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The visit

Posted on Tue Oct 15th, 2019 @ 2:29pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,201 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Neonatal Care Unit
Timeline: MD02 0945 hrs

With Vox having gone back to his shop Ariana sat alone simply enjoying stroking the tiniest little hand she’d ever seen. She wished more than anything she could hold her daughter but for now she needed to be in the oxygen rich cot to give her lungs chance to grow and function properly. Her Betazoid senses picked up on the arrival of someone else, she smiled as she turned to look. “Hello Kaden, come on over and meet my daughter.”

Kaden had found out Ariana was amongst the figures he caught a glimpse of escaping during his daring attempt to save the people in the shelter. But when he heard she gone into labor he practically rode the medical team to fix his injured leg so he can go clean himself up real quick before seeing Ariana. As Kaden walked over he still had a slight limp but it didn't bother him much. "Here I thought you fled so you couldn't see me get beaten up over fate the crowd in the shelter."

“The only reason I got out was because of Vox, he knew I’d gone into labour so he took the chance to get me out of there.” She smiled. “Besides you had Frey watching your back, she wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” She gently stroked her daughter’s hand as she spoke. “I ended up having to have a c-section, it’s a good job Hades, Carolyn and their team are so good at what they do.”

Kaden sat down beside Ariana. "You know, when they said you getting ready to finally pop. I had to rush them to fix my leg so I could come see you I was worried about you and your kid." He placed his hand on Ariana's forehead. "Glad to see you both are okay and I wouldn't worry about the c-section nothing a little spit and polish couldn't handle."

“Well it feels like i’ll need more than a little spit and polish to get over it!” She gently relaxed back in her seat her hand still inside the sterile field stroking Stacie’s tiny hand. “They’ve got me on a nice high dose of pain killers for the discomfort.” She offered a wry smile. “How’s Frey? I saw her earlier when I went into labour but I haven’t seen her since.

"A nervous wreck a little I mean she did just watch me fight a brute to the death all the while a Reman trying to get me to lose while holding her hostage." Kaden paused before sighing and shaking his head. "Ariana, I know this is not a place or time to do this you think I adopted a persona where when in a combat situation I just...stop caring? Like...I just am too focused on the mission or my need to win that nothing out there matters to a degree?"

"Not at all" Ariana shook her head. "You do what you do to help others Kaden, maybe you're a little too ready to throw yourself into situations sometimes but that doesn't make you wreckless or uncaring. It just means you're more focussed on getting the job done." She looked at Kaden curiously. "Is there a particular reason why you're suddenly worrying about this?"

"Just wonder if there is something wrong with me maybe I have this anger built up inside after the things I went thru growing up." Kaden replied.

Ariana looked at Kaden curiously. "Here isn't exactly the best place for a full on Counselling session but if that's how you feel there has to be an underlying cause for it. Is there anything that's happened that's made you feel like this?"

Kaden opened his mouth then closed it perhaps Ariana had a point maybe now was not a good time to discuss the issue nor did he have any idea where to even begin. Glancing at the baby Kaden sat up and approached her. "So this is her huh?" He looked the kid over for a moment quietly. "Wow, she looks a lot like you...where is Cameron thought the man be here with you?"

"Cameron has his shop and business to keep him busy and with recent events I expect he's busier than ever helping others too." Her smile faded a little before it brightened up again as she looked at Stacie. "She's so tiny and fragile, yet such a fighter too." She offered a smile. "Are you and Frey still trying for a baby? I know how much she's been talking about it."

Kaden bent over resting his hands on his knees getting a closer look at Ariana's kid. "She is cute...almost reminds me of baby hope I am sure she will pull through if I know anything she will certainly be a fighter like you." He told her with a smile.

"Wait a minute're avoiding the question!" Ariana gave her friend a smile. "Is Freya...pregnant?"

Kaden looked at Ariana gently placi g his hands on top of the containment unit the baby was in. " is something I don't wish to discuss." Honestly the uncertainty of their kid having his condition was bothering him and wasn't sure how to deal with it. He felt torn between his happiness of being a father and the dread of watching his child go thru the things he did.

" Fair enough" Ariana nodded. "Just remember when you're ready to talk about it I'll be around, or better still you can always talk to Rol."

"Rol? Who is that again?" Kaden had been on the station for a while but he still wasn't familiar with everyone yet. He started pat himself around looking for his personal PADD he kept on him. Instead only having his emergency supply of medication on him in his usual place where his PADD would be.

“Besides Freya and myself, Rol is one of the Station Counsellor’s you’re welcome to talk to me but as I’m on maternity leave it would probably be more professional of me to have you see Rol instead.” Ariana smiled warmly. “Kaden...just remember this is hard, if not harder for Freya. I’d hate to see anything happen between the two of you.”

Kaden lowered his head tapping on the baby's containment unit unsure what to do or say. "Truth be told, there are things I am struggling to handle it is like a part of me wants to run away and hide disappear from the face of universe."

“I know...” Ariana gave her friend a knowing look. “You may not want to face it Kaden but you have to before it’s too late. If you love Freya then you need to face up to your fears before she makes you.” Ariana relaxed back in her seat. “You won’t come out and say it but if I’m right and Freya is pregnant then if you push too hard you’ll push her right away from you." She looked at her old friend hoping she was wrong but only time would tell how strong their relationship truly was.



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