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Charming Personality - Part 1

Posted on Sun Oct 13th, 2019 @ 7:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Commander Hades,MD

1,003 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: SB 400 (Sickbay)
Timeline: Immediately after rebirth #2


Phalanges, distal, middle, proximal. Metatarsals, cuboid. Lateral, middle, medial cuneiforms. Navicular, calcaneus, talus, fibula, tibia, femur, ilium... Following along behind Hades, paying little attention to where he was actually going, Doctor Corrigan continued her silent recital from one of the first textbooks she had ever taken from her grandfather’s library. Picturing the yellowed and aged pieces of paper, the skeleton faded but the notes still legible if you held the page just so in the right light.

Just as she was preparing to move on to the hip and spine she frowned, realising they had stopped and Hades was looking at her in a way that made her certain he had said something and was getting slightly irritated waiting on an answer. She just had no idea what he had said. “I’m sorry. Millions of miles away ... what did you say?”

Hades sighed. His patience was running thin. He planned to take the afternoon off. "I said have the lab results come in on Sage?" He was pretty sure that they would say that her results would be all over the place up and down depending on what it was. That usually happened for a few days he just had to make sure they were normal results for someone who'd gone though what she had. He was still floored that she'd woken on her own.

“Yes but I’m running them again. Everything was off the charts. That may be normal of course ...” she told him.

"That's normal. Once the transition is fully complete it will settle. I have updated her records though with her new eye colour. It is somewhat disconcerting but normal. I had one person who had blue eyes and then after the transition they settled into yellow catlike. I think she got off easy with the lavender colour. We will need to test her again hearing, sight, cardiac function, the works."

“I’m on until tonight so I can run the less invasive ones before I leave,” Carolyn offered. “Hades ... I’m sorry. About Gypsy. I know she was probably more like family than just a friend ...”

He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, a sure sign that a nerve had been stuck. "Yeah. Rain and a few others have been sent back to the colony." He straightened the collar of his shirt. "The hell of it all is that she lost her life because of me." He was really angry with himself.

“Why on Earth would you think that?” Carolyn asked, genuinely confused. “And who was he?! I mean he just -“ she broke off, closing her eyes as she inwardly started her recital from scratch.

Hades rose from his seat his tricorder out. "Carolyn!"

Hearing the familiar tones of the tricorder, her eyes snapped open as she reached out to close the device. “I’m not hurt,” she assured him, “I promise. So please, put that away. I’m just trying not to think of it because you don’t like me self medicating.”

"Think of what?" A light seemed to go off in his mind. "You've never seen anyone vaporized by a phaser?"

“Can’t say I have,” she commented drily, “and not sure it is something I ever want to see again. And on my bucket list of things I want to remember, it is definitely not on there. At all. She was just gone. And you! I saw you. You were thinking of going for him. You could have been killed!”

He sighed, "Okay, okay. First off talk to Rol about this. Trust me it will help. That is not an easy sight," he said as I he'd seen it a thousand times. "As for me. Splendora is my sister...half sister. I could not let that animal get her."

“I’ll be fine, Rol has enough to deal with,” Carolyn said quickly. “And I get that you wanted to protect her. But what about Kalani? Hades, she would be devastated if anything happened to you and you are both dealing with the loss of the baby.”

"Nevertheless. He is a counselor. If you prefer someone else there are qualified counselors in the department but get counseling. That is an order, non negotiable. As for Kalani she knows the risks of Starfleet." He looked at Carolyn. "I could have gotten to Florence. Damned Gypsy and damned colony thinking I'm some sort of ..... regent to be protected. If she'd just stayed still! If I had just been a second quicker." He stood up and turned towards the window. The sight of the stars always calmed him.

“If wishes were horses...” Carolyn murmured, trying hard not to sound irritated by his order. “If that’s all I’ll schedule in the work ups for Dr Sage. You’ll have the latest labs in about ten minutes.”

He gave a nod. Before she could stand the door opened and Harris walked in. "Um...sorry."

Hades waved a hand. "It's fine. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. All our people have been pulled and are colony bound accept you, myself, Michael, and Splendora. We lost two in addition to Gypsy, one on the Toraday and one on the Heart."

Hades sighed, "John Endoria and Kimon Adams."

Harris gave a nod. He was always in wonder as to how Hades knew them all. "We've also pulled our people from ships, the few scattered through the fleet."

Hades gave a nod. "Also...there is someone from Security here to see you two doctors."

“And we say what?” Carolyn asked.

He looked at Carolyn. "Why don't you tend to Doctor Sage and I'll take care of speaking with them."

“Sounds perfect,” she agreed. When she saw Harris looking at her she arched an eyebrow, “are you really sure you want to stick around? Colonial life would suit you.”

"Oh I'm sticking around...for now."

"Alright! Out with you both." Hades bellowed.

Hades watched them go. He almost sighed with relief for a few precious moments alone.



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