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Important News

Posted on Tue Oct 29th, 2019 @ 9:39am by Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

445 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD01 1015 hrs

Lying in a biobed for the amount of time she had Freya had, had time to think about speaking to General Hurd about her pregnancy. Being a pregnant marine would most likely put her out of the action on the front lines, something she knew would happen when she got pregnant. As the Sickbay doors opened to reveal the man himself Freya motioned him across to her bed. “Permission to speak with you regarding an important matter Sir?”

Smiling, Hurd said, "Relax, what is it?"

Freya smiled warmly. “Thank you Sir. I need to give you this...” She handed over a PADD that was by her bedside containing an earlier medical report. “I’m five weeks pregnant sir".

Grinning, Hurd pulled up a chair.

“I’m sorry if this has come at an awkward time Sir, Kaden and I have been trying for a baby for a while now and it seems we’ve finally got lucky!” She smiled warmly. “I’ve already come to the conclusion that I won’t get to go out on the front lines with the marines now but I’d still like to back them up from the med tent.”

"I have a better idea." His tone took on Marine sterness as he said, "Petty Officer 1st Class Freya Ross, you are hereby relived of duty for the remainder of you pregnancy and for a period of no less than 2 months after the birth". Softening his tone he said, "I'm so happy for you, please enjoy this".

"Thank you Sir" She offered a smile. "but I wasn't expecting to be totally relieved of my duties, what if you don't get a replacement medic? You'll be short handed and that'll put lives at risk. Not that I'd be totally fit for a little while longer yet anyway."

Picking up a PADD and typing in a few commands he handed it to her saying, "That's my service record, scroll down to my qualifications and tell me what you see".

Freya did as instructed and looked at Hurd with a smile. “You’re a qualified Medic too? I never thought about that. I always imagined you as more of a front line ground pounder instead of a Medic.”

"Not just a Medic, but a Paramedic, and you will find I am full of suprises", Hurd said smiling. "I'm serious, please enjoy this, and if we really, really need you we won't hesitate to call you".

"Thank you Sir" Freya smiled and nodded. "I intend to enjoy it!" Her grin said it all as she relaxed back on the biobed and waited for news of when she'd be released to go home.



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