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Making a start

Posted on Wed Oct 30th, 2019 @ 9:22am by Lieutenant Commander Peter Garabaldi

500 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD01 1100 hrs

Freya was finally more up to sitting up in bed after her surgery for the injuries Andy had inflicted on her. She'd asked one of the nurses to send for Commander Garibaldi, she had important information for him.

Peter received the message as he was finishing a report to document the arrest incarceration and beginning list of charges that would put his prisoner away for hopefully centuries. There was another standing order he had implemented, no one speaks to the prisoner without a security officer present.

He headed down to sickbay and was escorted to the counselor. "Petty officer, How are you feeling?"

"A little stiff and sore but better, thank you, Commander." Freya offered a smile. "I asked to see you because I have some information that will have a bearing on your investigation. Plus you'll no doubt have questions of your own."

"Nothing important right now." He paused, "Your recovery is obviously number 1, and it's not like that prisoner is going anywhere. But you have information. I'm all ears." He turned on a PADD for recording and let her speak.

Freya nodded and took a deep breath. “While he was holding me prisoner Andy confessed something to me that I never knew before. As you’ll see from my records, I only just discovered that I was...” She paused still finding it difficult to say. “Raped, a few years ago.” She took a deep breath.

Peter paused, "We have more then enough to put him away for a long time, you don't need to...." He paused as she began

“I need! do this Commander!” She gave Garibaldi a determined glance. “Andy confessed to me, that he was the one who raped me!!” The tears in her eyes said just how much it hurt to say. “He said...that he wanted to do it again!”

Half of him thought maybe he should have tossed Andy in a closet with General Hurd and went for a couple cups of coffee as the old saying went. But he simply let her continue, there was nothing he could add at this point.

"I didn't even remember about what happened to me back then until recently." She frowned. "Now Andy has freely admitted that he did that to me! He wanted me to be with him, like some trophy he could show off!" She looked at Garibaldi. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get him locked away!"

He nodded, "Good, so what we'll do is take a full statement, then I'll add that to the list of charges to present to the convening authority." He paused, "Just to prepare you, you probably have to testify at the court martial."

"I have to testify!!" She took a deep breath before letting it out and nodding her head. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Peter paused for a second, at her vehemence, then he nodded, this wasn't a time to grin but he did say, "Good, then let's get started."



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