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Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2019 @ 2:24pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

840 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Neonatal care
Timeline: MD02 0900 hrs

After her father left Ariana had fallen asleep in the chair next to Stacie's cot. Not wanting to disturb her the nurse had taken pity and simply placed a blanket over Ariana's lap to keep her warm.

Vox arrived at the Neonatal Care Unit and met the nurse. "Hi, do you think I can say hi to Ariana and the little lady? " He asked.

"She's asleep at the moment, both of them. So maybe you could come back later?" The nurse replied.

"Oh right," Vox replied.

"'s okay." Ariana's eyes slowly opened. She'd been on the edge of waking up when she'd heard Rae's voice. "It's okay Rae, why don't you come over and see Stacie."

Vox smiled. The nurse moved on to other duties. Vox peered into Stacie's cot, admiring her little sleeping face, he turned to the still sleepy Ariana.

"She's beautiful. Congratulations. I am so relieved that both of you are ok. The same can't be said about the shutters on the Gallery's main doors. They won't open fully because they are that badly buckled from weapons fire." He added.

"I'm sorry" Ariana stretched a little as she woke herself up trying not to overstretched for the sake of her Operation site. "Maybe Ops or Engineering will be able to help you with that. At least you know your gallery wasn't broken into!" She looked to Stacie. "She's got to stay here for now, she needs the oxygen rich environment for her lungs."

" I hope so. Untill then, the gallery will be closed. This means I have some free time to relax and chill out for once and you're right, the gallery's contents were quite safe. Those doors are very strong. I am glad Stacie is ok and she is in the best place right now. "He added.

Ariana nodded as tears came to her eyes. She wiped them away feeling pretty foolish crying infront of Rae. "Sorry! My emotions are all over the place at the moment. Hades has suggested that I speak to Rol about it."

"Hey it's ok. Do you need a hug?" He asked.

She looked at Rae a little sheepishly. "I guess it wouldn't hurt any!" She nodded.

Rae stepped up and gave her a hug. "It's going be ok I am sure," he said.

Ariana lay her head against Rae's chest as he gave her a friendly hug. "Thank you Rae, you're a good friend." She looked at Stacie. "Would you like to hold her hand?"

"So are you Ariana and yes I would love to. " Vox replied.

"Feel free" She motioned to Stacie's cot. "I still find it amazing that she's so tiny."

"She is so tiny," he said looking at her in the cot, asleep. He reached in and put two fingers into her little hand. Stacie gripped his fingers. He looked at Ariana with an awww expression.

Ariana couldn't help but grin. "She has that effect on me every time! She's a miracle, she really is!!"

"Yeah she sure is. Congratulations." Rae added.

Ariana simply nodded and smiled. She had everything she could ever want and she considered herself very, very lucky.

"Did we ever find out why we were attacked in the first place? " Vox asked.

"Not that I've been told." She shrugged her shoulders. "But I'm obviously not on active duty!" She grinned.

"Well, our men and women of Starfleet did an amazing job at defending the station. " Vox replied.

"They did indeed" Ariana nodded in agreement. "There were plenty of amazing civilians too including you my friend."

"I am far from amazing. Just doing what I can when I can. As usual." Vox said smiling.

"Well I'll be mentioning your name in my report, you deserve at least that much. More in my opinion!' Ariana smiled warmly.

"Oh really? Fame, fortune and glory I suppose. Something Jorran was always seeking but never really got close. " Vox replied.

"Just whatever makes you happy Rae" Ariana smiled warmly. "I have what I always wanted..." She looked at tiny Stacie. "She's my miracle, she kept me going after my husband's death now I keep going to take care of her and to love the man I've been lucky enough to meet. It's all coming together and I consider myself very lucky."

"Indeed. In some ways, we are all fortunate. I have to get back to the Gallery to help sort things out, can I fetch you anything? " Vox asked.

"Not right now thank you." Ariana smiled. "They'll be kicking me out of here soon to go back to my bed. If I think of anything you'll be the first to know I promise."

"Ok, no problem. Hope to see you soon." Vox replied. He gave a little wave to Stacie and headed out of the doors of the Neonatal Care Unit.

Ariana smiled as she watched Vox go she had no doubt he'd be a great friend and just maybe he'd make a good choice for what humans referred to as a godparent, for Stacey.



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