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a little discussion

Posted on Wed Oct 30th, 2019 @ 1:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Camron Wayne
Edited on on Wed Oct 30th, 2019 @ 1:07pm

1,036 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 101 - Peace During War
Location: Brig
Timeline: MD01 1130 hrs

Lying in bed alongside Ariana, Cameron thought back to his earlier discussion with Andy in the brig.

~ A few hours earlier ~

Cameron rolled into the brig intent on discussing something with the single man in the holding cells.

"Hello Andy my name is Cameron Wayne and I believe we have something in common or rather someone." Said Cameron calmly he knew that he did not want to lose his temper and end up shouting at this person. After all he had been taught that this kind of message was best stated in a calm and controled voice.

Andy turned and looked at the man in the hover chair that was sitting outside his cell. "Ah...Wayne isn't it?" He grinned. "Here about Ariana no doubt?"

"Yes I am here about Ariana the lady I have asked to marry me and the mother of my child. You see I know what you tried to do and what you intended to do and frankly you have good taste in women but really bad timing. I am sure that all three of them would be a good lay and maybe all three combined would have been enough to sate your obviously high sex drive. After all and just between you and me the three you picked are smokin hot and about as sexy as they come hell I would have enjoyed them myself were it not for the obvious." Said Cameron he was trying to put the man at ease knowing that his own message would be hopefully much more intimidating when he delivered it.

Andy looked at Cameron curiously, his Betazoid senses trying to get a good sense of the man in front of him." You're very tightly controlled aren't you? Are you a man who likes ladies in the same way as I do?"

"Maybe I do maybe I don't oh and you can stop trying to read me. One of the perks I have is I know when I am being scanned," Said Cameron calmly. "As for the ladies well let's just say that I like what I see and what I feel and I have been known to let my mind wander to thoughts that are best left out of polite conversation. However I have never crossed that line and I never will." He added coolly

"Frankly and speaking here just between two men I abhore what you tried to do and while I am a firm believer in the idea of to each his own there are just some things I can not stomach."

"Shame!" Andy grinned. "You know if that Liam character hadn't shown up I'd have been having so much fun with Ariana. I can imagine you must enjoy making love with her!"

"I am glad that you brought up Ariana though I have not had the pleasure of her company as of yet the anticipation makes it all the sweeter. You see here is the thing You hurt her and hurt her badly big mistake go for a generals daughter like that especially a general like Hurd. The man just screams mess with me and mine at your own peril. You could not have known that I would ask her to be my wife nor what that means so let me spell something out for you.

IF you get out of whatever prison they lock you up in, in any other method then a pine box you will not like what happens next. You see while I come from a backwater planet that planet also has a rather dark history. Last time I check the blueridge mob pretty much controled the colony like they have for the last two hundred years. I may hate my parents and my brothers but I have cousins uncles and aunts that I adore. You get out of prison alive and I will put a message into that family telling them exactly what you did to my fiancee.

They have many many ways to make you disappear so let me run down a senario for you. this is hypothetical and not likely to happen but here it goes. You get out within 48 hours from the minute you walk free you would be abducted and taken to my homeplanet. At first it would be a nice conversation just like we are having now two men just shooting the breeze. However soon that conversation will turn much darker. considering what you did it is likely that they would tie you up not with rope or restraints but with barbed wire. then the pain will start. First it will be hammers to your fingers and toes then moving to your feet and hands then your arms and legs systematicly breaking every bone at least 50 times over. Then you will be allowed to recover maybe for a day no medical attention but you will be lucid. Next will come the meat hooks to your shoulders to keep you upright as they break every rib in your chest of course careful to avoid vital organs after all were would the fun be if you die. Finally after maybe a week of this you will meet the rollers a piece of wire will be attached to your feet and fed into the roller you get to watch as your body is pulled to the rollers and your bones are pulverized to dust. Trust me when I say you will be kept alive for all of this until your head is sucked in and you are officially dead.

But hey it is all a hypothetical situation not something you will have to worry about so you rest easy in your cell and think about all the women you have raped and tortured and enjoy the rest of your life." Said Cameron with a grin and a twinkle in his eye as he turned his back on andy and headed out of the brig.

Andy stood simply staring out at the rear of Cameron’s chair before the outer brig doors closed. He normally had so much bravado to show off but now he was speechless. For the first time ever he was forced to wonder if he’d made a very big mistake!


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