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Walking wounded

Posted on Wed Oct 16th, 2019 @ 5:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

1,210 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD2, 1145 hours

Andy sat on a biobed simply stretched out enjoying the comings and goings of nurses as they went on with their duties. He had planned to see Ariana, have another chance at touching her lovely hair and maybe her lovely skin too but she wasn't around worse luck. But Carolyn was and he had a nice self inflicted wound for her to look at in an embarrassing yet enjoyable location.

“... just found him in the corridor,” Nurse Eddington sighed, her irritation clear as she led Doctor Corrigan towards the treatment room she had put their patient in. “I did explain that we do have other doctors but he was insisting on you. I know you are busy but...”

“That’s alright, thank you,” Carolyn assured the older woman, flashing her a reassuring smile before watching the nurse head away. Curious, Carolyn headed inside the treatment room and stopped in her tracks, “Lieutenant! I didn’t know it was you...”

Taking a deep breath to steel herself, she came all the way into the room. Despite how he behaved before, he was nevertheless a patient. And could he be any worse than what had already happened today?

“What brings you to sickbay?”

Andy grinned. "Well you see..." He pointed to the top of his inside leg. "I was working on a tricky fix, one of my tools slipped and..." He raised his hands. "Purely my own fault but thought I'd best have it looked at." He grinned a sly grin.

“I’m honoured,” Carolyn commented drily as she went to the workstation to sterilise her hands and gather equipment. “I’ll need to cut away some of your uniform so I can clean the wound and patch it up. We can get a fresh uniform replicated for you. Computer, privacy screen and begin recording.”

"A recording? Why doctor don't you trust me!?" Andy grinned as he looked at Carolyn.

“Nothing personal but it is protocol,” Carolyn advised him as she set the tray of equipment down beside the exam table and pulled up a stool. Sitting down she quickly scanned the injury, focused more on the readings than him. “The wound seems minor so you were fortunate. You will need to report the incident either way to the Chief Engineer since this was on duty.”

"By the book as always!" He proposed his head up on his folded arms as he watched her work, focussing on her looks and her fingers as they worked on him.

Setting aside the tricorder she cut away a little more of the torn uniform so she could see the injury better. She had been a doctor far too long to let the location of the wound bother her. Though she could guess he was aiming for that.

Cleaning the wound she reached out for the dermal regenerator.

"So rumour has it you saw someone vapourised?" He looked at Carolyn his Betazoid senses fixed on her emotions and his mind on tweaking the tiniest memory to make it something he could torment with. "Can't imagine how that must have felt."

Hesitating, she shook her head as she activated the device and began her work, having to put one hand on his thigh to hold him still while she worked. “You shouldn’t believe gossip,” she chided, trying to keep her voice light and nonchalant. “Try to hold as still as you can and this will go much faster.”

"Oh it's not gossip though is it?" He smirked as he looked at Carolyn. "I don't have to read your mind to know you're pretty upset by it but hiding it. Your emotions are screaming it!"

“Let’s focus on you,” she said quickly, adjusting the dermal regenerator as she worked.

"Touched a nerve did I doc?" Andy looked at Carolyn watching the way she worked. He had to admit he was enjoying her touch on his skin. "You've got a lovely gentle touch Carolyn, very caring" he smiled. "I wonder what your massage skills would be like."

Carolyn bit back her immediate answer. “You just keep wondering,” she commented lightly.

"Perhaps I will or maybe I might find out one day!" Andy grinned as he looked at Carolyn. "So what is it like to watch someone vapourised Doc? Can't say I've ever seen it happen."

There was a long silence. “We are not talking about this. Stay still for another minute and we’ll be done and you can go.”

"Touched a nerve did I doc, my apologies!" He made it look good for the sake of the recording devices.

“You don’t need to apologise,” Carolyn observed as she set aside the dermal regenerator and pushed away from him. “The site of the wound may be painful for the next hour or so. I can give you something for the pain?”

"Don't worry about that Doc, I'm a tough guy" Andy smiled as he moved. "Don't suppose you'd care to join me later?"

“Still wondering huh?” she asked as she turned to set the equipment tray aside and began writing up his chart. “Computer, end monitoring -“

Andy grinned to himself and as he stood he purposely allowed himself to fall toppling into Carolyn, pinning her to the floor beneath him. "Sorry Doc! I err...guess my leg wasn't as great as I thought." His hands stroked her skin as he pushed himself up.

Carolyn winced as pain shot up her shoulder from where it had struck the edge of the workstation. “Keep your hands to yourself thanks,” she said as she waited for him to get off of her.

"Of course" Andy smiled to himself as he got up and played up the weak leg a little for show. "I'll be off then doc I'll make sure I report my injury like you said."

Picking herself up off the floor, Carolyn gestured to the door, “you do that. Speak to a nurse and they will get you a fresh uniform. Computer, deactivate privacy screen.”

"I'll do that thanks" Andy smiled and turned to head away the grin on his face.

Carolyn stood in silent and watched him go. Her head snapped up when Mendez came into sight, “Mendez, I know you are technically not on duty yet but I need to borrow you.”

With a bright and overly confident smile he breezed into the room but stopped when he saw the overturned equipment tray and took in the way she held her arm. “Trouble?”

“Patient decided to try walking before he could crawl,” she assured him with a rueful smile. “I think... anyway, think you could bring yourself to do some general medicine for five minutes?”

“It has been a while...” Mendez teased before his smile faded. “What is it?”

“Just, he creeps me out,” Carolyn admitted. “Come on, we have surgeries booked and I can’t do anything with a busted shoulder.”

“Want me to call Security?”

“And I say what? That a patient made me uncomfortable and then fell on me?” She challenged. “No, it’s okay. But next time, you or Harris can treat him. Or Hades.”

New uniform collected Andy walked out of Sickbay grinning like a Cheshire Cat. He had plans for Carolyn and a few other women too."



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