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Time to say thanks

Posted on Tue Oct 29th, 2019 @ 9:37am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

1,416 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Docking Bay
Timeline: MD01 1000 hrs

Having been cleared for release from Sickbay at long last Ariana made her way to the docking bay looking for Vox, she was going home to Cameron but she had something she needed to say to Vox first. She knew he had a private ship docked up somewhere so she checked around to see if she could find him.

Vox was outside his ship in Docking Bay 35. He had just finished minor repairs caused by the recent attack on the Station. He was very much relieved that his beloved ship got away with minor weapons burns.

Ariana smiled as she saw Vox, walking over to him she looked at his ship. “I hope your ship got away without any major damage?”

"Oh hey Ariana. Thankfully yes she did. Whilst making the minor repairs I've done a few upgrades too. Updates to the sensors, navigation and the shield emitters."

"You sound as dedicated to your ship as Cameron does!" She grinned. "What is up with men and ships?" She shrugged her shoulders. "If you ever need any help Cameron has his own mechanics business based on the station."

Before Vox could respond to Ariana's question a soft female voice was heard.

#Rae, the recalibrations have been completed for the lateral sensor arrays. In doing so it has been noted that the ventral sensor array is out of alignment. Shall I correct it?#

"Please do Tenaran. Thank you."

"The adjustments will take approximately 10 minutes. No problem Rae.#

"Sorry, my ship has been a tremendous help to my business so it's no wonder I care about her. " Vox said in answer to Ariana's question.

"Your ship has artificial intelligence?" She looked at Rae curiously.

"Yes she has. It was an upgrade some time ago. This has allowed her to think for herself and it has been quite invaluable. " Vox replied.

"That's incredible!" Ariana smiled warmly. "I guess she must be a good companion for you when you're off station alone."

"Absolutely. I am often on various jobs to different places to ensure I have a good collection for the gallery and I am usually on my own unless I invite a guest along for the ride. " Vox replied.

"Doesn't it get lonely?" Ariana looked at Vox curiously. "Maybe at some point, I might get a chance to tag along with you but obviously not for a while yet!" She grinned. "I know I said thank you in the shelter but I feel I owe you more than that. You watched out for me and I appreciate that. I never really realised how vulnerable being pregnant makes a woman feel until we were boarded."

"It does get lonely from time to time and it would be great if you could come along on one of my jaunts sometime. You don't owe me anything. I did what was right and that was to protect you and the other civilians the best I could. As for being vulnerable when pregnant, both my first and second hosts, Lerani and Azrel were mothers. But, it was what happened to Lerani with her second child that will always be with me for a long time." Vox replied thinking back to that day.

Ariana looked at Vox curiously. "May I ask what happened to Lerani?"

"Well. She was on a small transport going back to the Trill Homeworld when she was about a week from her due date. The ship developed a problem which they thought they had resolved but unfortunately, their fix backfired and the ship came to an abrupt halt and lost power. So for several hours, it was adrift. A mayday was sent. But between the time of the incident and the eventual rescue, Lerani went into labour and, whilst trapped in her quarters, had to deliver the baby alone by herself.". Vox replied.

"Alone!" Ariana looked at Vox astounded. "I'll admit that was my greatest fear. To go into labour and not have anyone with me. Luckily I was in a room full of medics! How did she cope?"

"She coped rather well but it was difficult. But thankfully the baby was healthy. But I remember it vividly. It was scary" Vox replied.

"I can imagine! I'm glad it went well for her though." Ariana smiled warmly. "So tell me more about your ship and your business."

"Well, Tenaran is a Type 3 Aerie class vessel. The Federation use them for a variety of purposes, including service as surveyors and colony ships in both Starfleet and civilian service. This particular one was to be decommissioned but I managed to pull a few strings and purchase it. It took me over a year to refit it with help from several friends. Tenaran can act as both my home on the move as well as storage for artworks I acquire and a mobile gallery when required. " Vox replied.

"A real home away from home then?" Ariana grinned. "So you deal in art? I'll have to see if you've got anything that catches my eye, silly as it sounds do you have any artwork that would be suitable in a baby's room?"

"hmmm. I might have. " He taps the communicator on his wrist. "Tenaran, can you get me the padd on my desk, please?"

#One-moment Rae# the voice replied.

Vox held out his hand and in a sparkling blue and green swirl, a padd was beamed onto his open hand. Once it had fully materialised he searched through his files and came across a painting of a seaside scene with beach balls, sandcastles and a rainbow umbrella stuck in the sand with a mother and child sat looking out to sea. He handed the padd over with the picture on the screen. "How about this?" he asked.

Ariana took the PADD and looked at the painting. " perfect!" Her smile beamed. "I'll buy it. I plan on moving into family quarters and this will be a good start for the baby's room. Can you organise having it delivered to my quarters for me please?"

" I can have it delivered to your quarters no problems but as for buying it, no it's a gift. " Vox said with a smile.

"A gift!" Ariana looked at Vox in surprise. "But I can't...." She stopped herself and nodded. "That's very kind of you Rae, I appreciate it." She stepped forward and gently kissed him on the cheek. "That is for being so kind and for being my hero."

Vox blushed. His smile was wider than the space doors on a starbase.

"Thank you. As I said I did what had to be done and what was right. But, I've never been called a hero before. Thank you. "

"My pleasure!" Ariana smiled warmly. "I will be making sure you get the credit you're due in my report to Admiral Bremer as well. If there's ever anything you need just come and see me."

"Thank you. You're too kind. I will make a note of that. Let me know when you fancy coming on one of my jounts. Bring the family along as well. " Vox said.

"I think that would be fun. So what did Lerani's children grow up to be?" Ariana looked at Vox curiously.

"She had two girls. Ezri and Jelena. Ezri became a botanist and Jelena became a facilitator at the Initiate Programme on the Trill homeworld." Vox replied. "Neither chose to be joined." He added.

"So what's it like?" Ariana looked at Rae. "As an empath I can sense a duality from you, I feel both of you. What's it like for the two of you being joined?"

"It's hard to describe but in a simple way, I am Raekwon and I am Vox and as I am both, I am also Lerani, Azrel, Torbin, and Jorran. I have their memories, knowledge and experiences. It's like a melting pot." Vox replied.

"I can imagine, it's like multiple personalities but without the unwanted side effects!" She smiled. "I would love to learn more but right now my body is telling me it's time to go home and put my feet up!"

"Oh yes of course. Do forgive me. Nattering away and I've let you stand for ages when we could have sat in my ship's lounge." Vox said apologetically.

"That's okay, I didn't intend to keep you talking quite so long!" Ariana grinned. "I have enjoyed making a new friend though and like I said anything you need just come and see me."

"Likewise my friend." Vox replied.


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