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Unexpected Orders

Posted on Sun Oct 27th, 2019 @ 10:06pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant David Hannigan & First Ramata`tar & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Lieutenant Commander Peter Garabaldi & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson
Edited on on Sun Oct 27th, 2019 @ 10:08pm

2,030 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 - 915hrs


Mike was in his office looking over a report from Starfleet Command. They had sent new orders, orders Mike wasn’t expecting. He was being called to Earth to pick up two VIPs. With a war on, why would Starfleet Command pull one of their area commanders out of the field with one of their toughest ships for a VIP pick up? It wasn’t a ‘milk run’ either, Starfleet said they wanted an experienced crew, and they wanted the Pegasus.

With Tactical Operations still under repair from the recent attack, and the Mission Briefing Rooms were either destroyed or damaged as well, Mike decided to have the briefing in his office. He tapped his commbadge, “Bremer to Admiral T’Lar, Vice Admiral K’Temoc, Commodore Pike, Commander Garabaldi, Commander Coleman, Lieutenant Young, Doctor Corrigan, Commander Roebuck, Lieutenant Robinson, Lieutenant Hannigan, First Ramata’tar, can you all please report to my office.”

K’Temoc was the first to arrive, he’d been in Ops looking over a report himself. “What’s going on?”

Mike handed him the PADD, “See for yourself.”

K’Temoc smirked and handed a PADD to Mike, “Fine, then you read this one.”

After a moment they exchanged PADDs again.

“What do you think is going on?” K’Temoc asked.

Mike shook his head, “I really don’t know.” He took a sip of his tea, he was trying to cut back on how many raktijnos he was drinking. “What are you planning to do?”

“I’m going to send both Bagwell and MacLeod out, under cloak, to scout. Has there been any word from the Calidorn since they set off on their scouting mission?” K’Temoc asked.

“None, but I wouldn’t expect to hear anything from Jarovik until the ship is back in Federation or Klingon space.” Mike replied.

Roebuck and Ramata’tar arrived a moment later. Mike motioned to the chairs and couch so Roebuck could take a seat while the others arrived for the briefing. Ramata’tar stood behind the couch and waited.

Chloe was assessing the damage done to the docking bay from her station at ops when she heard Fleet Admiral Bremer ordering the senior staff to report to his office as she got a PADD in her Hand her fiance Nathaniel Was right beside her"what s up Hon" he asked. she told Nathaniel "I have been summoned by Admiral Bremer to his Office for A briefing Could you take over for me while Im at the briefing " Nathaniel said "sure I'll take over just let me know the details alright" they Embraced and she left to go to Admiral Bremer's Office " Im on My Way Admiral" she was at his office since she was in ops during the Attack trying to override the docking controls for Admiral bremer since she looked at the specs of sb400 she saw that his office was adjacent to ops. she entered Bremer's office and handed him a PADD on the status of her department staff"my team is helping the engineering teams with repairs to the docking bay controls during the big Assault my fiance Nathaniel is in charge for right now" she asked Admiral bremer"what's going on? she had no idea what the current situation was.

Doctor Corrigan had to admit she was curious. The unexpected call had dragged out from behind a desk weighed down with reports, requests and patient updates. And so she had needed no persuasion to leave them waiting. The standing order to keep to light duties didn’t extend to summons from the stations commanding officer even if it did take her longer than usual to make the trip.

“Admiral,” she offered in greeting as she entered the room, addressing Bremer before finding a spot to sit or at least stand out of the way.

Hannigan and Robinson arrived within moments of each other. They said hello to Bremer and the other already present before taking seats.

Admiral T'Lar...Deela had been dealing with a lot since the attack. She had to help her kids cope with losing a longtime pet and friend and then there was her fiancé, Solomon, who was still unconscious in Sickbay. If she didn't look Vulcan, one would never know it by how emotional she was.

Deela was sitting next to Solomon's bed, holding his hand, wishing that he'd wake up. The kids were there earlier but she sent them home with Alex who was also coping with guilt for letting Deela's pet die in her care. Deela's emotions were running high as she continued to sit there staring at him. When Bremer's request for a briefing came in, she reluctantly let go of Solomon's hand, stood up and gave him a kiss goodbye after whispering something in his ear. She made her way to Bremer's office but didn't say a word once she arrived. Although she was physically there, her mind was somewhere else.

Coleman had just completed his physical and psych evaluations when he heard Admiral Bremer's voice come over the intercom, summoning several of the seniors staff to his Ready Room.

Being the newest member of the Senior Staff, Coleman didn't want to make a bad impression and be late for his first ever meeting with the Admiral. Excusing himself from Sickbay, he made his way over to the nearest turbolift and headed up to Operations. Taking mere moments to reach Ops, he walked out and took it all in.

Looking around, Coleman walked over to a crewmen and asked where the Admiral's Office was. The crewmen pointed to it and Coleman walked over to it and the doors parted way to allow him access. Walking inside, Coleman saw Admiral Bremer and several others sitting and standing in various parts of the office.

"Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman, reporting for duty sir," Coleman said, handing a PADD to Admiral Bremer with his transfer orders.

After Lee had said and told Alex that it wasn't his fault about what had happened. He then kissed his wife and children then headed off to see what was going on. He stepped off the lift at Ops looking around for a moment Lee headed for the office taking a spot near T'Lar.

Peter was last, something he didn't like very much, doing paperwork then letting Maria know where he was going. Heading in he took a spot where he could keep an eye on things.

Once everyone had arrived and were seated Mike stood. "Thank you all for coming. First of all, I want to commend you all on the job you did during the attack. There will be tough, dark days ahead, but together I have no doubt we will prevail." He paused a moment, "I also want to welcome Mister Coleman aboard. Any relation to Jonathan Coleman who use to be stationed here?"

"Yes, sir. That's my brother, who actually sends his regards. The Dipolamtic Corp has kept him busy over the last few years and his wanted me to thank everyone for helping him to get into the Corps," Coleman said with a small smile.

"Now, on to business. During the attack at DS9, there was a Dominion delegation there for a conference, continued cooperation and exchange in the Gamma Quadrant. Two of the Founders were killed when their ship was destroyed." Mike paused and gave a glance at Ramata'tar. "Now, the Dominion is asking to bring a fleet into the Alpha Quadrant to fight the Typhon Pact."

"Well, that's great, isn't it? I mean, we've fought with them before and we have a treaty." Roebuck replied.

Mike shook his head. "No, it's not. The Cardassians have issued a formal protest to any Dominion Soldier becoming an active combatant in the war...with the exception of the three Jem'Hadar exchange officers serving aboard Starfleet ships and bases, like First Ramata'tar here. The Cardassians have threatened to find either a separate peace or even join the Pact if the Dominion comes through the wormhole. There are also protests from inside the Federation and Klingon Empires to Dominion involvement. So, Starfleet is sending the Pegasus to Earth to pick up two VIPs, Ambassadors, and take them to meet with Dominion representatives in the Gamma Quadrant to try and talk them out of retaliating in order to keep the Alliance in tact. Questions?"

Lee stood there for a moment "I would be willing to go with on the Pegasus sir, unless you need me to stay here on Star Base 400."

Mike nodded, "Everyone here is going, with the exception of Admirals T'Lar and K'Temoc."

Chloe asked."who Are the VIPS that starfleet wants us to pick up at earth Admiral Bremer?"she asked .

"They didn't tell me, just that we'd find out when we arrived at Earth." Bremer replied. "Anyone else?"

“Sir,” Carolyn said, speaking up from where she stood, leaning against the wall, “Do you have any particular concerns from a medical standpoint? And does this mean you want Dr Hades to remain here?”

"Truthfully, I'm not sure, but with a war on I want to make sure we have an experienced Medical Officer on board." Mike then thought about his convocation with Hades the night before, "As for Doctor Hades, yes, he'll remain here."

Mike waited for anyone else to speak up, "Alright, assignments for this mission. Pike will serve as ship's XO, Garabaldi as Chief Security/Tactical, Young as Chief Flight Controller, Robinson as Chief Engineer, Corrigan as Chief Medical Officer, Coleman as Chief Science Officer, Hannigan as Chief Intel, Roebuck and Ramata'tar will be VIP escorts. Roebuck you'll pull double duty at the Strategic Operations station on the bridge when needed. We'll depart at ten hundred hours, that's less than an hour so be aboard the Pegasus by then. Dismissed."

Mike waited a second, "Deela, can you remain for a moment please? I have General Hurd and Captain Ross coming in to talk about changed in the Marine Division's command structure."

Deela nodded and spoke softly, "Yes sir."

Once everyone except T'Lar and Bremer left, Lieutenant Archer walked into Mike office. "Excuse me, sir."

"Mister Archer, shouldn't you still be in Sick Bay?" Mike asked. Archer has a bandage on the side of his neck still from the wound he'd received.

Nick started, "I gave up my bed to someone more needing than I. Sir, I know the Pegasus is going on a mission, and Commander Croesus is needed here to help with station and ship repairs. I was wondering if I could go along as Chief Ops. I saw Doctor Corrigan leave the meeting so..."

Mike held up his hand, "Be aboard the Pegasus before ten hundred."

"Thank you sir." Archer replied, then left Bremer's office.

Chloe left the Admiral's office and went to give her fiance Nathaniel a PADD with orders she saw Nathaniel and motioned him over to her she stood by the turbolift as he came over "here are your list of Orders while Im gone make sure you continue the repairs to the Docking bay I will be on the Pegasus with the Admiral "she said to Nathaniel" Be careful hon "Nathaniel said " my son is on his way to sb400 he will be assisting me in Repairs " he told her"I love you chloe "chloe responded "I love you too" Nathaniel and chloe kissed each other he watched her leave on the turbolift "dock port 4" she said the lift descended her to docking port 4 and she arrived on the Pegasus she began to get the Pegasus ready for departure as she sat at her station and waited for the rest of the senior staff to arrive. she hit her combadge "Lt. Young to Admiral Bremer the pegasus is ready for departure."she reported.

Coleman headed out of the Admiral's Quarters and made his way to the nearest turbolift. He wanted to head over to the Pegasus and get an idea of the scientific systems onboard. He also hadn't worked on a Galaxy-Class Starship before, but from what his brother Jonathan had told him, it was something of a sight to see. Heading down, he was rather excited, yet nervous as well.



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