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Changing of the Guard

Posted on Sun Oct 27th, 2019 @ 10:07pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,067 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 - 945hrs


After his meeting with T’Lar, K’Temoc, and the command crew for the Pegasus’s mission, Mike called General Hurd and Captain Ross to his office and asked Admiral T'Lar to remain.

While waiting for them to arrive Mike looked over the PADD with the news again. He wasn’t happy about it, but this would also give two good officers a chance to progress and succeed.

Once they arrived Mike motioned for them to take a seat in the chairs on the opposite side of his desk. “Thank you both for coming. I’ve received some news from Starbase 400 and it directly affects the First Marine Division.” Mike paused, then continued. “General Jackson has been transferred to Earth to help train new Marines for combat. He’s taken the MARSOC group with him to help. Also, Admiral Ward and the USS Sentinel have been sent back to Starfleet Command to help direct the war effort. We’ll be getting a new ship soon, the USS Juno, a Vesta class vessel. She’ll replace the USS Sentinel nicely.”

That was the first part. Mike took a sip of his raktijno then continued. “General Hurd, you’re now in command of the First Marine Division here at Starbase 400. You’ll maintain command of the USS Kearsarge. Captain Ross, you’re being promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and the Executive Officer of the First Marine Division. You’re also being given command of the USS Saratoga, an Akira Class vessel.”

"I see", Hurd replied evenly, shooting a sideways glace at Ross and returning his gaze to the Admiral.

Kaden felt his jaw drop unsure what to say at the moment he just sat there in his seat in silence.

“We lost a lot of good people during the attack. We also lost the Kaleb III training facility and most of the Division’s armor unit and ground vehicles. We’ll have to wait until we have Starbase 400 back to full strength before we worry about that. While I’m away I want you both to conduit training maneuvers on Kaleb IV. Deployment under fire, close quarters engagements, air/ground support with the 181st Tactical Fighter Wing, and general ground combat tactics. I don’t know when the Federation Alliance will counter-attack or invade Typhon Pact territory, but I can tell you that we WILL take the fight to the enemy...and I want you ready. Questions?”

"None on my end sir", General Hurd said, "Except to say that when the fighting starts, the enemy will regret the day they ever did this to us".

"Admiral, I don't think I am a wise choice for this promotion isn't there someone else more suited for the position?" Kaden asked.

Mike shook his head. "I thought about Major Lennox, but I need at least one veteran combat commander in the field. There just isn't anyone else right now. We went though the same thing during the Dominion War. We lost a lot of good people early, and young commanders were promoted up to Captain and even Admiral. They weren't ready, but they learned." Mike knew, he had been one of them. "I have no doubt you'll do well."

Kaden wasn't pleased with the Admiral at the moment he felt his concerns was being ignored and he didn't like it. "Sir, I must protest I am not fit for ship command I am a grunt I deserve to be on the field not in a chair." He was doing the best he could to not panic Kaden wasn't even sure if Bremer was aware he had mental problems and self confidence issues.

Mike paused and looked at Kaden for a moment. He'd tried to give a pep talk, boost his confidence by showing he had confident in Ross but it wasn't working.

Mike then looked over at Hurd. "General, what do you think?"

"He has my utmost confidence, and what's more, I am more than certain he can do this job, he is a fine and capable Officer". Looking at Ross for a moment he added, " Because belive me, if I didn't belive those things, I wouldn't say them, and he would not be where he is".

Kaden was feeling nervous and worst of all like their high praise of him was misplaced. "Sir, I am not the man you both want Major Lennox would be better suited than me starship command is not my strong suit. The crew of that ship deserves better than me I am a soldier not a explorer I am telling you both I belong in a battlefield." He said although he was getting to a point deep down if he should just resign.

Maybe Ross was a little confused, so Mike tried to explain. "Believe me, exploration isn't why you'd be in command of the Saratoga. She's an Akira class vessel that's been set up as a Marine vessel, for emergency response and deployment. Just like the USS Kearsarge, Galaxy class, that General Hurd is in command of. However, if you truly feel that you want to remain as the 22nd Regiment Commander then I respect that. I'll put in a call to Starfleet Command and let General Chike, Commanding Officer Starfleet Marine Corps, know we're in need of a new Division XO and to see if he can have someone assigned."

Kaden sighed as he lowered his head he could tell the Admiral seemed disappointed. Maybe he thought Kaden would of been glad to be held in such high regards by him and Hurd. "Look, Admiral Bremmer and General Hurd, I am honored that you see value in me that I can't but this is a big step you both are asking me to take. I not sure what to say or do right now I need time."

Mike nodded. "I understand. Think it over. I'll request a new Division XO and if you decide to take the position before one arrives let the General know. And don't worry, there's no hard feeling. You have to do what you think is best for you."

"Sir, hold off on that request I will give you my answer in a few days." Kaden didn't want to feel rushed but he understood General Hurd was going to need a right hand man.

Mike nodded. "Very well. We'll talk about it when I get back. Dismissed."



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