but this gave her some time alone with Cameron and that was something she'd been looking forward to.

Cameron rolled into the room and looked around it was considerably bigger then what he had before and he found he liked the space. However there were things he needed to get off his chest and things he wanted to tell ariana that were better said before the baby came home.

"Hun please sit down there are some things I would like to discuss with you some good and some not so good so please let me say them before we go any farther and I will understand if your feelings toward me change." Said Cameron as he motioned her to sit down.

Ariana looked at Cameron concerned. Walking over to the sofa she took a seat. "I don't know what you could say to me to change my mind about loving you Cameron."

"Honestly I hope you don't because I am head over heels in love with you but here it goes. My family is the mob on my home planet. I left there and cut ties with my parents and brothers but there are still aunts uncles and cousins I keep in touch with. That being said I have never had anything to do with the family business at least not the illegal side of things.

However I went to see andy a little while ago I never laid a hand on the man nor did I come within 6 feet of his cell as the cameras will attest to. I did however tell him in hypothetical terms exactly what would happen to him if he got out of prison alive. I may not condone what my family does but I am not above using them to help me protect what is most important to me.

Lastly I made a decision shortly after you said yes I am going to talk to the docs and see if there is a way that they can help me either regrow my legs or get me fitted with prostetics so that I can dance at my wedding and with our little girl. I will still use the chair at work and if I know I need to be on my feet for extended periods but will try for you and stacie to become the man you both deserve in every way that matters." Said Cameron as tears ran down his cheek he was very scared right now of losing her and he knew it would kill him inside if he did but he also knew he had to take the chance there could be no secrets between them if this was to work out.

Ariana sat looking at him as what he'd told her sank in, she raised a gentle caring hand to his face and wiped away his tears. "You would go through more medical treatment for us?" She smiled as she took his hands and held them gently. "Listen to me and listen well...I don't care what background or family you come from! I love you with all my heart Cameron and you don't have to change anything for me!!"

"Thank you for understanding and listening hun and know this I will do my best to never keep secrets from you. Now what would you like to do for the next little while we have an apartment to look over and you did say you wanted to take a look at my transport when you got out of sickbay so whatever you want is what we will do." Said Cameron lightly

Ariana took his hand and gently held onto it. "First things first, I want to show you what you mean to me." She leant forward and kissed him deeply and passionately. As the kiss broke she smiled. "Let's put our bedroom to use..."

Cameron had to chuckle a little at that "A little eager to give stacie a brother or sister love." Said Cameron with a half chuckle and a twinkle in his eye.

Ariana smiled. "Give it a couple of weeks, so medical tell me and maybe but I'm more eager to make love with you. No matter what I'm forever yours Imzadi and if it's more children you want..." She smiled warmly. "I'll give you as many of them as you want."

"Don't make promises you can not keep." Said Cameron as he came up behind her and picked her up off the ground before heading his chair to the bedroom. It would be several hours before anything more then moans of exstacy would be heard from the bedroom and more hours still before anyone would see either of them outside their quarters as they would proceed to not only break in the bedroom but the bathroom, kitchen, living room and even the ceiling.

Ariana lay entwined in the bedsheets and Cameron's body. She hadn't expected such passionate lovemaking but she'd enjoyed every single second of it. "Ohhh wow!!!" She swept her wet hair out of the way as she raised her head and smiled at him. "That was...incredible!! As for what you said earlier about making promises I can't keep" She kissed him passionately. "I will bear you a whole household of children! Just you wait and see!!" She grinned. "You did just spend..." She looked at the chrono. "Hours making love to me after all. You keep this up and I'd be surprised if you didn't get me pregnant again in no time!!"

"I do not know betazoid body chemistry but I am pretty sure with humans it is at least 6 months before you can concieve again." Said Cameron with a smile. "Not that I am against proving that wrong and making love to you every day if you want it." He added.

"It's anything from two weeks, but be warned we Betazoids are a very...sexual species, even if I don't conceive straight away I would very much like to give you another child the normal way." She grinned. "I want to conceive a child with you normally not the way I was implanted with Stacie." She kissed him passionately. "I love you so much Cameron! I want nothing more than to be your wife and to spend the rest of my life with you!!"

"That is what I want as well and if we get a few more kids along the way well then that is great as well and heck if we run out of room well I do have a transport in the dock we could move to or we could move down to the planet whatever and were ever it is will be our home so long as you and I are togather." Said Cameron as he kissed her neck and allowed his hands to wander under the bedsheets.

"Ohhhh you devil you!" Ariana smiled as she encouraged him. "Let's spend some more time practicing shall we?" She kissed him passionately.

"As often as you want." Said cameron as his hand went lower and his head dipped farther down. It would be a long while before anything else was heard or any other words were spoken


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