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Charming Personality - Part 2

Posted on Wed Oct 16th, 2019 @ 5:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Splendora Sage

1,843 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Sickbay Recovery Wing
Timeline: MD 02 1115 hours


“... there is no need for a shadow,” Doctor Corrigan commented as she rounded the corner which led towards the room assigned to Doctor Sage. Every step of the way, Harris had been a shadow. And not a welcome one. While he had not come out and directly said it, she knew he did not approve of her knowing about Hades and the others.

She just didn’t care enough to be truly bothered by it.

Entering the room she wasn’t entirely surprised to find a pair of lavender eyes open and watching as the two doctors arrived. After what she had gone through, the fact she was even alive let alone awake was nothing short of a miracle.

“We wanted to come and check up on you,” Carolyn explained with a reassuring smile, coming further into the room with Harris close behind.

Splendora looked from one to the other. It had been hours of blankness and now her senses returned but in some ways heightened. She'd washed her face a bit just minutes ago and had stared at her eyes. They were now a lavender colour that she wasn't used to. Her hair was darker and it seemed as if her muscles had shifted. It was her face yet not...a weird feeling.

She sensed the tension in the room. She looked at Harris. "Why don't you go away. You're making her uncomfortable and I'd rather deal with her for the moment.

Harris huffed. "I see you've got the charming personality of someone else I know." He muttered and walked out of the room.

“Ignore him,” Carolyn offered as the door closed behind Harris. Approaching the bed she studied the monitors, “considering you were dead this morning your vitals are getting stronger and stronger by the second... more importantly though, how do you feel?”

She sighed, "I honestly don't know. I feel like myself but not like myself....does that make sense?"

“Considering your entire body had gone through such an ordeal it makes perfect sense to me. It is not just your eyes. How do they feel? Any pain, sensitivity?”

She smiled, "The eyes I like. I've never thought of violet ones but it is my favorite colour." She chuckled a bit. "As for pain. It's weird I feel as if I have been on the cusp of something but not getting it... Now I feel like something great has changed and shifted. I mean... If feels like my muscles have been stretched you know when you work out and you feel sore? That's how I feel."

“I like that colour too. And we can give you something to ease the muscle pain,” Carolyn assured her. “What about the rest of you? Hades would like us to do a full work up but I’m happy to take your lead. Things like sight and hearing we can test easily enough. Anything of particular concern to you or just everything?”

"I lost my senses up until twenty minutes ago."

“And now?” Carolyn asked, “because I know for a fact Hades has some chocolate hidden in his office...”

" brother is more of a chocolate fiend then he lets on." She saw the look on Carolyn's face. "Yes I know. Kalani told me days ago. I want to see how long the idiot takes to tell me." She sighed. "As for your question I can sense but they seem more tuned. I can see better, I can hear better and I..." She pointed to a metal instrument. "Pass me that."

Picking up a tongue depressor from the nearby tray, she handed it to Sage, curious.

She exerted some strength. At first nothing happened and then the metal bent like butter in her hands. "There is that."

Carolyn’s eyes went wide as the woman dropped the twisted metal into the palm of her hand. “That is ... something. And your other senses?”

"I'm not sure." She was afraid to find out.

“We can figure it out,” Carolyn assured her. “Hades will have a plan. He always seems to. As for your Betazoid abilities, I’d be surprised if they weren’t enhanced.”


“If your other senses are, then it is a logical assumption,” Carolyn pointed out, “but then again I’m no expert. I have some surgeries to do this afternoon but if you feel up to it, we can do some of the less invasive tests? Entirely up to you. Only you know how you feel. If you want to rest up, I can come back tomorrow.”

"No. I should know what this is all about." She studied Carolyn. "What has you so shaken?" She could sense the woman trying to occupy her mind.

“Nothing you need to worry about,” Carolyn assured her. “You need to focus on you.”

She smiled, "Humour the counselor within me." She pointed to the chair. "I heard about the excitement in the room where I was so...I'm guessing that it was to do with that. I've already had one nurse in here that passed by during the um...incident."

Incident. Carolyn took a deep breath, the incident replaying needlessly in her head until she could shut it down tight. Not once did she make a move to take the offered seat. Humouring a patient was one thing, having your patient counsel you? Nope.

“She should not have been near the room let alone troubling you while you are recovering,” Carolyn commented.

Carolyn, "I am a counselor. Just because I am here does not mean I can't do my job. I can sense your feelings and I want to help." Besides helping Carolyn would ease her own sense of confusion and fog. Counseling she was good at and she could for sure do her job.

“I don’t doubt your abilities or your intentions,” Carolyn assured her, “but for one thing it would be unprofessional.”

"Hmm. Why do you think that?"

“Because we are in the middle of the department where I work, I’m on duty and I’m in this room to be your doctor, not your patient,” Carolyn rhymed off. “I think that should be enough... I’m happy to get Harris back in? He was there too and I have no problem with you tormenting him.”

Splendora laughed and then clutched her side. "Oh man. Now I understand laugh until you hurt." She smiled, "Tell you what. How when Hades springs me from this place we can have lunch and you can tell me all about it."

“How about we put that in a maybe someday pile?”

Splendora sighed. "The offer is always open." She rubbed her head. "Perhaps I better rest."

“I’ll schedule the less invasive tests for later tonight and we can push them back to tomorrow, let you rest up. I’m in surgery pretty much until I go off shift so I’m afraid it might be Harris but if I can spare you that pleasure, I will.”

"Until later then." Splendora smiled. She liked Harris. He was easy to get information out of.

“Get some sleep and if you need anything just use the call button,” Carolyn reminded her.

Just as Carolyn reached the front a tall Klingon dressed in civilian clothing walked into sickbay. "I am looking for a patient here."

Dwarfed by the towering figure, Carolyn felt her neck ache trying to look up at the new arrival, “who would that be?”

"Willow Sage." He shook his head. "Rather Splendora Willow Sage."

“She needs rest.... ten minutes and no more,” Carolyn warned as she led the way. “And you are?”

He walked away without answering and headed into the room.

Splendora lay back and closed her eyes as the door hissed closed behind Carolyn. She only had a moment before the door opened again. She was about to greet her visitor and then a wave of familiarity washed over her. Her eyes snapped open.

”tugh bIpIvchoHjaj”

Splendora sighed, “Your well wishes are appreciated Dakor.”

She watched the Klingon lumber to her bedside and plop down in the empty chair. “Civilian uniform?”

He shrugged, “I figured full battle gear, given what has happened, would not be wise.”

“Klingons care nothing for wisdom but the ‘Incognito’ fits well with your Romulan side.”

Dakor shook his head. “You have always had a mouth on your Willow.”

She smiled. Dakor was the only one who enjoyed the privilege of using her middle name. “I take it you were here before the action started?”

He shrugged. “How are you feeling?”

She sighed, “I honestly don’t know. The more important question is why you are here now.”

“A long story. Perhaps we can talk away from here?”

“I’m stuck here until the CMO gives me leave.”

Dakor studied her. “Sign yourself out against medical orders. This is important.”

Splendora stayed silent a long moment and then sighed. “I will meet you in one hour on what's left of the observation deck.”

Dakor stood and gave a nod. “One hour.” He turned and left.

He noted that the pretty doctor that had greeted him was still there. "She's still alive." He said for good measure.

“I know,” Carolyn replied as he headed out into the corridor. Turning on her heels she headed to Splendora’s room.

Back in her room Splendora hurriedly dressed when Dakor had left. She was still shaky but she managed to dress in record time.

“What do you think you are doing?” Carolyn demanded as she entered the room, eyes wide when she saw Splendora not only up but pulling on shoes. “You need to be in bed. Resting.”

"I'm fine. I'm signing out against doctors orders. You can get me the PADD and I'll attach my thumb print."

“Shall I just throw myself out the airlock to spare Hades the trouble?” Carolyn asked, clearly angry as she lifted a PADD and began pulling up the discharge paper, “I hope you know what you are doing.... sign this.”

Splendora added her thumb print to the PADD. "Hades will not object. Just tell him this has to do with a Klingon Blood Oath." She gave Carolyn's shoulder a squeeze. "I will be fine. Trust me. I'll come back for the tests this evening. Sound fair?"

“Don’t blame me when he explodes about this,” Carolyn warned, glancing over her shoulder when a nurse appeared in the doorway and cleared her throat. “Yes?”

“I need you in the treatment rooms, a patient says it has to be you...”

“Perfect,” Carolyn sighed, turning back to Splendora. “Please, first sign of feeling unwell, you have to call us and come straight back.”

Pretty confident the woman would not change her mind, Carolyn turned to follow the nurse, sending the updated file to Hades with a note scribbled on the side. Hitting send while she left Splendora’s room she had a sinking feeling in her stomach, wondering if it would hurt terribly when Hades killed her for letting Splendora walk out.

“So, who is this patient?”



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