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Ferengi Secret

Posted on Tue Oct 15th, 2019 @ 2:30pm by Commander Hades,MD

1,738 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Marine Offices followed by Sickbay
Timeline: MD 02 1100 hours


Freya was down in marine country, tidying away her gear into her locker she took a moment to sit down and take a breather. Five weeks pregnant and she was feeling rotten already thanks to morning sickness. She opened a bottle of water and took a sip, while she contemplated whether her career on the front lines would be a good idea once she had a baby to support.

Elsewhere in the marine quarter Braxton stood with his arms defensively crossed over his chest. "No."

Hades pinched the bridge of his nose. "That is an order! Dang it Braxton I didn't want to pull rank but being the CMO I will yank you off duty if I have to!"

Freya could hear raised voices and feel raised emotions too so getting to her feet bottle in hand to see what all the commotion was about. Not wanting to eavesdrop she appeared wearily around the doorway. "Forgive my intrusion but is there a problem?"

"No!" Both men yelled at the same time. Hades turned away facing the small window. He sighed giving himself time to cool down.

Braxton noted that he'd read up on the files for Freya that Carolyn had sent his way. As medic he needed to know. "Are you feeling alright?"

"If you count not keeping down anything I've eaten this morning as being fine I'm peachy!" Freya offered a wry smile before sipping her water. "Besides I think there's more going on here than just me."

"All is fine." Hades said, still not turning around.

Braxton sighed. He walked over to a shelf and picked up a box. "Betazoid Forpora they will help keep the sickness away. You should be able to get your appetite back."

Hades then did turn and grabbed the box. "Yeah if this was a normal pregnancy." He looked at Freya. "Sorry these are bad for you because of Kaden's condition. If the baby has it...this could make it worse."

"Just don't go saying that infront of Kaden!" She took a seat on the nearest thing she could find to sit on. "So far tests show no sign of it and we're hoping that they won't! Kaden is extremely, more terrified...of the baby having his condition."

Hades gave a nod. "I've reviewed the results and we're fine so far but we need to keep you healthy. These won't do that." He looked at Braxton. "Leave this kind of thing to me. You go home."

"I refuse to..."

"Now! I will call security if you don't leave this instant. I am the CMO and that is an order."

Braxton swore and grabbed his jacket heading out.

Hades breath a sigh of relief. "Okay, now that that is done. Why don't we go to sickbay and get you properly checked out.

Freya nodded. She frowned as she watched Braxton go. "Is there anything I need to talk to Braxton about? He is my partner in the field after all. Not that I'm going to be getting anywhere near front lines for a while, more the behind lines medical tent until after the baby is born."

Hades shrugged as they walked, "It will sort itself out." He hoped it would. He had to admit that he was worried about Braxton as of late.

"Well if there's anything I can do let me know" Freya offered a smile. "With regards my morning sickness I know my mother had a hell of a time with hers when she was carrying me but there's a difference in my pregnancy in that I'm carrying a genetic mix. I don't know whether that makes any difference?"

"It does. Betazoid genes are strong chances are the condition will not manifest. I can help with the morning sickness." They walked to sickbay and soon arrived where he settled her on a biobed.

He ran a few scans to ensure she was alright and then told her to rest while he went to grab the tea. Coming back he held a box. "Ferengi Peppermint. Believe it or not this will make morning sickness a thing of the past."

"Seriously!?" Freya looked at Hades surprised. "If it's that good I bet the Ferengi make their latium from it." She grinned. "Any restrictions on how often I should drink it?"

"Nothing really. As often as needed. The Ferengi don't exactly know what they have. Starfleet Medical didn't find the need to tell them." He smiled.

"That's a good idea" Freya offered a smile. "We just want a trouble free pregnancy, no dramas and no emergencies. I think everyone here has been through enough of those!"

He smiled. "Yes. Alright. When you run out come back and see me or visit Doctor Sage's shop."

"I'll do that, thank you Hades." She could have kissed him for the peppermint but she thought better of it. "I will make up a cup of this as soon as I get back!" With that she headed on her way leaving Hades to hopefully get some peace and quiet.

Making her way along the promenade Freya paused as she saw Braxton sitting on a bar stool in one of the many establishments on the promenade. Walking inside she sat on the bar stool next to him, nodding to the bar tender. "Ferengi Peppermint Tea please, if you can't do that a cup of hot water and I'll use my own tea bags." She looked at Braxton. "Hey partner, anything I can do to help? Be a sounding board or just a friend, whatever" She grinned.

The Ferengi scuttled off to get the tea surprised that a Hue-man knew of it.

Braxton however downed the rest of his beer and then motioned for a refill which was quickly granted. "I'm fine." He said curtly.

"Really?" Freya nodded as the Ferengi bar tender came back with her tea. "I could have said the same thing earlier but I'd have been lying" She sipped her tea before looking back at Braxton. "I know what happened to your family Mikhail, I can imagine it must have been really hard seeing Ariana with her baby."

She'd hit on one of the issues so he didn't deny it. He shrugged. "A lot has happened," was all he said.

Freya nodded. "Okay I'm not going to dig okay? You're a fellow marine, in that respect we're family. As such I'll be there for you. Plus you're my partner out in the field not that I'll be allowed anywhere near the front lines now I'm pregnant, but I will back you up from the med tent."

"It might be your tent soon." He said as he sipped more beer.

"Why would it be my tent? I'm still learning from you, not that I'll be doing much of that in the next few months. You're not planning on leaving...are you?"

He was silent.

"Mikhail?" Freya looked at Braxton.

"I am thinking of leaving Starfleet."

"Have things become so bad that the only way you see a way out is to leave your Starfleet career?" In a way she could understand. "I a way I can understand. Not that I have to, we haven't known each other as long as you've known Ariana."

He shrugged. "I have always loved Starfleet. Known this was where I wanted to be. It was home.'s not."

"May I ask why not?" Freya sipped her peppermint tea. "I know you've lost a lot Mikhail but you have friends here who care for you."

"It feels hollow. As if it is nothing but endless tasks. A place worthy of Dante's hell circles."

"Is there nothing here for you? No one that you find the least interesting or even just enjoy bring with?" Freya was trying to find some hope, something or someone that Braxton may think of that brought him a little hope. "I know Ariana cares but I also know that would bring you more pain than enough. As much as it would upset her to see you leave, I don't think she'd want to be causing you pain either."

Braxton smiled. "Don't worry about it. This is something I have to figure out."

Freya nodded. “Well I hope you manage to sort it Mikhail I really do.” She sighed and took a sip of her drink. “You know I thought all the time we’ve been trying for a baby I thought Kaden would be happy, he was for all of a night before he started worrying about the baby having his condition.” She shook her head. “I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel at the moment, to me if it happens at least we know what it is and it can be controlled. To Kaden it’ll be a disaster! I’m not sure if I could cope with that.” She sighed and offered an apologetic smile. “Sorry! I normally talk to Ariana but she’s got enough on her plate right now, I guess I should arrange to see Rol.”

"Rol is annoying. Every parent wants their child to be well and live a better life then they had. You should tell Kaden how this is making you feel. Perhaps he requires counselling."

Freya nodded. “I already suggested that to him, I just hope he’ll think about it. He did take note of Rol’s name so perhaps he’s thinking about it. I don’t know what else to do.”

"Focus on the baby and on you. It is important that you not second guess your desire for a child."

Freya nodded. "That's one thing I'm not second guessing" She smiled. "I want this baby. Anyway, I came over to make sure you're okay not go off on a tagent about me!" She grinned.

"I will be fine." He said nursing his third beer. He had never been a drinking man but...tonight he would drink to numb his pain, tomorrow he would rise and make a plan.

"You and me both!" Freya grinned before sipping her peppermint tea. "You know this stuff actually works! I'm feeling better already."

He gave a nod and downed the rest of his beer. "You should go and rest."

Freya nodded. "Sounds good to me." She put down her empty cup before standing to leave. "Take care Mikhail and whatever you decide to do, I hope it goes well for you."


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